俄罗斯驻扎在叙利亚的基地遭受13架无人机袭击 Russia's base in Syria has been attacked by 13 unmanned aerial vehicles

in #news7 years ago

本次袭击俄罗斯空军 总共有13架无人机参与了攻击俄驻叙军事基地。根据公开的照片,参与袭击的无人机(上图)是固定翼无人机,携带了由炮弹改装而来的炸弹

。 A total of 13 UAVs involved in the attack on the Russian Air Force participated in the attack on Russian military bases in the Syrian Syrian army. According to the public photos, the unmanned aerial vehicle (above) was fixed wing UAV, carrying bomb reformed by shell.


In the view of aviation experts, although these drones have military combat capability, but whether it is from the aerodynamic layout or manufacturing materials, these UAV technology level stays on the model level, the bomb tail can be seen is the use of plastic material, the overall performance and the protection level is not at the same level.

俄罗斯对无人机采用直接火力击毁的手段,也使用了地面电磁干扰技术对无人机进行干扰。其中6架无人机被干扰成功,3架迫降在基地外,另外3架直接坠毁。 在直接火力拦截上,此次反无人机作战中,俄军的“铠甲”-S1防空系统摧毁了7架无人机 。 这次袭击没有造成俄方人员伤亡和物质损失。 

Russia has used the means of direct fire destruction and the use of ground electromagnetic interference (EMI) to disturb the UAV. 6 unmanned aerial vehicles were successfully disrupted, 3 were forced to fall outside the base, and the other 3 were directly crashed. In the direct fire interception, the anti UAV combat, the Russian armour -S1 air defense system destroyed 7 UAVs. The attack did not cause casualties and material losses to the Russians.

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