No Mercy For The Crypto Idiots

in #news7 years ago

For the past 2 days the markets have been correcting pretty violently. The stories of success and easy money have quickly turned into stories of misery and pain. In all fairness though, fuck those who invested irresponsibly.

No matter the point in history, there are always idiots that supply the market with money. I am partially grateful for them but at the same time these guys cause more harm. I see people that have worked like bees their entire lives only to unload everything in scams like Bitconnect. Others take credit card loans and double mortgage their house. When it comes to finding ways to make easy money these economic retards have an inverse ability to risk management. How very surprising.

One doesn't even need to have basic education in order to understand the concept of a ponzi. Yet, time after time, people fall for them with idiots multiplying in even greater numbers each time. This fact demonstrates one undeniable truth: Most people are idiots, willingly idiots. They also happen to live among us, vote and guide economic policy due to their numbers. They also have confidence, stubbornness and they will shit on you if you try to advice them beforehand.

The best way is not to help these people. If someone was stupid enough to put their life savings in cryptocurrencies while not understanding how it works then they deserve to lose it all and some more. This is simply a matter of survival. Much like natural selection they need to be wiped out economically, so hopefully they won't procreate and create more economic idiots. Nature has a way. We should not intervene in its path by disturbing the balance.

...but...but....humans are different....riiight?

But you see, the government, won't allow this to happen. It will come to save these morons because they are the bread and butter of its own operation. It will deem necessary to "regulate" the markets because most people are functionally retarded beyond eating, fucking and shitting. And these simpletons that should have died out in some street corner they will get assistance and be able to procreate — yet again irresponsibly — successfully sustaining this perpetual moronic cycle.

If you are a true believer of cryptocurrencies and decentralisation and really want something better for our species then let these shitheads crash and burn. You will be doing humanity a favour. The alternative option is that you will have to pay taxes to sustain them and their offspring. Remember, whatever gets subsidised we end up with more of it. Human stupidity is no different.


there will always be a no-brainers looking for a quick buck you cant wipe them out, only you can watch them crash and burn


and buy while it is cheap :)

Yess i agree with you @ every dip if you can.

Dude!!!! U are on 👉🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥🤯😁😂👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Boom. Brutal, but true.

On the other hand you have the crypto diehards screaming HODL and telling everyone that it'll never go down. I've lost count of the number of times I've been in a discussion with people pointing out it's a ponzi scheme only for some crypto enthusiast to come in and defend tooth and nail how it'll never go down and it's going to the moon eventually. You've got big personalities like Craig Grant, dollar vigilante and John McAfee telling everyone it'll go to insane heights and advertising/selling this stuff.

As to "stupidity" the bottom line is no one knows everything. The best doctor in the world might not be very financially sophisticated. I don't think letting 70% of our population die off because they aren't financially well educated and listened to people that claimed to be is really good for society either.

It always sounds like a good idea to get rid of the "useless" part of society and then the top tier "led full, rich and happy lives until they were all suddenly wiped out by a virulent disease contracted from a dirty telephone". ;)

Life has a natural way to teach its lessons, all of us are under it in some area one way or another.
Let nature take its course and be thankful for the wisdom we gain each day.

Hahahaha... there's a lot of these kind all over the place!

So Much Blood!!! Crypto Bloody Bath. China Horror Story

I'm deleting my comments.
Being down voted by Content censoring whales sucks
and hurts minnows who only earn 0.01 per post/comment anyhow
This whale BS will kill STEEM imho

Blow the trumpet 🎺! Fire on 🔥🔥🔥!....... Is fire aaaah! 🔥🔥🔥 Burn all the enemies.

That has been one of my greatest concerns about cryptos and possible government interference: that some pencilheads will get the idea that idiots need to be protected from their own stupidity, thereby ruining the market for everyone else.

Maybe it's not very charitable, but anyone unable to look at ScamConnect and notice that the math never added up deserves pretty much what they get.

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