Nanotechnology in the State of New York: SUNY as a university and state corporations have turned to Silicon Valley of the XXI century

in #news8 years ago

Since the 1990s, New York (USA) became the region with troubled economies in the leading center in the field of nanotechnology research and development. This is a good example of how a private initiative of local authorities can globally convert highly competitive sector of the economy. Attracting major investment in university R & D infrastructure and establishing effective cooperation with the private sector and regional construction companies, New York was able to change the competitive landscape in the US semiconductor industry, returned to a significant portion of the flow of investment and jobs in this high-tech industry.

Centre for Development of semiconductor nanotechnology in New York, is a branch of the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY Albany) and its constituent College of Nanoscale Science and Technology (Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, CNSE). SUNY - the largest US university, numbering 88,000 people faculty members and 468,000 students, the University's annual budget for R & D is about 1 billion US dollars.. Long-term state investments in the research infrastructure of the University allowed him to become a key economic driver in the region and one of the leading nanotechnology centers in the world.

On the territory of SUNY-Albany University is one of six high-tech state of the clusters created to bring together university research and development with regional innovation projects. Formation of innovation clusters has been made possible thanks to the efficient interaction of state government, the University administration and big business.

As a result, since the early 2000s in New York City has implemented a number of major investment projects in the field of high-tech, nanotech and semiconductors, it has been created so-called "Technology Valley" - the center of the most advanced semiconductor manufacturing in the world and "Nanotechnology corridor" - R & D centers in the field of nanotechnology, and the New York became known as the Silicon valley of the XXI century.

All these achievements are remarkable by the fact that the main initiator and investor of the project was not the federal government, and the management staff and high-tech companies, and their implementation is carried out through the SUNY university, regional civil organizations and the local private business.

"Technology Valley" New York State

US Semiconductor Industry: Benefits and Challenges

The United States is home to the semiconductor industry, and US semiconductor companies are leaders in terms of technological development and global market share. However, the semiconductor industry is faced with constant challenges as well as improved technology leads to a continuous decrease in the size of semiconductor chips up to the physical limits of miniaturization. Because of this, the cost of development and production increases dramatically: for example, the cost of the plant for the production of semiconductor wafers current generation (300 mm) is more than 3 billion dollars, and next-generation wafers (450 mm) - up to 10 billion dollars and above...

Semiconductor companies respond to these challenges, the establishment of collaborations and, increasingly, outsourcing research and production functions, as they are the most costly and risky. More and more semiconductor companies worldwide, including the United States, work on the principle of fabless, that is, bought the production of their own independent factories manufacturing (foundry), providing services on a contractual basis.

USA began to lose its leadership position in the semiconductor industry since the early 1980s., As other countries (especially Japan) began to look for ways to develop their own semiconductor industries. The trend towards outsourcing of research and production functions, apparent in the 1990s., Was due to the establishment in countries such as China, Korea, Israel and others. Own semiconductor factories, ready to take orders of US companies at significantly lower prices due to low local taxes, cheap labor and the general public support.

In addition, some states provide a US semiconductor companies substantial preferences in developing their local research and production departments. In 2005, Israel signed an agreement with Intel, in which the corporation has built in Kiryat Gat modern semiconductor manufacturing Fab28 (45 nm, 300 mm) in exchange for tax incentives totaling $ 1 billion..

Prospects of large-scale migration of semiconductor manufacturing and research centers from the United States to other countries, especially in East Asia, causing justified concern of the US government, as are the significant detriment of the security and technological competitiveness. Competence in the field of R & D process - ie, intellectual property and know-how necessary for the operation of semiconductor manufacturing - concentrated directly around the most modern production facilities. Outsourcing of production or total absence of the state means the loss of highly qualified personnel and intellectual property rights, which are indispensable for the functioning of a competitive industry.

Similarly, complex supply chain, ensuring the production of wafers and other technology and metrology functions are also concentrated directly around the plants. Obviously, these trends have had a negative effect on the US economy and jeopardize many related industries.

Technological innovation in the State of New York

Increasing competitive pressure on the US semiconductor industry has been skillfully used by the leadership of the State of New York to deal with the economic decline of the region in the 1990s. At the initiative of then-Governor George Pataki State (George Pataki) working group of stakeholders from government and business was assembled to address the problem of job losses in traditional sectors of the economy of New York, as the steel industry, as well as high-tech companies based in the state : General Electric, Xerox, Kodak.

Developed by the governor's working group strategy involves pooling of research and development, education and business around scientific innovation center based at the University. Under the influence of IBM innovation thematic area of ​​nanotechnology have been chosen - that is, the ability to manipulate matter at the atomic level. The choice was due to the versatility of nanotechnology and possibilities of their application in various fields: communications, electronics, clean energy, pharmaceuticals and medicine, aviation, aerospace and military applications. In addition, a choice influenced by an active member of the Working Group, a materials scientist Alain Kaloyeros (Alain Kaloyeros), in the early 1990s served as professor at the University of the SUNY-Albany [1].

The most obvious area of ​​application of nanotechnology in the state of New York has become the semiconductor industry. Already since the 1960s. in Fishkill, NY, semiconductor manufacturing functioning of IBM. Despite the fact that IBM has the most advanced capabilities in the field of microelectronics, by 1980 th years. Corporation recognized that as the costs and risks in the production of microelectronic forced to rely increasingly on external sources of supply and to the collaboration with foreign manufacturers to provide a stable supply of advanced components for their electronic products and systems.

IBM actively participated in many government and industry initiatives to address the growing technological problems and maintain a stable supplier base capable of providing corporation components required quality and volume. The most significant of those initiatives was the establishment in 1987, SEMATECH Research Consortium, created to enhance the quality and competitiveness of the US semiconductor industry.


The organization SEMATECH (SEmiconductor MAnufacturing TECHnology) was established in 1987 as a non-profit or non-profit consortium that carries out basic research on advanced technologies of semiconductor integrated circuits at stages of pre-competitive (non-industrial) applications. SEMATECH was created on the initiative of the US government as a partnership between the government and 14 US semiconductor companies to ensure US technological superiority of the semiconductor industry over the competition from Japan, which is ranked first in the world in production of semiconductor devices in the mid-1980s. For legal support work SEMATECH consortium in the United States in 1984 it adopted a number of legislative acts, including: Semiconductor Chip Protection Act has provided intellectual property protection, and National Cooperative Research Act weakened antitrust (anti-trust) restrictions on joint ventures, engaged in research and development.

The original members of SEMATECH began 14 largest microelectronics companies in the US: AT & T Microelectronics, Advanced Micro Devices, IBM, Digital Equipment, Harris Semiconductor, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, LSI Logic, Micron Technology, Motorola, NCR, National Semiconductor, Rockwell International and Texas Instruments. Initially, most companies have no interest in the government's initiative and were included in the consortium under government pressure. SEMATECH's annual budget was 200 million. Dollars. During the first five years, half of the annual budget has paid the US government through the Agency for Advanced Research (DARPA) Defense Ministry. The remainder shall be paid to the participants SEMATECH in the amount of 1% of their sales. The minimum payment is $ 1 million, and the maximum -. 15 million dollars.. About three years continuously predicts the collapse of the consortium, but two years later SEMATECH Board of Directors felt the benefits of the partnership, the government bought out the share of the whole budget was the only form of contributions SEMATECH members.

In 1994 it was removed the restriction on the participation of foreign partners in the consortium included the largest semiconductor manufacturers in other countries: Infineon (Germany), NEC (Japan), Panasonic (Japan), Samsung (Korea), Toshiba (Japan), TSMC (Taiwan ), and others. SEMATECH members produce a total output of greater than 50% of the global semiconductor IP market. In accordance with its status, he SEMATECH can not be engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing of semiconductor products. SEMATECH members provide the financial resources and the basic research personnel for the consortium. Of the total staff of the consortium of 400 220 people - they are representatives of participating companies, who had to work from 6 to 30 months in the main research center of the consortium in Austin, Texas.

New York State Guide sought ways to strengthen the position of the state in the semiconductor region since the mid-1980s. When forming SEMATECH in 1987, New York had tried unsuccessfully to become a place of the consortium-based (instead organization settled in Texas). In 1988, at the initiative of the then governor of New York Mario Cuomo (Mario Cuomo) at the University of the SUNY-Albany was introduced an advanced training program for solid-state technology. In 1995, the first major investments were made in education and scientific infrastructure SUNY-Albany. In the early 2000s, an agreement was signed on cooperation between the SUNY-Albany and IBM to create did not have analogues in the world research center in nanoelectronics and prototyping on wafers with a diameter of 300 mm.

The state government has developed a large-scale grant program for the development of research infrastructure of the semiconductor industry, which has been widely supported by industry and, in some cases, the federal government:
New York State has allocated $ 85 mln. For the construction of the Innovation center in nanoelectronics and nanotechnology (Center of Excellence in Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology, CENN). The total amount of public-private investment amounted to 185 mln. Dollars, the main private investor made IBM.

New York State has allocated 100 million. Dollars for the development of semiconductor manufacturing technology in the Innovation center of Albany. The total amount of public-private investment amounted to 300 million. Dollars, the main private investor made Tokyo Electron.

New York State has allocated 35 mln. Dollars to support the interconnection and giperintegratsii Center (Interconnect Focus Center for Hyper-Integration), dealing with the technology of nanosized interconnects. The project is co-financed by the agency DARPA and the Microelectronics Advanced Research Corporation (MARCO).

Create R & D infrastructure for many of these projects are partially funded by private investment through NGOs Fuller Road Management Corporation, a private corporation that was created on the basis of partnership Research Foundation of the University of New York and the University at Albany Foundation to manage the built objects nanotechnology cluster.

In September 2001, New York Governor George Pataki, with the participation of Professor the SUNY-Albany Alain Kaloyerosa met with President Robert Helms SEMATECH (Robert (Bob) Helms), which persuaded him to open in New York SEMATECH Research Center. The deal, announced in 2002, marked the beginning of scientific research cooperation between the SUNY-Albany and SEMATECH. Under the agreement, the investment in the joint research from state and SEMATECH totaled 160 million and 40 million dollars respectively..; The SUNY-Albany and SEMATECH invested 120 million dollars in material terms (including know-how, had at SEMATECH available).; IBM has invested $ 100 million in equipment and other resources to the university.; New York has invested an additional 50 million. dollars in the construction of two research laboratories in Albany.

The arrival in New York in 2000-2002. SEMATECH consortium and the Japanese company Tokyo Electron marked the beginning of a stable and ever-increasing influx of manufacturers and suppliers of semiconductor devices and equipment in the area of ​​Albany. SEMATECH and Tokyo Electron are involved primarily in the construction of the university research center of semiconductor wafers with a diameter of 300 mm. Held in the first half of the 2000s. the transition of the semiconductor industry with a plate diameter of 200 mm to 300 mm will significantly reduce the cost of products, but due to the unprecedented level of investment in research and development and construction of factories. Creating a research center 300 mm in Albany give small businesses access to the equipment, which previously could only afford the industry giants. Thanks to full-scale investment in research infrastructure, the SUNY-Albany, access to which can get other companies, the state of New York was able to collect in one place all the key factors necessary for the formation of a nanotechnology cluster.

Since 2005, investments in the Albany area grew even more. In 2005, ASML, one of the world's largest manufacturers of semiconductor processing equipment, today announced 325 million. Dollars of investment in Albany. IBM, Advanced Micro Devices, Micron Technology and Infineon have invested 600 million. Dollars, and the state has invested 180 mln. In the INVENT consortium created for the integration of the technical capabilities of companies for the development of advanced lithography technology. In September 2005, IBM and Applied Materials jointly invested another 300 million. Dollars in nanotechnology research and development to Albany.
In 2006, AMD announced plans to build a plant for the production of semiconductor wafers cost 3.2 bln. Dollars in Saratoga County, which was the result of almost eight years of negotiations between the company and the state leadership. In 2008, IBM entered into with the State of New York for 1.6 billion. Dollar contract, which included the construction of a research center of MEMS and semiconductor encapsulation technologies to 675 jobs and a total area of ​​12 000 m2. Own and manage the center was created in the SUNY-Albany structure College Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNSE). In 2010, a consortium SEMATECH announced that completely transforms its operations from Austin, Texas, in Albany.

As a result, in the state of New York was able to form a cluster of nanotechnology in the field of nano- and microelectronics, which unites almost the entire production cycle of development and production of advanced semiconductor components, including training, development and production of test specimens, their commercial production, development and production of the necessary tools , equipment and tooling.

CNSE: College of Nanoscale Science and Technology

In 2004, as part of SUNY-Albany was established College Nanoscale Science and Technology (Colleges of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, CNSE), the purpose of which was to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of nanotechnology. The initiator of the CNSE made by the then Governor of New York George Pataki, who was convinced that the creation of a college of nanotechnology will lead to the formation of high-tech cluster. The teaching staff was recruited from SUNY other institutions and commercial companies, in addition, CNSE has begun to attract researchers (including those from IBM and SEMATECH), who worked on a research position at the University. By 2007, the number of students at CNSE was 120 against the original 40, and the staff were involved outstanding scientists, for example, a leading expert on carbon nanotubes Ji Ung Lee (Ji Ung Lee) from GE Global Research Company.

CNSE's Guide. In the center - Alain Kaloyeros, president and CEO SUNY-Albany.

In 2006, the stock exchange edition Small Time named CNSE «№1 college for the study of nanotechnology." In 2007, a consortium SEMATECH placed on the territory of CNSE its headquarters, thereby building area of ​​23,000 m2 and a cost of 100 million. $ (NanoFab East) was built at the college. The presentation in 2008 the executive director of SEMATECH Polkari Michael (Michael R. Polcari) noted that, although the research activities of the consortium in Albany confined mainly lithography, "the future will be carried out in Albany nearly every major research SEMATECH projects, including the development of technology three-dimensional interconnects. " According to him, "in CNSE is going on most of the technological breakthroughs that are working on SEMATECH members, creating a more powerful computer chips with greater profitability. Nanotechnology College led cutting-edge research in the field of so-called extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, where the light with extremely short wavelength is used for etching on the plate the smallest components and circuits "[2].

By 2015, CNSE trained more than 400 students studying in 4 directions:
Nanoscale science (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.)
Nanotechnics (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.)
Nanobiotechnology (Ph.D.)
Economy nano (Ph.D.)

The composition of CNSE included a large number of research centers and laboratories, where faculty members, students and representatives of commercial companies realized a lot of research programs. Below is a list of just some of them:
Development center in the field of solar energy. Partners: SEMATECH, Consortium photoelectric USA.
Centre of Excellence in the field of nanomaterials and nanoelectronics (CATN2).
Center for nanoscale lithography (CNL). Partner: Vistec Lithography, Inc.
Center for Semiconductor Technology Research (CSR). Partners: IBM, Advanced Micro Devices, SONY, Toshiba, Tokyo Electron, Applied Materials.
R & D Center in the field of computer chip integration (CICC). Partners: IBM and SEMATECH.
R & D Center of Applied Materials.

The core of the CNSE in Albany Nanotechnology is a set of (NanoTech Complex) with the material base area (teaching, laboratory and office space) 120 000 m2. Area clean room first class of 12 500 m2., They have collected a unique laboratory and production facilities, including a fully integrated production line pilot prototypes of integrated circuits on wafers 300 mm in diameter and 450 mm. In nanotechnology CNSE complex employs more than 4,000 scientists, researchers, engineers, students and teachers. CNSE centers and laboratories are located not only inside nanocluster Albany, but also beyond its borders throughout the state of New York (Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Canandaigua, Utica). The total value of investment in the development of CNSE is more than 43 bln. Dollars.

Significant and CNSE scale integration with industrial companies and corporations. The number of corporate partners CNSE is more than 300, and includes the world's leading companies and consortia in the field of nano- and microelectronics: IBM, Intel, GlobalFoundries, Samsung, TSMC, Toshiba, Applied Materials, Tokyo Electron, ASML, Lam Research, SEMATECH, is G450C.Vse CNSE turns into the world's leading research and educational center for nanotechnology as the concentration of specialists, as well as for investments in infrastructure and the volume of work performed.

Infrastructure CNSE

CNSE owned infrastructure, not only on campus in Albany, but also across the state. The table below shows the basic properties CNSE and available in their technological capabilities.
Production resources CNSE

According to official information CNSE, nanotechnological complex in Albany is a fully integrated system of training, research, development and prototyping, providing strategic support to the corporate residents of the complex through coordination with government agencies, the acceleration of technology, business incubation, pilot prototyping and measurement.

Research and industrial infrastructure of the complex provides a full cycle of works in areas such as nano- and microelectronics, nanophotonics and optoelectronics, nanotechnology and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS), nanoenergetika.

semiconductor manufacturing

The world's largest full range of equipment for production on wafers 450 mm in diameter:
development and production under the auspices of the Consortium G450C: CNSE, IBM, Intel, Samsung, TSMC, Global Foundries;
Rated 14/10 nm technology;
is developing technologies 10-7 nm;
in 2016 the readiness of equipment will be 96%;
lithography equipment installation plan for 450 mm:
2013 - Prototyping, 193i: structuring nodes of 14 nm
2014 - Beta, 193 i / dry
2014 - Beta testing, EUV
2015 - Launch 193i / dry production
2016 - EUV production start
2016 - production of 193i / dry
2017 - production of EUV

The plot is an integrated line for 450 mm wafers.

Production on wafers 300 mm in diameter
clean manufacturing facilities with a total area of ​​12 500 m2;
rated technology: 14 nm, 22 nm, 28 nm, 32 nm, 45 nm, 65 nm, 90 nm CMOS and RF CMOS;
is developing technologies 10-7 nm;
a full set of equipment more than 120 units;
production capacity of 5,000 wafers starts per month (30 per day);
pilot line operating 24/7;

Lithography (MUV, 193i, EUV, e-beam);
deposition film (metal, CVD, dielectrics);
chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP);
masks sets (90 nm, 65 nm, 32 nm, TSV);
CMOS integration (passive RF components, RF FETs, MDM capacitors MEMS).
heat treatment (Cu annealing);
metallization (FEOL: NiPt (5%), Ti, TiN, TiOx, Si, Ta, TaN, TaOx BEOL:. Ta, TaN, Cu, Ti).
liquid him.obrabotka
analyzes (AES, FIB, SEM, SIMS, TEM, XPS, AFM)

Comparison plate 300 mm in diameter and 450 mm in the first plate-structured method 193nm immersion lithography (193i). June 2014.

Production on plates of 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm
clean room complexes in NANOFAB 200 and NanoFab North;
substrate material: silicon, glass, ceramics and polymers.
manufactured devices: MEMS bioMEMS, RF MEMS, microfluidics, microoptics, 3D processing.

thin film deposition (PVD, ALD, PECVD, evaporation;
structuring (installation EVG Bonder / Aligner);
etching (liquid, TMAH, KOH, dry, oxygen);
bonding (anodic, thermocompression, epoxy, temporary);
chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP)
full measurement cycle.

In addition microelectronic production for the needs of the participants nanocluster, CNSE accepts orders for manufacturing wafers 200 mm in diameter and 300 mm from third parties who are not residents of CNSE. In this case, the applicant should contact the Business Development Vice-President of the CNSE to assess the feasibility of the project, its approximate duration and cost. In the case of agreement in principle to the terms of, the applicant fills out an application form for processing plates and directs it together with the technical documentation (topology, to masks requirements, plates, measurements) to CNSE, where billed at work. After that, the parties signed a contract for the processing of wafers and the project is queued for production.

Global Consortium G450C

In September 2011, Governor Andrew Cuomo (Andrew Cuomo) announced the signing of an agreement between the State of New York and five leading microelectronics companies: IBM, Global Foundries, Samsung, Intel and TSMC for the establishment of the State of New York production of the next generation of semiconductor-based on 450 mm plates. States must invest in CNSE $ 400 million, provided that the budget money will not be directed to any particular company consortium. Five members of the consortium, in turn, pledged to collectively invest 4 billion. $.

Established structure called the Global Consortium for the development and implementation of wafers 450 mm in diameter (Global 450mm Wafer Development and Deployment Consortium, G450C). The headquarters is located in the territory of the consortium nanocluster CNSE in NanoFab Xtension building, and here is the one of the lines for wafers 450 mm (design capacity is planned in 2016).

Creating a consortium intended to simplify the creation of the State of New York semiconductor manufacturing technology to a new generation of 450 mm wafers at the investment cost more than 10 billion. $ Per plant. According to forecasts G450C is to create a total of 2,500 new high-tech jobs in the state, and the number of jobs created in the construction sector in 1500 amounted to Albany.

The objectives of the G450C is the implementation of two projects:
IBM and its technology partners directing their efforts to develop and manufacture semiconductor structures Technology 22 nm and 14 nm in order to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency produced nanochips.
Five members of the consortium directed efforts for the implementation of the process of transition to 300 mm wafers to 450 mm wafers, in order to increase profitability on a per nanochips.

Project participants from CNSE acts Research Foundation of State University of New York (SUNY Research Foundation), from the State of New York - Urban Development Corporation of New York through the company Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC).

Under the terms of the project №1 IBM has invested a total of over $ 3.6 billion in R & D and prototyping technology of 22 nm and 14 nm at three sites:. In the territory of the nanocluster CNSE in Albany and on the IBM plant in Fishkill and Yorktown Heights.

Because of the unique scale of the financial and human resources that New York can attract due to its geographically-economic situation, the applicability of the model of development of nanotechnology New York is limited to the level of other US states and smaller territorial units of other countries. However, the basic principles of this model could be successfully used to solve similar problems on a broader regional and national level, including in Russia.

Prepared according to the open-source and official websites of the organizations mentioned

[1] Best Practices in State and Regional Innovation Initiatives.Ed. Ch.W.Wessne. Washington D.C. 2013

[2] "SEMATECH Boss Touts NanoCollege Research," The Times Union May 20, 2008.


Amazing what has happened to SUNY Albany. Was there from '86' til '90' and it's become almost unrecognizably huge since..

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