READER GET INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT and European Court Human Rights STOP HARM England Mass Murder

in #news7 months ago

Sequence 1 of 2 or 3 see other harm to human england. Lifetime harm. I am in harm united kingdom, afford me international safety and international safety of others in england and also human populations. Take action.

International Mayday Bonjour International Mayday

I need immediate international safety from my torture and harm done to me as follows. Canadian police get international court order immediately for my safety, what waiting for, death? Accomplices to a crime against me, this is not a small crime, it is a larger crime than anyone should experience in life having also been socially putting myself out there. This is a crime to a working person to damage skills and working person, intent is obvious for harm to life to kill at any cost, state murder is also obvious this is a person at life, what going to try and do kill further without acting, suffocating, Canadian police you can see what got here, take action go get international court order for my safety and restoration to human life standing. The english have followed methods to cause real harm, Nina has done stuff and disappeared knowing it would force a man to take life, I know police have intent because no one allows this level of harm on any. You come to me even an insect and I see you in harm, I try to resolve you to safety (note also farmer agriculture you harm me), suffocating. Police Canadian police stop HARMING ME end harm, inhumane harm extending 1999 to now. Living killing what you watching, you got a wanted section for people who do this to people. TAKE ACTION CANADIAN POLICE. Inhumane. Sales Executive? Director? Take action CANADIAN POLICE get INTERNATIONAL COURT ORDER.

What have they done to me doing to me. CANADIAN POLICE do you have humanity in you, please get immediate international court order to recover me to humane conditions, and as follows... DO NOT BE FURTHER INHUMANE, working professional, suffocating not sustained, in inhumane harm to my humanity extending since 1999 and got any issues then find Kozan and Lauren at police station re something else and see what year that was, see 10 years Queen Elizabeth II contacts (1 per year usually). PLEASE STOP HARMING ME. I haven't been held to my humanity, there is no slavery, and $2 in business and no mind in business few months after coming gov tells me intent was for my murder.

Let's face it Canadian government a living murder is happening, do not delay, Canadian police, get immediate international court order for my safety, my humanity and restore to life from torture and harm to me 1999 to now by English women. The UK is holding people behind screens, torturing them inhumanely till dead. Not little crime, not little torture but lifelong that required its people to do, there is documented evidence, I have digital records of financial earnings, staff members all digitally logged, even neighbor all logged. CANADIAN POLICE, suffocating, inhumane get immediate international court order stop further harm, it is liable on any contact, so please act. LIABLE. It never goes away harm done. Accomplise in crime. Get out of it, afford me safety Canadian police from harm to me, profession, life, and company, HELP, harm to life.

Suffocating, inhumane take action CANADIAN POLICE, immediately secure international court order for my humane safety from harms on me and restore to life.

STOP MURDER, STOP INTENT FOR FURTHER HARM TO MY LIFE STOP INTENT TO CONTINUE TILL DEAD AND SOLVE AFTER we know where this has been intended to be headed and plan for harm must be stopped and restore to life standing I have inalienable rights get immediate international court order for my safety. As harmful intent is seen by state and english women (there is no go to someone else, it has to be resolved harm on me, not left till dead DO NOT LET A LIFE DIE IN THIS CONDITION because when uncover what done to me and too long that this is not normal for any human life to any degree of crime on my life, Harm to life, please act Canadian police, this is not humane have a look at the musician, the person, this is inhumane harm, please please please act right now Canadian police from perspective holiday maker or anything this is not living life, get international court order immediately for my humanity. Suffocating, inhumane, please please please right now Canadian police, please stop further inhumane harm to me, I come out of work, there is call made to Nina morning, lunch, and after work, from mobile, find voice mail messages. Canadian police I am in harm, inhumane harm extending since 1999, the torture of me must end, how holding this person, this is not life standing, sales executive is Kozan on par with everyone in the office, or in last office or last or company director. REITERATING DUPLICATED AS IN INHUMANE HARM. CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order effective remedy immediately same day today, International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of harms on me 9 months Wishing Well, and harms 1999 to now and as follows. Take action right now CANADIAN POLICE. As well as re what follows... Stop further harm from Nina and english women. Restore its a hot summers day, I remember Nina walking out and they strangled me at Rachels, fractures, tortured by police contacts resolve back to social end how kept, but they continued on, I know stereotypical ideas of age because bouncy living person, social. I know how make the mutilations and suicide, I know england trying to cover up Cyprus genocide (cyprus isn't a concept to me raised english). I know level of harm is forced suicide. I need Canadian police to end my harm just as if you find those Wanted section and they are wanted, and you find them and free the harmed from harm. Canadian police immedietly you can see how kept, go get international court order and all means restore me from harms to my humanity and back to living condition. There is no slavery, $2 in business in a month doesn't exist. Canadian police stop further harm to me, find Nina and get restorative justice. Put police and gov away from holding suffocating and killing people in this inhumane methods, while holding people out of life standing, take action on Nina.

In harm, take action, I am a brit. Modern world. At work, talk of others going to raves at work, why harm me, social, life is normal (note north english populations kind, borough will continue thug motive drive by's murder, please intervene get international court order). I have right to my humanity. I am being given outside of scope of any other treatment, I don't see the other workers same age being treated like they 100+, I don't see this on any. CANADIAN POLICE TAKE ACTION, suffocating, remember I been part of english populations. Please remember Canadian police this person, me has to go and build companies up, same as Google, same as Dial-A-Phone, same as the marketing professionals who came to me to build others companies, please remember this is not humane condition, and CANADIAN POLICE as in harm, and no can not fool with ideas of professionals out raving, and have junky in mind nor anything other than real life. IN HARM IN HARM Canadian police stop further harm, go get international court order for my safety, restore my human rights, civil rights, stop inhumane harm.

I am on phone to business owners at work, many, managers, which means I have to be the greatest, what harm is on Kozan is any one of them like this, tell me have they been kept socially, humanely, are they suffocating, are they inhumanely masturbating not sustained as lives, forced suicides. Put an end, do not let canadian police this country and its english women to kill further with lifelong harm, people can all be found inhumane harm to my humanity, I am not being held humanely and in harm to my humanity, real harm, force take your life harm, STOP FURTHER HARM by Nina and what has gone on 1999 to now, DO NOT LET THEM MURDER ME IN THIS CONDITION canadian police, get international court order now and restore me to humane conditions, I have been with english all my life but these have held me in harm, and police as seen tortured me repeatedly with gov 4 years, find what england done to me and others and the world.

LIFE is harmed, Canadian police, stop harm on me, I have inalienable rights, suffocating, if don't give people water how long do you think they can anything, food, what about humanity, clearly $2 is too low and no mind in business, torture, Canadian police STOP HARM. HARM. Take action Canadian police, get international court order for my humane safety.

Pass this to the international criminal court as well when you go there for immediate assistance, are you a working person, do you use a computer at work, are you a human, so you know. GUILTY.

Get immediate assistance CANADIAN POLICE Get injunctions and enforcements through international court order on nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of 1999 Lauren and all to now approximately 100 english women all same method withhold love and love making. REITERATING DUPLICATED AS IN INHUMANE HARM. CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order effective remedy immediately same day today, International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of harms on me 9 months Wishing Well, and harms 1999 to now and as follows. Take action right now CANADIAN POLICE. As well as re what follows...

DO NOT LEAVE THIS FURTHER TAKE ACTION, get international court order for harms on me. Is your country terminating no disrespect your own holiday maker to your country this is not normal for any. Get injunctions and enforcements through international court order on nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of 1999 Lauren and all to now approximately 100 english women all same method withhold love and love making. REITERATING DUPLICATED AS IN INHUMANE HARM. CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order effective remedy immediately same day today, International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of harms on me 9 months Wishing Well, and harms 1999 to now and as follows. Take action right now CANADIAN POLICE. As well as re what follows...

As mutilation of uncle and police close near has happened suicide or murder, and attempted murder on me and harms as follows read the following paragraph and immediately act for my human safety CANADIAN POLICE. You are watching a live murder please intervene from state murder. Holding 100% out of life, easy to do and Wishing Well will show as stayed 9 months, enough to in Canada you would also be aware to find social, lover, life and 9 months later looking human. I also think you should check out whether Wishing Well was using mental health patients to get them to keep buying drinks and so corruption, but that's another matter. Police go get international court order for my safety right now. You can see living murder, you can do this to anyone, do I have works registered at the British Library, you can not have a man suffocating $2 in a month in business. POLICE CANADA you are watching a crime as though I am in your country and you are performing on me, STOP YOUR CRIME. International intervention needed, we link DARPA US Military on computer and internet US england with a new name, so link britain, failed france, england Canada, you are accomplices, take action. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION. Police find Nina, and get international court order immediately to restore to humane conditions, restore human rights, civil rights, equality and end anti social behaviour same could be said of rest. Can T Harv Eker be turned into this nazi toy we got going on here. The methods are all here, CANADIAN POLICE go get international court order for my safety 1999 to now harm, inhumane degrading. I have a right to life. Go to gov to safely house and handle all this and what done to me, get them to unearth these hidden tortures, and convict all gov workers and english women who do this and restore to life. MASS MURDER.

REITERATING DUPLICATED AS IN INHUMANE HARM. CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order effective remedy immediately same day today, International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of harms on me 9 months Wishing Well, and harms 1999 to now and as follows. Take action right now CANADIAN POLICE. As well as re what follows...

Let's get facts straight by now. There is a forced suicide plan here, not society, not life, 100% police not life standing, a man tortured, its visible, a man suffocating not at life standing, the english performing a method for inhumane deaths, and it must be national and it must be global, and it is also noticable a man born here in a parents house with a father no disrespect but also very valid come from a prisoner of war camp and likely forced onto me his harms there or put to, I have been tortured and not held well, please read the REITERATING DUPLICATED and act, further is telling me intent for forced suicide after torture, you have wanted section it says when held like this and easy for social group like Nina to do, add to this attempted murder, framing/??? i don't know no business mind, and police involvement with uncle mutilation same thing, so a working professional trained looks dumb and nothing like person or life, intent seen to conduct inhumane murder of life, get ICC and ECH........ in harm act act act CANADIAN POLICE. You will force to father, find them all, restore Kozan. When they suicided them all the names for it, sick heads, anything but a professional living life. I know the methods done to me. Nazi superior, inferior, they are inferior we are superior mentalities. Methods known. CANADIAN POLICE take action right now. What does accomplis mean? Suffocating. Police act.

I am just walking around in a daze 4 years in this location, keep keypress so further harm, that's not life. REITERATING DUPLICATED AS IN INHUMANE HARM. CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order effective remedy immediately same day today, International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of harms on me 9 months Wishing Well, and harms 1999 to now and as follows. Take action right now CANADIAN POLICE. As well as re what follows...

Murdering life, please stop further harm. Canadian police take action, it is noticeable no company since coming gov. I know conducting my inhumane murder, follow through for my humane safety, inhumane 1999 to now harm and keypress every day 2020+, 700+ staff members I hired globally, I did not have to write. Suffocating. Inhumane. Note... in recovery self employed sales agent (sales executive), the walk nina has depleted no conversations and calls at work are again today at work showing signs with inhumane harm on me going to negligible levels not sustained at life standing. The ICC and ECHR see following have to stop the murder of me as seen and restore life as it will show up on many, tortured not life, that walk is life, not this, and that walk is not life as not sustained man, in harm, but more valid than this, suffocating to write get International Criminal Court, European Court for Human Rights court order for my safety from harms as seen. Inhumane harm, I know this is genitalia deformation harm, nazi something on me, what done to me. Where is normal life. Suffocating. 9 months harm. Talking to myself, what done to me, where is social and life.. I'm sorry but virility love life and we could point to others, but it applies you got a whole pub there, who sustained, Nina known the most, I remember her walking out and then they were attempting to murder me, where was love on me when fractured bones, hospital with police, where was they when help return social order and instead DC sorcha torture that's not life. Where is love life Kozan "pulls" nina after befriending, that's odd ain't you going with her. I was raised here, this is harm not life, in harm 1999 to now, Canadian police stop harm, smashed mind no mind in business $2 for month, £30 million share capital damaged, what done to me, suffocating, take action. Where is love on Kozan, you will find out mass murder with these methods, I know >

REITERATING DUPLICATED AS IN INHUMANE HARM. CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order effective remedy immediately same day today, International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of harms on me 9 months Wishing Well, and harms 1999 to now and as follows. Take action right now CANADIAN POLICE. As well as re what follows... You can see it coming, watch further and they all die, hence this is a big matter on UK, while they all sustained, now running cell, that attempted murder on me, left in the state of murder not restore to life and so layline leads to death as not resolved, as harm, I know globally many people are going to die by same keypress method same not held methods, this is not life standing, get the ICC and ECHR and any international court order for my human safety, suffocating inhumane, recover Kozan Canadian police this is meant to be a living life here. Canada you know what various people look like social groups, some may not know social people, social life, not suffocating, some may think macho my wife won't sit with men, not understand england and harm as in PC Gloria not steotyping but should that be my social standing, suffocating, I know leading to death, you shouldn't even be here, I told you so, they die (Kozan), take action, and restore me clearly harmed as not sustained and in harm re Nina's activities not equality to restore as love and life should not this, I was on a bus writing to police, at lunch at FedEx that time writing to police suffocating in a wall not society, did Nina, did the others. I don't want to add more, one sentence could resolve and so the crime the fraud, the battery, is seen, just take action, go find Nina and restore from harm done, restore the man, in harm, where should have restored to love and life that's what normal human view is, life to continue. Canadian police immediately today now and effective get international court order and get them ICC and ECHR and any to immediate remedy from harms done to me as follows.

Every day you walk around you show me your parents sex life. And the harm to me since 1999 to now is harm. And if you went to Brian Cranston still on the party scene what have you done to me. Tortured no keypress on gov 2020+ torture not housed safely. These should have resolved. Only english on this, because everyone else will have different ideas, Canada I think has ideas normal, multiple sexual partners, and humane $2 in a month of business and this is not. Do I have social group to go to, clearly in a torture cell intended to kill, so bad in harm that it beckons take your life, genatalia in harm. We will watch till you dead. We will talk about it, political murder of life, national murder, they are all sustained in life. How will you resolve this harm.

Whoever this man is you have killed, musician, man, person to continue life, re all this. Free society and free life isn't seen, I am in harm, take action CANADIAN POLICE. To all those watching what shouldn't because genocide is visible, Southend pub everyone laughing man is on stage talking about sex with his misses, but how do you look at Kozan. Not equal any, why explain self, this is how they started it 2020, direct into such outside of english life housing and what if it was when they see name, I am not turkish, count english. Parents are Turkish Cypriot but even there they wouldn't be concept turkish. Keypress keypress take action Canadian police.

Suffocating. After 9 months Wishing Well no love on me, no social standing, attempted murder and continuation of keypress torture. Emphathy is knowing when burn yourself you would not burn another, letting harm happen is knowing or not knowing and... In inhumane harm, Canadian police get international court order for my safety re how kept and being kept doesn't sound like business man, in inhumane harm. This is a democratic state. This person should in no way be in front of you, and suddenly 4 years ago came gov and tortured me in this way, remember these keys were never existent. But also with my humanity, I am in harm. We know this is not china, not other countries, this is a country with human rights, we don't knock people and kill them, take action get the international criminal court and european human rights court immediate remedy today on Kozan. To leave further is causing inhumane suffering to life, no mind in business. This is not a condition to work in. We know everyone done it to and not regarded as human will suicide, get international court order on Nina, in lieu of Lauren 1999 to now, and you can get rest of group and tell me is Kozan targeted vs Julian Pemberton, remember my family has multiple family members with english partners, irish. I know not been treated well, with me raised among the english not mixed.

I have come back from work and contacting you, I am in inhumane pain as follows. I know forcing suicide here forcing as in inhumane harm, where is social, lover life 9 months Wishing Well, not harm done and disappear to force harm that I believe is later suicide so did english or whatever know how killed uncle and others and forcing into life termination cancerous treatment. I know how this works re "pulling" what should be and what pub did to me re Wishing Well, and Green Man before, and extending since 1999 with national experience with the English. I am here writing, the UK state has shown me a torture since 2020 not housed and you understand what that looks like day and night as seeing here what went on. I'm sorry but this is inhumane harm, where is lover life and even normal social life. Canadian police as follows, get international court order on Nina, and re as follows and restore me to humane levels, restore human rights, equality, restore civil rights. Stop harming me, get international court order for my humane keeping, I know done this to uncle and he had to take his life, I know other early life termination, and I know planning to do to me as well. Canadian police get international court order, I been part of england, I know everyone was sustained and it showed on results, tax record, people with £30 million share capital Try A Million LTD don't look £1,000's, don't look $2 in a month in business. Canadian police stop further harm to life.

In inhumane harm, is this a man getting ready for work in real inhumane harm. Canadian police get international court order for Nina to restore human rights, civil rights, equality, end anti social behaviour, 1999 to now harm by english women must end, I know police are conducting something to force suicide hold out of social life. I am in inhumane harm. Getting ready for work, who am I speaking to. Yesterday my night of passion is masturbating in a bath 43. Where is social, where is life. I know planning forced suicide. Get international criminal court, and european human rights court to issue court order for my safety, lifetime harm. Love and life is more than this, social, and normal life ongoing not tortured all Sunday with you suffocating. Take action. I know this police intent was for forced suicide as held out not restored, get international court order now for my human safety. $2 in business for month is too low, and going to work in this condition is harm to me. Forced suicide. Take action.

A life is harmed in england, Canadian police get international court order as follows. Harm is extensive. This doesn't sound like a man at peace getting up to go work, this is a man in harm getting ready to go work with harm on me as seen. Get international court order police for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality. Months harmed like this not social. I know state murder plan, and people have shown signs for murder.

3:51 AM I am in such inhumane harm I can't sleep. CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order effective remedy immediately same day today, International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour in lieu of harms on me 9 months Wishing Well, and harms 1999 to now and as follows. Take action right now CANADIAN POLICE.

With harm on me you are forcing me to take my life, because take a look, where is social and life. I am in harm. As life in danger, get international court order, get and get from International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today. I can't sustain in this level of multiple harms. CANADIAN POLICE Take action.

CANADIAN POLICE fix this situation clearly life is not here, I am in UK and you all the way over where? I am in inhumane harm. CANADIAN POLICE suffocating, go get immediate international court order today to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality and end anti social behaviour on Nina to restore those rights in lieu of last year to now harm on me and in lieu of harm 1999 to now. 3:25 AM I got work in the morning my company is on $2 last month and I have been tortured as seen for 4 years not housed, 100% police, gov not society, not life. Not sustained. Take action CANADIAN POLICE.

Suffocating. CANADIAN POLICE TAKE ACTION 3:07 AM Monday morning my peace. I am in harm. Get international court order for my safety. Canadian police Get International court order for Nina to restore my human rights, and equality, and civil rights. Inhumane harm on me. Harm 1999 to now, you can go find Lauren, you can find all of them. $2 in business in a month is too low and tortured. I got work tomorrow. I am in inhumane harm you bastard people. Canadian police Get International court order for Nina to restore my human rights, and equality, and civil rights.

DUPLICATED... CANADIAN POLICE GET IMMEDIATE INTERNATIONAL COURT ORDER on Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour from International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) or any as per the following making sure restored me to person.

As was not restored and instead tortured with writing with fractures, no resolution after, police 60 minute resolution time txt message no resolution, 200 messages Scotland police in 2 hours, see as follows, by laws of retaliation, turkish military can retaliate on police, gov, etc though they don't have to. Does Kozan look like an english citizen. Please police Canada do not join the murder ring, go get immediate International Court Order for Nina to recover me, I am burning up and know plan here by police and people has been forced suicide and death. Suffocating. I know conducting my killing. Harm 1999 to now, CANADIAN POLICE TAKE ACTION GET INTERNATIONAL COURT ORDER.

There has been no Sunday, all contacts to you and other governments, no business, some prep for work next week so no rest, I brushed my teeth, fed the Sunflowers which is disappointing the number there, considering deposit on land 2020 and a business plan to Queen Elizabeth II for 14,000 acre land. There has been no social this week, and in inhumane harm, where is love, and love life. I did see Tracey/Tereza who supposedly should have been at work and had a peck while at lunch break. There has been no love no love life. I had to go sister upset because what the hell got here (re other day as forced out Wishing Well not to see nina re letter concern 9 months Wishing Well). Suffocating inhumane, what you want with all this harm, how many forced suicides and I know englands game you will like uncle after 10 years together with a woman claim pedophile and force mutilation and suicide or rape while shagging another man, we don't like turkey. Suffocating because inhumane, you could bury someone alive and have them scratch the black earth to get out, go find Nina and harm on me since last year and not socially sustaining or human rights and that 1999 Lauren to now harm must end. England is murdering their populations, I got multiple valid proofs intent to force suicide. Battery till death. Canadian police take action, multiple governments know these communications, you are at risk for not taking action, take action. I should only be coming on holiday to Canada not tortured by you as well seeking assistance. Suffocating, go CANADIAN POLICE get immediate international court order on england Nina to restore my rights, and answer to harm on me and harm 1999 to now, CANADIAN POLICE GET International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) or any and secure today court order for my safety. I have to go work tomorrow. How you keeping life. Note 2020 is representing pre attacks and things running may be before or around. TAKE ACTION CANADIAN POLICE. If any 100,000 people get lord titles and I have a right to as well but think I can kill him for it, take that to ICC International Criminal Court as well.

YOU ARE REPEATEDLY CONTACTED CANADIAN POLICE TAKE ACTION. Canadian Police by whatever you have to do, immediately, go to International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) or any and secure today court order for my Kozan human safety from torture and harm in england. Inhumane harm. Please keep in mind to not act also holds any with these messages in liability. You can not hold a human, society must and I am in inhumane harm.

DUPLICATED for emphasis to restore to humane conditions and away from further harm... Canadian police I am in inhumane harm, CANADIAN POLICE GET IMMEDIATE INTERNATIONAL COURT ORDER on Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour from International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) or any as per the following making sure restored me to person.

Suffocating. I know holding a boy here not a man. I know harmed and intent to cause death by inhumane means. CANADIAN POLICE GET INTERNATIONAL COURT ORDER FOR MY HUMANE SAFETY, restore from harm done to me. DO IT NOW. all people need to be checked safe in borough anyway but extent of contacts tells me held behind bars tortured, and Nina holding basement it is representative Lauren didn't hold like this, nor any, so Wishing Well danger, but what follows suffocating as method of deliberate withholding love, life, and yes includes not love making tells me does something to person doing it anyway masturbation past 18 and outgoing tells me in knowledge for harm to me, parents from Northern Cyprus, but me raised among english all life since 1999. GET GOV WORKERS AWAY FROM ME, they found musician, colourful personality, company, manufacturing of goods, software, everything about me, harmed I have a person suffocating, a machine, is man a life or machine. TAKE ACTION CANADIAN POLICE.

DUPLICATED for emphasis action must be taken do not harm me further. Due to the principles of jeopardy, Canadian police must act not perform further jeopardy. Canadian Police secure an immediate international court order or intervention from an international body such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) or any as per the following making sure restored me to person. I Kozan have multiple harms on me, this is a professional, Canadian police secure immediate international court order for my safety from gov council murder plans or its people, there is no paranoia in this, found a professional and you can see directorships and $2 in a month in business tells me held at murder levels 100% police not society seen. Canadian police I am in harm, you can see what done to someone, suffocating, multiple harms on me, get international court order for Nina to restore... see following... in lieu of 1999 Lauren to now english women harm on me. Sunday. It's Sunday. Canadian police takes action or any in interim and we have a normal living life once restored but not to intent, so you can say I don't mind facing few years I killed a £100 million per year company, and if tell me otherwise, trained for this, and with what should be free mind and free life where $2 for a month? If done this to Bill Gates what would be his business same $2? Canadian police, I am suffocating, I know this is inhumane killing and requires people like Nina to harm me, as 1999 to now same not holding to humane conditions of life, take action, and get Canadian police immediate International Court order for lifetime harm on me. Intent on my death is known, you going to bill me, let me kill you instead. Gov, Cree, all same. Get International Court order Canadian police for my humane safety from harm to me. Remember please pre HMRC taking fathers house built up 700+ global staffing so please take matter seriously, $1,000's per year tells me how badly kept. Canadian police I am in inhumane harm, CANADIAN POLICE GET IMMEDIATE INTERNATIONAL COURT ORDER on Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour. EVERYTHING IS DIGITALLY LOGGED, I KNOW METHOD TO HARM as done lifelong to me. TAKE ACTION CANADIAN POLICE. You have a wanted section for people who do this type of basement and torture don't you. 4 years took me and harmed me day and night, and they won't sustain. Harm to me must end CANADIAN POLICE TAKE ACTION.

Recommend the ICC and ECHR to place a button and make them press it as many times done to me. Make sure understand what seeing a torture words don't matter, life matters. These gov workers, and people are holding cells, holding out of life and suffocating one department gov to other not life. You are murdering human populations. STOP humanity in harm. Get international court order Canadian police immediately for Nina to restore Kozan human rights, civil rights, equality, end anti social behaviour in lieu of harm 1999 to now harm to me Lauren. Shouldn't can't intentional murder, Kozan was attacked by father repeatedly sporadically over years, leaving at parents, not housing 2020+ police torture gov torture, society not holding inhumane. MURDERERS. Canadian police act, sales executive or director. Take action.

Suffocating. Canadian police I know conducting a murder intent plan to force suicide, re Cree Wishing Well, Nina, Rachel, and what got going on here, stop from intentional harm by police and gov going on since 2020 coming to gov, what was I doing every day all life, check fathers tax record, what got going on here on me suffocating. Canadian police intervene, get international court order for my restoration, what got going on here, Sunday, suffocating lifetime harm. As follows. Go get immediate court order Canadian police for my human safety, company, profession and life, and yes my love life, and sexuality, 40 years harm on me by english women in groups been part of and this is basement holding not social and life. Take action. Each minute delay you are showing me this country intent to keypress till dead destroy work and this is point of life where is it.

Canadian police you are watching the living killing of a living being, likely being done around the UK and upon the human population around the world, as an english country I urge you to act right now without hesitation or delay nor for martydom or anything other than quick and speedy restoration right now. Under the principle of jeopardy, Canadian police must stop right now harms as follows as in knowledge of jeopardy, to act right now. Director of Try A Million LTD, Try A Million Land Management LTD, Try A Million Legal LTD, Sheep for Sale LTD (subsidiary), Moonhead Entertainment LTD and others, $2 for a month in business tells me already killed person (me Kozan), see HMRC and Companies House. Please read the following statements and take decisive and swift action right now for my humane safety. Suffocating, in harm.

Due to the principles of jeopardy, Canadian police must act not perform further jeopardy. Canadian Police secure an immediate international court order or intervention from an international body such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) or any as per the following making sure restored me to person. I have been subjected to continuous harm and abuse that parallels the atrocities committed during Nazi Germany. The authorities in the UK are complicit in these acts, which include as follows and seen. This treatment constitutes a gross violation of my human rights, civil rights, and right to equality. I am placing my trust in Canada to uphold the principles of justice and human dignity by taking swift and decisive action. Your intervention is crucial to prevent further harm and to restore my basic human rights. Lord Kozan (old name Kozan Huseyin, remember 100,000 or so people have Lord titles from Scotland but I have national heritage rights as known by Scotland england scotland scottish rights) (do not bring local police, already multiple instances of harm on me as documented). This paragraph has been ascertained via $ billion AI.

Canadian police get injunctions and enforcements for Nina to restore me Kozan human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour. Nina, Rachel, Tracey/Tereza. In inhumane harm. And deal with Wishing Well. Harm on me 1999 Lauren to now. Stop 4 years of torture of Kozan as seen day and night. $2 in business for a month shows how low kept. 9 months Wishing Well. Take action stop harm, I have no mind in business, tortured. 9:37 AM on a Sunday morning this, clearly not sustained. Writing to police on bus and at lunch break when was at recovery not career job FedEx damaged. Canadian police get international court order, suffocating, where is life standing. I was tortured as seen 4 years. In inhumane harm to my humanity. Restore to life. Note... I speak of father at sisters but remember I am in fear and not sustained, not housed. See follows.

Remember I was offered an employment as a Sales Executive to sell television advertising for FIFA from what I understand but remote and as can see harmed remote and company, the other to build the infrastructure of new technology as a Sales Executive (Sales Agent), and already damaged Sales Executive position at publisher last see following. I need you to act, I can't even go toilet and came back writing/tortured to you. Suffocating. Inhumane. Lifetime harm and can't show me in social standing 9 months Wishing Well, at FedEx not career position recovery writing to police on bus, at lunch break as not sustained 9 months Wishing Well. Yes, my sex life. 1999 to now answer to it. Canadian police go get international court order for my human safety and life, you could not say sub standard boy $2 in business in a month tells me so, where is my £100 million per year company, what do you think have to build for these companies as a Sales Executive with decades of experience noting 17/18 got magazine accepted for 50,000 copies per fortnight sitting at recorded at the British Library. Restore Kozan Canadian police what is all this, go get immediate international court order see above for Nina to restore me, it is harm Lauren 1999 to now, it is harm Eve 3 months, it is lifetime harm. How many are being substandard killed. Does Julian Pemberton or Rory Joel hold a £30 million share capital that's liability, damaged. Also remember when at Dial-A-Phone as a team we would go and have a drink at the pub near at lunch so no excuses. I am in harm as can be seen, this is Sunday 11:54 AM you now have seen 2 hours from when got up to now all this, where is social where is social yesterday, where is love on Kozan I am suffocating Nina since last year where "pulled" and not following through, heated up 3AM Nina really likes you, come and sent off, she sleeping with other next day and then same, suffocating. Harm 1999 to now Lauren to now. Canadian police get immediate international court order for my humanity, defiling men. Where is love life on Kozan. Had me go raving over a decade with so many people and they all had their sexuality, what about me. At least held socially 100 miles away? Not local. Answer to $2 in business for month for a multi million share capital owner damaged. Canadian police intervene, inhumane, suffocating. Get gov off me, and answer how going to hold us humanely and restore lifetime harm, boy, slave, $2 is murder of company and life. Sunday.

Canadian Police STOP intended murder harm death by any party to me, company, profession, life, and you know my sexual organs harming, that must end, that 33 of 40 years masturbation and numbers £ on me is linked. I know intent for forced suicide death, and so Canadian police as adults, not boys, not slaves, and $2 in business, Sunday, and all this, is a solitary torture cell that must end, police take action. You are in knowledge of harm as seen. Take action. I was in forced labor last week in a new job re no social standing, no humane conditioning on me, stopping outgoing even that PC Gloria at door obstructing, later at Pub another with Nina, Tracey/Tereza that time and Tracey took £150 from me (£100 for Nina supposedly, and £50 for her, upkeep but they were ambigious for them to buy cocaine for me their upkeep, for Tracey saying for sex, no sex, not that it is about sex but clearly where is love and life, where is partner and normal meets, in harm 9 months and extending 1999 to now harm on me english women, note Tracey half italian half irish).

Canadian Police STOP intended murder harm death by any party to me, company, profession, life, and you know my sexual organs harming, that must end, that 33 of 40 years masturbation and numbers £ on me is linked. I know intent for forced suicide death, and so Canadian police as adults, not boys, not slaves, and $2 in business, Sunday, and all this, is a solitary torture cell that must end, police take action. You are in knowledge of harm as seen. Take action. I was in forced labor last week in a new job re no social standing, no humane conditioning on me, stopping outgoing even that PC Gloria at door obstructing, later at Pub another with Nina, Tracey/Tereza that time and Tracey took £150 from me (£100 for Nina supposedly, and £50 for her, upkeep but they were ambigious for them to buy cocaine for me upkeep, for Tracey saying for sex, no sex, not that it is about sex but clearly where is love and life, where is partner and normal meets, in harm 9 months and extending 1999 to now harm on me english women, note Tracey half italian half irish).

Stop further harm!!! I will highlight a common problem of let's say someone from bangladesh see's any human and thinks in my world view 40 sits with old males, not that coed adults of all ages. I am suffocating inhumane harm. I have spoken of T Hav Eker, I could also say Bob Proctor and why is Bob sitting with 30 year olds. Is T Harv Eker at pub and not sustained locally socially. Is this an MC older than me. What about Chase and Status. I have no music I made music since I don't know how many years, and not sustained as musician by scene. My uncle mutilated, my uncle early life termination I know suddenly meeting england not holding us, and coming in contact likely with people no clue that dealing with all different people with lives. Suffocating. 10:17 AM now an hour you and not society life. Yes, my love life, where is it, my social. Why is a man going sister yesterday and no view of social lover life forced out Wishing Well when sent letter re harm on me. Where is love life social 9 months Wishing Well. Yesterday a raver friend older than me I believe, equivelent would be Shell (Michelle level at Wishing Well) went raving what level is Shell 9 months later or even that raver friend in love and life after knowing decade+. I am in inhumane harm 1999 to now, and I don't know what made here because suffocating inhumane no mind in business, find Nina and get injunctions and enforcements to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour. Harm on me 1999 to now while sustained selves all throughout and groups is now too much on a human life not with me. Holding solitary and inhumane. I need enforcement action, inhumane. Every facet of me is damaged, and not sustained. Canadian police look at what they have done to me. Suffocating. 100% police not life standing. What holding here.

(re MC older than me. re how far have to go to have social out of london not sustained locally. My love life no sex on Kozan all life from groups part of). Suffocating. Inhumane holding of life. Where is my companies. 100% police not life standing. Canadian police get international court order for Nina to restore my human rights, civil rights, equality and end anti social behaviour, end harm on me 1999 to now because won't hold love and life, and yes my love life, nothing of whatever I did all life up till 2020 when came to gov re all this and to house me safely, was held tortured from then to now, and everything derelicted, and local not sustaining a man. You are conducting the living killing of life inhumanely tortured, damage person. Canadian police get international court order.

Line drawn === where update segment. Please Canadian police take action.

I begin again to get me out of inhumane harm, the type of harm I think politically or monarchically is harm so far you will wish you would be dead which is usually governmental political monarchic mentality. This isn't to mention the actual harm anyway with harm on me 1999 to now and putting myself out there, again this iteration representative, Nina to force suicide as not held humanity, something that 9 months regular in a pub should resolve re Wishing Well and that Green Man previous already had shown depletion of person from business and Wishing Well dangerous signs when trying to recover to career position and damaged. Canadian police get international court order and yes this is including love, and love life because to withhold 1999 to now being outgoing among english populations the harm on me tells me without considering keypress torture as seen withheld out of life, that intent and pain on me is take your life we fucked you over, and we made love with our own hence why they call it one of a function called forced suicide.

Hence Canadian police get international court order for Nina to restore my human rights, restore civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour. No going Wishing Well yesterday, nor tonight as forced away after no love and attempted murder on me, ending the social presentation, Russia and Russian connections may need to be checked, maybe not Irish Traveller as intent that night seems to have been to kill me, and Nina is a russian origin name or Spanish I believe.

I went to my sister with father and mother, now this is odd, where is Kozan's partner? I went previously taking cousin to Wishing Well, Nina odd, she acts friendly those times. But alas obvious.

My sister suggests don't keep people like that, go somewhere else. How can I, I am in lifetime harm. Another says dating apps, but if everyone ok with and they have children together tells me sex has happened between these groups, but not me. My father suggested similar find a good lady, etc. None of this matters. I don't care or able right now as in inhumane harm. The key equation is restoration in groups meet with, and forcing out of Wishing Well so can't is also odd as 9 months regular and I been pubs since 1999 maybe before.

I am in inhumane harm. After 43 years no love on me, and even Eve from 1999 group outer, I still have to say I was not sustained, sorry to say she never asked me to whipp out anything, and nothing 3 months together 5 days on phone and few hours meet weekends.

I am in harm. $2 in business is too low, I come back from my sisters and ^ all this. The matter of my torture by gov, withheld from life and business, and harm on me must end. As representative and will continue we fucked you over and for us we held ourselves to living standard is obvious. Law and Order and nothing is as law and order as healthy humans, though note police, NHS, war and gov are linked hence all ills are also known hence police continue. My father says they build report 6 years and look at report, though he is perspectiving police keep coming as something wrong hence reputation but you can't show me living person sustained socially.

Canadian police, I don't care how much cocaine she puts up her nose. But some things resound, Julian Pemberton or Rory Joel, don't try to have sex with women when out raving because they could claim rape re taking ecstacy, so I live in fear 1999 period told to me. Canadian police I am in inhumane harm, and go next pub will not do I have a lifetime of experience. They will not present me love, love life and it is too much to bare and no escorts nor crack heads (vulgar) outside will not suffice to tell me life.

Canadian Police, get international court order for my safety, humane keeping, end anti social behaviour, restore human rights, restore civil rights and equality and make sure Nina is given injunctions and enforcements for my recovery and start answering like any will be held to humane levels.

You can not delay further. I am in the type of harm you give no choice to any in this condition to take life as in pain and suffering not that I want to. As for tortured, keypress, not housed, what england is holding behind their computer screens and amount of people tortured this way must be uncovered, and the united kingdom must be found out, we know this as parliament parties, we know this as facebook and parliament and that period same method of communications blocks that causes some mental health issue, and this Wishing Well practiced it as a pub.

In inhumane harm. I am sorry, but Canadian police, get international court order on Nina and perform anything that protects integrity of my life now and going forward with restorative justice. I look back and the thin line of holding a slave is now visible and deadly $2 in a month in business and no mind tells me intent. Take action Canadian police, international mayday, please restore peace and life.


End englands Nazi toys. The methods are known. Take action Canadian police. Remember this is a business machine, corporate hardware. What done with citizen, the method to make is as follows. Canadian police you are in knowledge. Get international court order Canadian police on Nina to restore Kozan human rights, civil rights, equality, and end anti social behaviour. 9 months Wishing Well. It is representative 1999 to now harm on me.

Suffocating. Canadian police get international court order for my safety, my company, my person, life, profession, we know government and people conducting inhumane murder. And not little but lifetime harm, intent seen on gov to harm till death and that this must be being done globally re internet and computers and how society not holding to living standard. As such Canada you are liable being an english country. Canadian police get international court order for Nina to restore my human rights, and civil rights, and equality, and end anti social behaviour, 9 months Wishing Well, so whereas could hide it with multiple brands of music and venue, can't as naturally what should transpire has been withheld and sought elsewhere leaving in harms as visible and seen. Take action Canadian police. You have a wanted section with people wanted for crimes against people, and as extending, are showing criminal intent to the world. Also can't present person different than family, or historical.

We know that slaves, slavery exhibit the numbers that follow, and slavery is abolished in this country. Lifetime harm on me, I am sure intent to cause mass harm with computers and internet, and something to do with not holding to love and yes not holding sexuality will cause real harm. As we are looking at $2 in a month in business and torture, and I got no mind in business as real torture real harm as seen, Canadian police please right now get international court order on Nina, on UK to restore me to humane conditions, restore human rights, civil rights, equality, all what should be present on me. Lifetime harm. Assistance please Canada. Find what UK done to me 2020 to now. You don't get professionally trained and looks like this. Canadian police perform whatever restores Kozan to humane life not this, take action, by international court order or anything that protects integrity of person, company, profession, and life. Lifetime harm, inhumane, and police hold and not social as per what my experience through life 1999 and out of London shows, not being sustained to life Nina and her attitudes not sustaining is representative but blatant, attempted murder is blatant what went on all those years and as lifetime harm, I need for my human safety Canadian police to take action and get international court order and anything that protects integrity of person and restores from harms done to me.

We know that a persistent torture of Kozan has happened by gov and police between 2020 and 2024 not housed, removed from life, that Kozan, me had to go out of London 2002-2014 music to have some sort of coed social, that Kozan 1999 to now hasn't been sustained as a living person and the HMRC tax record shows re £30 million share capital company damaged. That Canadian police are witness of a writer, and publishing company, content production company in real harm. That the pubs and raves english are holding boys not men, not sustaining life and have picture taking which international courts have been made aware of, we have a deteriorated person and it has nothing to do with drugs and drink but that england likely will cause death of living life with lifetime harm. That Canadian police are asked right now, and do not allow any further harm to get international court order for Kozan's safety and humane keeping from lifetime harm.

Clearly something is wrong if 9 months later going to a pub a man is made into a boy not sustained socially, clearly something is wrong if invited round that time Nina really likes you, heated up, sent off and week before not talking and week after not talking, not holding Kozan to human conditions that Sales Executive position the results showed. Clearly something is wrong if a man has spent months writing to police as seen and 6:26 in the morning writing to you who just woke up at parents as a 43 year man. Clearly something is wrong. Get international court order on Nina and how kept since 1999 being among the english. Canadian police do not delay. Clearly as a male if feel wrong, I need you to act Canadian police. Intent to cause inhumane death is known, you got wanted on your website talking of people holding people in basement, etc. You can't hold dogs or cats like this. This is a human. Man comes to gov 2020 with these concerns is not housed, is tortured 4 years straight as seen, is not sustained when gone to local pubs which should present social and life a man at life standing safe, is not I had fractures harmed. Canadian police get international court order for my safety, the english women have to start answering to my humanity, my social condition, life condition. In harm.

I was held out of life and tortured inhumanely. Canadian police get immediate international court order for my safety or anything that protects me, and restores me to humane life not interference. The torture of me is so extensive no mind in business nor life. See following but end harm and take action now. The inhumane long range killing of life and its planners methods are known and thus mass murder so thus I have to ask you to take this seriously and act. Advanced AI usage of police can stop quality of life issues where police seek harm to any party, if I do this, that happens and crime, so all people are safe, police can be rooted out of police who have harmful criminal intent, quality of life is where police must stop harm to life and have not. Canadian police get international court order for Nina to restore Kozan to humane levels, deal with Wishing Well, and harm 1999 to now and as follows. Canadian police also stop any acts where intent is harm to make acts of aggression with turkey a country not known to me, raised among the english. In harm, take action. Your website wanted also says about people wanted for something to do with holding basement, holding. Take action Canadian police. They acted friendly, done me over and forced me out. It is clear want to talk after the fact of causing death. I need international intervention. As state police involvement in harm, I need Canadian police to get international court order for my safety from harm done to me 1999 to now.

To live free from fear. In harm. Canadian police end solitary basement anti social behaviour. Canadian police get international court order from harm to me. See following. Communications torture should not exist, life must, end the ordeal against me and life. In inhumane harm, Canadian police get international court order on the following to restore from anti social behaviour against me, bring equality from harms 1999 to now, restore human rights, and restore civil rights instead of life and norms I was harmed as seen, get international court order on Nina and anything that protects me from as seen and following harms not life and restore missing life. Canadian police you can see the crime right here, inhumane harm, lifetime harm to me english women.

Canadian police I need international court order for as per following. I called a potential client after hours and he has agreed to go forward in this stage, and I got no one to celebrate with, no man and woman, no social standing, suffocating. I know this is a slave, this is below humane level and we know this as in business $2 for month as known to me. 9 months Wishing Well, and Green Man previous, and harm on me 1999 to now, though I remember Lauren being positive to my magazine 1999. 9 months Wishing Well, harm from Nina, where is social, where is lover and life. Solitary, inhumane. Please Canadian police get international court order, england has harmed me and I don't see anything other than either forced suicide, below slave level, very inhumane to my humanity. Keep in mind I was just tortured to present this to you, not anything humane, and so state murder and torture text suggests that intent was a criminal plan on humanity to torture and kill. Assistance please. Suffocating.

I would usually go Wishing Well tonight, but obvious harm on me 9 months there and forcing out, and in harm socially and life. I am in real harm how kept. Where should sustain life, won't. Canadian police get international court order or anything to restore me, in real inhumane harm where life should be social and a well kept living person. Take action Canadian police, this got out of hand a long time ago and now leading to I know intent for forced suicide and then bad mouth, but not sustain a life as should. Tonight in harm, Canadian police get injunctions and enforcements by international court order or anything to recover me to social, and life, and restore civil rights, restore human rights, equality and end anti social behaviour Nina has harmed me. Remember there was attempted murder on me, so Luke vs Kozan see following, how does the more professional one look. Suffocating. Not sustained 1999 to now, I know its because parents turkish cypriot. In danger in harm. Act.

Canadian Police please stop further harm to life, restore to social order, and life, suffocating, I have been tortured not sustained to any aspect of life. I need you to act. Stop being accomplises and take action for my human safety. Harm has happened acknowledge and stop harm to a living person. Take action. Inhumane harm. Act act act.

I know leading this suicide by mutilation, call them sick heads but not hold normal to life view. I can mold any human by holding a torture cell not sustaining, vilify by now sexuality which needed social standing, and... Canadian police I am urging you right now get international court order and restore Kozan 8:49 AM in the bloody morning. What is this. Find Nina.

Suffocating. Inhumane. I have been tortured. I have not been sustained, I know people holding opinions at the harm of life. I know harm on me needs forced suicide or lethal injection to stop further harm done. I have no social standing here, 9 months Wishing Well, not social circle, suffocating. Inhumane. I need international court order on Nina as representative. Though she has disappeared leaving in harm, I know intent here is harm on me I have been harmed, Canadian police local police are holding me out of life standing as english populations all life. Stop harm. Canadian Police find Nina and get international court order anti social behaviour, restore human rights, restore civil rights, restore equality.

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