Chased Off a Thief Rummaging Through a Friends Car Tonight!

in #news5 years ago (edited)

( picture taken from )

Tonight has been an eventful night. Heard a car door slam outside my place and went outside to have a smoke and check it out. Just so happens someone was in my buddies car looking for change or stuff to steal.. Of course me being the observant being ( sarcasm ) that I am thought nothing of it and went back inside after my smoke was done. In my mind I thought it was the neighbors in their car, however the neighbor I reckoned it was isn't in the province right now.. derp.

"I think someone is in buddies car"

As I head inside a friend mentions to me that "Hey, I think someone is in buddies car" at which point it clicked and I immediately armed myself and went outside to re-investigate what was going on. Upon closer inspection I see someone in the driver seat trying to conceal themselves from me. Walked up to the passenger side door, opened it up and was greeted with a large unknown to me male drunk or high off his ass scavenging in the car. Upon seeing me they got the classic "deer in a headlights" look and proceeded to hold up two joints or something, without saying a word. I then quite loudly yelled at him to get the fuck out of the car, which he did, then after he'd gotten out of the car he proceeded to wander off down the street. Part of me is pretty glad that he didn't try to assault me in any way.. But then again when you've got a bystander with a crossbow the chance to try to harm the people busting you for being a thief is minimal. Granted dude was drunk or high..

Never been for calling police, although in situations like this, that would be the "correct" thing to do.

Don't Be a Hero

Absolutely not condoning approaching thieves in the way that I did tonight unless you're prepared for what could be a potentially violent situation. This certainly "wasn't my first rodeo" of this sort and while an element of danger was certainly present I maintained control of the situation and ultimately stopped the theft in progress happening right in my back yard.

My adrenaline is still running at the time of posting this post.. It's been a little over 45 minutes since this incident and while I'm quite certain that no retaliation nor subsequent car snooping will take place tonight I'm going to stay up for a while in order to ensure safety of the household and the cars in the parking lot. Stay safe and alert my fellow Steemsters.


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Bb you gotta bust a cap in them to let them know.

If I had a silenced pistol bb, for sure.. lol

You'd have atleast known better than to not say shit and hold up two joints.. lmao.

That is the part that blew me away.. Dude was so wasted or high he didn't even speak.

Holding up two joints is how I say hello.

Lmao. Well, that's cool, as long as you aren't rummaging in a vehicle that ain't yours. XD

Yeah man.. Was pretty nuts.. Glad nobody got hurt, but certainly not impressed with the situation.

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The police ended up showing up about 2 hours later.. Probably because the neighbors phoned the police me thinks.. Given I was shouting at the guy pretty fucking loud to get the fuck out of the car and to leave. :D