in #news7 years ago (edited)

I have a close friend that is still going through the battle with Children's Aid Society for a misunderstanding between a neighbour. It quickly escalated and turned into a vengeful call to CAS....

When she confided in me what was going on with them and the stories she told me about the the caseworkers lies and manipulation, I thought it was too crazy to be true.
Then I started to go with her to the meeting to be a witness and it was worse than she described....

I am horrified at the level of corruption that I have seen from every level....

The caseworkers that are making decisions about if you can have your child back were not trained at all at any sort of accredited social work schooling....
They were constantly withholding info and when they made errors, they would work together to cover it up....
They seem to prey on single mothers who cannot afford lawyers and time from work to go to court....

The caseworker assigned to my friend was so incompetent.....I did some back checking on him and found out he had absolutely no social work accreditation at all. I did more digging and found out he worked at Telus cell phone company before....
I was outraged that a cell phone jockey was making decisions about a family's future....
The way they mess with a parent's natural instinct to protect the child, and use that reaction to further their position in their case against you....It's disgusting.

The foster parents....They get 700 a week per child from the society to take the kids they take in and with little restrictions on how many.
The lack of regulation in who can be a foster parent is frightening. I arranged a call from a couple with past criminal records try to see if they would qualify to be foster parents and they were accepted immediately with no background checks (just the fact they were a couple and had a home was apparently good enough) When cases of abuse are reported, police cannot investigate and abuse happens often...

My friend told me that when she was able to have a visit with her daughter. She said that her daughter was saying strange things and she mentioned male body parts that her mother did not teach her....
When she told me that I felt sick to my stomach and heart sunk in my chest...then the rage kicked in...followed by desperation and panic to get her out of there....
We went to CAS and they brushed it off as a tactic from us and that children learn things from the other children....
So we went to the police and they said, unless the society asks for a investigation their hands are tied....
So we called the local MP (person in charge of districts under the provincial leader) and she said that they couldn't help us because not even the Ombudsmen of Canada can get in.....only with constant badgering we were able to get her out and with her grandma instead....
Later I found out that a CAS received several more complaints against the same foster parent and from their own investigation, concluded that it warranted a police investigation....

The Organization itself is corrupt. I found out that CAS gets its funding from the government for the amount of children in need, so that means the only way to increases that funding is if they take more children away....Any little thing that can trigger an investigation is jumped on.

The drug companies....They (CAS) do a assessment of the child, and if they exhibit any sign of depression, stress, misbehavior, resistance to adapt...(which all kids taken from their parents will certainly be exhibiting) they will start medications for them without your permission or knowledge...
Those prescriptions are filled by the drug companies and deals are usually reached with CAS for access for their brand of meds to be doled out to the kids.....
Lucky we got her to her grandma before they could dope her up....

The family Legal system is corrupt....The lawyers, on both sides work together to stretch out the case as long as possible trying to drain funds from both the taxpayers and the family trying to get the child back....
We had to threaten to sue her lawyer after we audio taped him working with the CAS lawyers trying to extend court for months by purposely not handing in signed affidavits....
(if you do find yourself facing CAS.....get a mini tape recorder, video glasses ...whatever you need to do ....AND DOCUMENT EVERYTHING YOURSELF!!!. Don't rely solely on your lawyer, do your own documenting, investigation and research!!! )

I know that the above is semi legal...but you have to realize that....If they play have to get a little dirty dealing with it...for the sake of the child...and believe me it's a small price to pay to get results in your favor....

The amount of power the untrained CAS worker has is ridiculous....They have so much power not even the Ombudsmen of CANADA can get in.....(he is responsible for the intake of public complaints which indicate the possibility of maladministration within the government of Ontario and in the appropriate cases conducts an investigation)
They are dealing with people's children and he can't get in to investigate public complaints?????!!!

It just goes on and on the list of disgusting practices that this organization does on a regular basis....

And it's only going to get worse....

Liberal bill empowers gvmt to take kids from Ontario parents who don’t accept gender ideology: legal below.

Thanks mostly to the liberals (but not greatly opposed by the right either, but let's not beat around the bush...they all suck).
Liberals have created this bill and every single one of them voted against the Ombudsman to investigate in the past and they continue to push their ideology into law....

Now to be honest I'm not a right winger (sane centrist).....nor am I too religious but nevertheless...
I do have a common interest of raising your kids how you choose to raise your kids without governmental interference...
This is a issue that transcends all race, religion, political differences....
These are OUR kids...and even if you don't have kids...It's OUR future.
So we can all can agree on that and unify under that banner to fight for them....Together.

Please....everyone talk about this to your family and bring awareness to all other families so they don't fall victim to this......

Nothing is worse than having to fight the entire corrupt system for your child...

I would like to thank for inspiring me to speak up on my experiences with CAS. I recommend his post that inspired below.

Let's get the word out to people...upvote and resteem this to spread the word.


I have lots of evidence and proof that it is corrupt and destroying more lives than actually saving. I have helped a lot of families protect them selfs and secure freedom from such organizations.

Any advice you could post to this and the other link on how to protect our families would be very valuable...
Thank you for what you are doing....There is not enough resources out there for affected families. Any contributions of knowledge are very welcome.

Yes I have a lot of experience and have helped many families including my own on multiple occasions. I have been studying the law for 10 years now and been practicing it consciously for about 8.
If you have any cases let me know and I can offer help.

Corruption is all over the foster care system. They pay $700 per child per week. Wow! No wonder they attract undesirable foster parents. They must be in it for the money rather than the child. And those parents are not properly screened. WOW! What does that say for our system? There needs to be more checks and balances to it for one. Articles like this do help to shed light on the issue. Thanks for sharing.

Yes, the incentive is too great....
Welfare in Canada for a month is $ 550...yet if someone takes in 4 kids they make more than most with a min wage job....
Thank you for the comment....
People need to be aware if they have children....

Thanks for sharing your story too!
Sorry that I didn't see it earlier.
I am going to watch that documentary.
Just from the preview, it sounds spot-on with my own experiences.

Thank you for sharing this with us,
a serious issue that needs some serious attention.

I will support posts like this as I think it's very important that people get to know whats happening.


I wanted to talk to people about this for a long time but was not sure how to go about it...or even if I should talk about it.
She is still fighting them to this day...3 years later and I know if this information was to get back to them that they would make her life more horrible than it is now....

But after reading your post it was the story that popped the cork for me....people need to know HOW to protect themselves BEFORE they NEED to protect themselves....

People don't think that something like this can happen to them, because they think..."I'm a good parent, that could never happen to me"

All it takes is a vengeful person, a mistaken call, or even if someone thinks that your parenting is not up to their standards...

Nowadays that could be any trigger point for certain people and if you want a quick example of how easy it is to offend people....People are complaining that the cross walk lights depicting a walking man and not a woman....people bombarded city hall with complaints and now they are going to spend millions of taxpayer money in changing the lights to depict a more "inclusive" light....(even though to me it looks like its a bloody stickman this is happening...)

Now picture your shopping with your kids and they are acting up and causing raise your voice to get them under control...someone sees and's a call to CAS and now you are fighting for YEARS for your kids... It's that's that fast....

Now let's make things worse.....

Now in Ontario Canada, children are taught about sex ed at the age of 6...yes grade 1...
If your 6 year old comes home after getting taught about the difference between boys and girls and that it's normal for them to be which ever one they feel like and they decide that they want to pretend that they are the other sex....
Now It's quite a normal thing for a child to pretend to be a lot of things (monsters, GI.JOE, princesses etc, etc)..
Now add that the hormones are not developed at that age and most aren't even thinking about the opposite sex at that age to make a decision like that....yeah...bad news.

But if you try to change their's now classified as child abuse...and CAS gets called, kids get taken and you are stuck for YEARS fighting them....

It's gotta stop....

Thank you for writing and sharing these things. So many people need to know about this. This world is a scary place. So much heartlessness. Those who are there "to protect" aren't really there to protect; it's all a facade.

excellent, excellent excellent post. thank you so much. i wish you well in all you do. for our children's children's children.

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