4-20-2019 My Daily Posts. 45 Articles.

in #news5 years ago

4-20-2019 My Daily Posts. 45 Articles. To see all posts click on “Continue Reading.” If you like and want to share these articles don’t just hit the share button because it will only post the first article. You must COPY AND PASTE ALL THE ARTICLES for all of them to show up.
I can only lead you to the truth, I can’t make you believe it.

Government and Politics

  1. The Last American Vagabond
    Israel Again Bombs Gaza, US Backs Haftar In Libya For Oil & RussiaGate Was Always IsraelGate
  • Yellow Vest - When government does not listen and respect "The People."
    WATCH Yellow Vests Protesters Rally in Paris for 23rd Week
  • CIA Chief Says Russia And Iran Are New Focus, Praises Trump’s North Korea Efforts
  • Russiagate is Dead! Long Live Russiagate! Although the US corporate media may have missed the news, the rest of the world gets the fact that the greatest threat to peace on the planet is Uncle Sam.
  • Mueller's Russia report outlines episodes of possible Donald Trump obstruction
  • Trump praises Haftar in apparent reversal of US policy on Libya
  • The Deep State is REAL, and it is -DIRECTLY- why we are living in the midst of the worse political scandal in our history.
  • Court Documents Show Mueller Involved in 9/11 Cover-up
  • History repeating itself.
    Changing Laws Rather than Attacking the Corruption in Berlin
  • NM Governor Lujan Grisham IS On the Wrong Side of History
  • U.S. arrests former Marine connected to North Korea embassy raid in Spain
  • Trump's so-called ‘peace’ plan for Palestine dead on arrival
  • War and Military

    1. US Calls on Countries Worldwide to Block Russia's Planes Heading For Venezuela
    2. Over 70,000 Killed in Yemen War Since 2016
    3. Greece Demands Germany to Pay over 300 Billion in WWII Reparations
    4. Losing Ground In Syria, "Defeated" US Extremists Mobilizing Outside Afghanistan & Flooding To Iraq
  • Israel aggression
    ‘Declare war on Lebanon, take out Syria’s S-300s’: Outgoing Israeli general on handling neighbors
  • Health

    1. CDC admits measles outbreak is caused by people from other countries who enter the United States and spread the disease
    2. How to biohack your cells to fight cancer (video)

    Police State

    1. Google’s Sensorvault Can Tell Police Where You’ve Been
    2. Let’s start demanding hardware “off” switches for webcams and smart phone cameras/mics

    Media, propaganda and censorship

    1. Mueller Report Is Out But Mainstream Media Keep Pushing Their Old Narrative… Tom Fitton: Mueller Report is a Political Document Designed to Smear President Trump

    Money, Your Economy.

    1. Foxconn insists still committed to 13,000 Wisconsin jobs; created just 178 last year
    2. Retail’s Existential Threat? Private Equity Firms
    3. Dairy industry to DISAPPEAR in 10 years?
    4. Chase Bank CLOSES ACCOUNTS of political activists without explanation!
    5. List of 24 Points Pressing Hard Toward Recession
    6. The Network of Global Corporate Control Secret Societies
  • Trade war with China: US will make sure it causes major ruckus before losing the fight
  • Immigration and Refugees

    1. ‘United Constitutional Patriots’ Take Action as Migrants Illegally Cross Border

    Weather and Geoengineering

    1. You cannot have an honest discussion about "Climate Change" without including all the "Geoengineering Programs" world wide by many nations. To learn more go to - https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
    2. Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science
  • Global data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions
  • Maybe they should stop Geoengineering the weather and stop playing with mother nature.
    Bering Sea has reached climate conditions not expected until 2050, scientists say
  • Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 20, 2019,
  • Israeli / Palestrina

    1. Palestinians are trying to evacuate an injured Palestinian young man who was shot by Israeli soldiers while being arrested in Tqou village Yesterday.
    2. TorahJews living in the USA under @POTUS declare: "We have nothing to do with Zionists, we don’t believe in state of Israel and don’t vote in their elections.”
    3. War Versus Peace: Israel Has Decided & So Should We

    Other articles

    1. If you are serious about opening your mind and learning new things and get away from propaganda websites, go to this website daily http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#axzz5FhVGiKah Mike Rivero is very knowledgeable.
      If you have the time listen to his daily show go to - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CtXVx2Q-tpb9pr24SQbwA
    2. Mark Renko ·
      If you do nothing else this evening, watch this very short video. In the United States we have between 600,00 and 800,000 children abducted, bred, trafficked, and mutilated/tortured for profit. Their organs are harvested and sold to the highest bidders globally. When these children reach their typical shelf life of about two years, they are murdered and the world never knows they existed. Satanic pedophilia is what this is. Anyone that ever turned their head the other direction in the past, will no longer be able to do so. The facts are coming out in the open now. If people want to burn cathedrals to the ground to hide evidence and cause distractions, then go for it. Burn everyone of those religious monuments to the ground. They will not get a dime out of me to rebuild a collection plate, but they can get all they want when they start building the gallows.
    3. Sandy Hook: Why are there 4 versions of Noah Pozner’s death certificate?
    4. It was 24 years ago today that the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed in what was clearly a government false flag operation to build up the fear of “domestic terrorists.” This is an interview I did with Chris Emery, the producer of the excellent documentary about the bombing, A Noble Lie.
    5. Israel Has Back Door on All Microsoft Devices
    6. Meet Colossus: The Robot That Saved Firefighter Lives At The Notre Dame Inferno
    7. Brzezinski's Warning To America

    Coin Marketplace

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