3-11-2019 My Daily Posts. 46 Articles.
3-11-2019 My Daily Posts. 46 Articles. To see all posts click on “Continue Reading.” If you like and want to share these articles don’t just hit the share button because it will only post the first article. You must COPY AND PASTE ALL THE ARTICLES for all of them to show up.
I can only lead you to the truth, I can’t make you believe it.
Government and Politics
- Ex Mossad Head Admits Israel-Al-Qaeda Allegiance
What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 3/11/19: Today's News Talk Show
Pushback on Human Rights in France. Resurgence of Police Violence. Devastating Neoliberal Policies. Suppression of the Yellow Vests
Trump Regime Electricity War in Venezuela More Serious than First Believed
US Is Pushing Venezuela to the Brink by Attacking Its Power Grid
Venezuela Aided Poor Americans With Free Heating Oil
Reason for Aggression Against Venezuela Is to Knock It Out of Oil Market
Russia to defend its Venezuela oil assets in ‘toughest way possible’
Dozens Reported Dead In Venezuela After Mass Blackout Reaches Four Days
War and Military
- U.S. "Gets Its Ass Handed To It" In World War III Simulation: RAND
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-09/us-gets-its-ass-handed-it-world-war-iii-simulation-rand - Syria Ready for War to Regain Oil-Rich Golan Heights
https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/71541/syria-ready-for-war-to-regain-oilrich-golan.html - US Airstrikes Kill 13 Civilians, Including Children, in Afghanistan
https://news.antiwar.com/2019/03/10/us-airstrikes-kill-13-civilians-including-children-in-afghanistan/ - Why Iran, Not Venezuela, Is the Likeliest U.S. Shooting War
https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/71531/why-iran-not-venezuela-is-the-likeliest-us-shooting.html - Pakistan Is Ready For War: PM Khan
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-09/pakistan-ready-war-pm-khan - Syria: 90 Refugee Children Die Due to Unfavorable Conditions of Hasaka Camp Run by SDF
- Preserving The Right Of Informed Consent
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/preserving-the-right-of-informed-consent/ - Most Protein Bars Are Worse Than Doughnuts
Media, propaganda and censorship
- Media Matters Plays Dirty, Releases Damaging Audio – Wants Tucker Carlson Fired…
https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/media-matters-plays-dirty-wants-tucker-carlson-fired/ - Decline in readers, ads leads hundreds of newspapers to fold
Money, Your Economy.
- 76,835 Job Cuts in February, Most in Over 3.5 Years: Retail Leads the Cuts.
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/76835-job-cuts-in-february-most-in-over-3-5-years-retail-leads-the-cuts/ - Baby Boom to Baby Bust – The Crisis in Socialism
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/baby-boom-to-baby-bust-the-crisis-in-socialism/ - He retired at 35 – here are some of his investment strategies
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/he-retired-at-35-here-are-some-of-his-investment-strategies/ - California State Workers Taking Home up to $456,000 Checks for Hoarded Vacation Days.
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/california-state-workers-taking-home-up-to-456000-checks-for-hoarded-vacation-days/ - GE CEO, who was CEO for the last three months of the year, received compensation valued at $15.4 million, including a salary of $625,000 and a bonus of $937,500 (WSJ)
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/ge-ceo-who-was-ceo-for-the-last-three-months-of-the-year-received-compensation-valued-at-15-4-million-including-a-salary-of-625000-and-a-bonus-of-937500-wsj/ - Scott Pelley Asks Fed Chairman – Are American Banks Safe?
https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/60-minutes-asks-fed-chairman-are-american-banks-safe/ - BlackjackBot 5000? MGM Seeks to Replace 2,000 Casino Workers With Robots
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/blackjackbot-5000-mgm-seeks-to-replace-2000-casino-workers-with-robots/ - America is being lied to by the BLS
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/america-is-being-lied-to-by-the-bls/ - More US aggression
U.S. Warns Germany To Drop Huawei Or Risk Losing Intelligence Sharing.
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-11/us-warns-germany-drop-huawei-or-risk-losing-intelligence-sharing - Rubino: If Central Banks Can't Normalize Now, They'll Never Be Able To
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-11/rubino-if-central-banks-cant-normalize-now-theyll-never-be-able - The Kraft Heinz Collapse—The Gut and Squeeze Strategy Fails
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/kraft-heinz-collapsethe-gut-squeeze-strategy-fails-david-aaker/ - The Fed and BIS Both SOUND THE ALARM On Huge Corporate Debt Crisis Coming
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/the-fed-and-bis-both-sound-the-alarm-on-huge-corporate-debt-crisis-coming/ - The $64 Trillion Question: With Foreigners Stepping Aside, Who Will Buy U.S Treasuries?
Immigration and Refugees
- How Immigration Destroys the Welfare State.
https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/how-immigration-destroys-the-welfare-state/ - Sweden: Still More Migration
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-09/sweden-still-more-migration - ICE drops dozens more migrants at Phoenix bus station; volunteers overwhelmed
Weather and Geoengineering
- You cannot have an honest discussion about "Climate Change" without including all the "Geoengineering Programs" world wide by many nations. To learn more go to - https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
- Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science
Israeli / Palestrina
- A fine line separates life and death for women in Gaza’ during 50th week of the Great March of Return.
https://mondoweiss.net/2019/03/separates-during-return/ - The UN fails to name and shame firms aiding Israel’s illegal settlements
https://www.redressonline.com/2019/03/the-un-fails-to-name-and-shame-firms-aiding-israels-illegal-settlements/ - Israel hammers Gaza for 3rd night in ‘vigorous response’ ordered by Netanyahu
Other articles
- If you are serious about opening your mind and learning new things and get away from propaganda websites, go to this website daily http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#axzz5FhVGiKah Mike Rivero is very knowledgeable.
If you have the time listen to his daily show go to - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CtXVx2Q-tpb9pr24SQbwA - Second Circuit Court of Appeals has sided with Cernovich – ordering records unsealed in Jeffrey Epstein case unless good cause is shown
https://www.cernovich.com/second-circuit-court-of-appeals-has-sided-with-cernovich-ordering-records-unsealed-in-jeffrey-epstein-case-unless-good-cause-is-shown/ - Does your phone LISTEN to you for ads? PROVEN YES!