Tensions Rise Between Russia & U.S. Following Further Sanctions! - Deep State In Action!

in #news7 years ago

tensions rise between us and russia following sanctions thumbnail.png

In this video, I report on the ridiculous further sanctions put on Russia as the global deep state presses harder and harder to cause instability between the countries and lead the countries into war.

All members of the Senate from both the Democrats and Republicans supported the new sanctions except for of course Senator Rand Paul as well as Mike Lee (R). Chris Van Hollen (D) abstained.

And you can't make this stuff up...

Known as "the Crapo Amendment," after Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, the measure was endorsed by Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) and ranking member Ben Cardin (D-Maryland).

These sanctions are being put in place in retaliation for the supposed collusion and meddling in the U.S. 2016 presidential election, despite zero evidence other than the word of the CIA and FBI who are known for perpetrating the biggest lies in American history.

Then there's the "Reality Winner" leak which smells more like a psy-op than anything considering the absurdity of the pretext.

Now the deep state, AKA the CFR, Trilateral Commission, United Nations and NATO have been wanting a world war with Russia for a long time.

They've done everything in their power through the military industrial complex to aggress against Russia and cause instability.

They've used false flags, economic attacks and even monetary false flags including the Soros funded Panama Papers leak last year which pushed to create an international tax system.

While I'm no fan of Putin as I'm no fan of government in general, Putin correctly pointed out in a recent interview with Megyn Kelly that if you put your finger anywhere on a map of the world, the U.S. has meddled in an election there.

There's literally no country safe from U.S. meddling.

Hillary Clinton wanted a no-fly zone in Syria which would include shooting down Russian planes. Trump was at first resistant for such a crazy idea but his cabinet has embraced the idea as a possibly applicable implementation.

Senile old man, John McCain has been quite supportive of war with Russia as well.

Hillary Clinton took about a quarter of her campaign money from Saudi Arabia, the country with the worst human rights record on Earth and THAT'S not collusion?

Then again, Trump just signed a massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia, so that comparison is out the window...

I still can't get over how creepy that picture is.

This story paints a clear picture of REAL collusion. The collusion of the Democrats and Republicans together working to enslave and extort the public while destabilizing the world.

This it a problem of statism and statism can't be solved with more statism. Big or small collectivism won't change the problems of collectivism.

We either have absolute unfiltered freedom, or we are enslaved. Pick one.

You can see the FULL video report here:

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Hope for the best but the US + ally block against Russia/China/syria/Iran/ north korea? could be the next WW3.

The decline of the American empire. What a time to live through.

I really hope that is true

The entire culture in the US has become contemptuous of reality, logical thinking, and objective fact. Displaying this regularly will result in being ostracized. The only hurdle to thoughts being considered facts now is if they "feel" true. It "feels" true to some of these old codgers that Russia is bad, so contemporary supporting fact is not necessary.

Upvoted and following

The biggest lie politicians tell is about 'diplomacy'. It allows them to commit hostile acts against others (sanctions) while holding the moral high ground. Sanctions are an Uber aggressive ACT OF WAR!

"Conspiracies are bullshit"
"Russia is influencing our politics"

"Safe spaces"

They are all evil, because this thing they have there:

Looks a awfull lot like this:

Tensions between the two "super powers" are sure to be at an all time high considering recent reports claiming Russia may have killed ISIS leader and John McCain bestie Abu Bakar Al Baghdadi during a bombing attack in Syria over the weekend.

Wouldn't Putin be part of the same cabal?

yes Putin is part of the same cabal (Freemasonry).
his personal position is for friendly relations with the US, but if the Supreme Councils decide they want war he'll have to go with that and play his part in WW3.
considering the Supreme Councils are filled with generals shilling for the military industrial complex one big war is guaranteed, I think at the moment they're just disagreeing on which war is best.

Every great empire in history has fallen, usually because of corruption and the unhappiness of the people. There's no reason to think we won't do the same. Granted there's still a chance we can all pull our heads from our asses, but that is rather unlikely.

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