Goldman Sachs & Other Banks Slapped With MULTI-TRILLION Dollar Lawsuit For Rigging Markets!

in #news7 years ago

multitrillion dollar lawsuit goldman sachs thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about an incredible new development as the big banks are getting slapped with a multi-trillion dollar litigation.

A New York federal judge appointed three law firms to lead counsels in the multi-trillion dollar suit accusing Goldman Sachs, Barclays and 18 other financial institutions of rigging markets for US government securities.

This is a massive slap in the face for the big banks, but is not surprising. The banks have been rigging markets hand in hand with the government for a long time.

Just last year, Deutsche Bank was caught alongside countless other banks in court rigging both gold markets and silver markets.

The Trump administration is filled with Goldman Sachs people much like most past presidencies. It's unlikely that this suit will be successful, but it's important for people to know about it, because it pulls together the vast rigging of markets we've been talking about for so long further into context.

This rigging is an attack on people's assets.

As John Crudele notes in his New York Post article on this story,

"I suspect there was collusion between Washington and Goldman, perhaps for noble reasons but largely to keep bond prices high and interest rates low, since the two move in opposite directions. Low rates help borrowers like the federal government and hurt savers."

Crudele goes on to say,

"As I've been saying for years, the government's and Federal Reserve's rigging of the bond market, especially during the quantitative easing period, has resulted in a secret tax on savers."

Rigging has become a regular way of life for the state and the banking system.

From entirely rigged fiat currency by the Federal Reserve forcing debt unto the populace to regulatory and tax rigging by the state, propping up massive monopolized corporations and pushing competition and small businesses out of the market. Then there's the rigging of bond markets and derivative markets by massive banking empires like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Deutches Bank, HSBC, BNP Paribas, Scotia Bank and the list goes on.

See the FULL video report here:

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Thank you for spreading the word on this. This is what I love about cryptocurrencies: for most cryptos, "rigging" the system in a way outside of the source code has no financial benefit for the attacking party. Beautiful!

Nice analysis!

@joshsigurdson, speaking about banks, get a load of this banking regulation proposal coming out of canada. It's full of holes and potentially communism.

Yessir! We've been reporting on that for years as it's constantly amended. Interestingly enough, we were the first media in the world to do a video on bail in regimes.
We also traced back the idea to an Exchange Stabilization Fund handbook from 1997 talking about their plan to implement bail-ins.

Hope this will bring more awareness among the people and prevents the banks from manipulating Bitcoin once the BTC based financial instrument hit the market (like ETF's).

Great video Josh. Shared on twitter. Stephen

I've no interest in buying bonds and don't know any young adults advocating for them.

Just heading out the door literally but full power UV given with what I have left in the tank, which is not much today again LOL

Blessings man.

You might want to check what I just posted too on the marijuana / crypto front!!!

The insider system will never be fixed until it is broken... sociopaths at the top will never stop pilfering and lobbying for the license to steal.

it's amazing.. great post sir

Just who is slapping the banks with this lawsuit? I never found out and I watched the whole video. Is it the government? I thought the idea is the banks and elites own the government.

Respectfully Goldman Sachs are the financial arm of the US government. Just look at how many Goldman Sachs people are in place of power. Not just now but also from Obama's time too. Smoke and mirrors

That's why I am asking who is presenting this lawsuit? Are they suing themselves?

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