EXPOSED: Democratic Operatives Caught FRAMING Trump With Russian Collusion Scandal

in #news7 years ago

trump framed by democratic operatives thumbnail.png

Yet more evidence has come forward showing an attempt to distabilize US - Russia relations following another cowardly attempt to perpetuate the Trump - Russia collusion myth.

While CNN and MSNBC were playing up an alleged scandal involving Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner meeting with a Russian with alleged ties to the Kremlin, there is one MAJOR part of the story they're not talking about. And it's convenient that they're not talking about it considering it literally brings the whole story together!

You're going to want to read or watch this all the way through because this gets strange! You can see the FULL video below!


A Russian lawyer by the name of Natalia Veselnitskaya met in Trump Tower last year with of course Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Trump's son in law Jared Kushner.

Though there are serious questions regarding how she managed to enter the United States considering she was denied a VISA, she was there nonetheless allegedly under false pretences, claiming she was fighting for Russian adoption rights.
According to her affidavit filed in New York in January 2016, she managed to get special permission to enter the United States after the visa denial to help represent a Russian company called Prevezon Holdings owned by the Russian businessman Denis Katsyv in a case brought against it by U.S. prosecutors.

Denis Katsyv

She was apparently given a parole letter by the US government in order to get into the country to defend a lawsuit.
While at Trump tower, she spoke with the 3 previously mentioned men about repealing the Magnitsky Act, and if that were the end of it, rightly so, it's a ridiculous act passed in 2012 to punish Moscow for alleged human rights violations in connection with the death of a lawyer in the country.

But that's not the end of it.

As this article from Circa points out,

"Vladimir Putin has long reviled the Magnitsky Act and fought to have it repealed. And according to letter from Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley, the Kremlin’s main fight against the law was led by Veselnitskaya’s client, Katsyv."

It goes on to say...

Another player in the Russian influence scandal, the U.S.-based political firm Fusion GPS, was also involved in helping Prevezon, Katsyv and Baker Hostetler, according to the Grassley letter. Fusion has been a major focal point of the FBI and Congress because it hired a former British intelligence agent named Christopher Steele to produce a salacious intelligence dossier that made wild and still unsubstantiated claims about Trump ties to Russia.

This dossier has been completely debunked and was a good fake news story while it lasted.

As the article goes on to point out,

Congressional investigators involved in the Russian influence case told Circa on Sunday that they are almost certain to probe if Veselnitskaya used her parole entry status to contact the Trump family and whether there is any connection to the Steele dossier and Fusion GPS.

“This is new information that raises all sorts of new questions and we are digging into it as we speak,” one congressional investigator told Circa, speaking only on condition of anonymity.

President Trump’s lawyers said Saturday they feared Veselnitskaya’s meeting at Trump Tower may have been part of a broader election opposition effort to smear the Republican by creating the impression he and his family had extensive ties to Russia as the Kremlin was interfering in the 2016 election.

“We have learned from both our own investigation and public reports that the participants in the meeting misrepresented who they were and who they worked for,” said Mark Corallo, a spokesman for President Trump’s legal team. “Specifically, we have learned that the person who sought the meeting is associated with Fusion GPS, a firm which according to public reports, was retained by Democratic operatives to develop opposition research on the President and which commissioned the phoney Steele dossier. "

So let's get this straight. A Russian lawyer shows up at Trump Tower under false pretenses. Represents Russian businessman Denis Katsyv. Katsyv's company Prevezon Holdings was a beneficiary of Fusion GPS and worked together. Fusion GPS put out the slanderous dossier attempting to make it look like Trump colluded with Russia.
Fusion GPS worked for Democratic Operatives to develop opposition research on Trump.

Are you seeing how this is coming together? I'm not saying that the Democratic operatives put together this meeting to make it look like Trump was colluding with Russia, but I'm pretty sure water is wet.
This is a damning connection and it piles on to literally dozens of fake stories regarding Trump's alleged collusion with Russia, exposed as nothing more than fake news time and time again.

Now I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm a voluntaryist, I can just smell BS from a mile away.


I have said a few times, I wished the collusion were true. The whole global establishment already colludes as a globalist entity, at the very least, if Trump and Putin colluded, that would make a thermonuclear world war 3 less likely. Whether or not you see that as a possibility or just Macheavelian fear mongering to distract the masses.

Of course the media doesn't mention Hillary Clinton's actual collusion with Russia including her uranium deal with the Kremlin.


This careless destabilization and acts of aggression against Russia are insane! This includes the attacks on Syria following an obvious false flag, the arming of terrorists and the close calls with Russian military in Syria.

Remember, Hillary Clinton wanted a no fly zone in Syria which would result in shooting down Russian planes leading to war.

Tillerson has advocated the same position himself. Though he's flip-flopped on it quite a bit...

Most of us individuals don't want to be used as a pawn to be sent off to die fighting people we don't know and have no quarrels with. Most of us don't want to die because the government and global establishment wants to capitalize on their world order.

While the monetary system enslaves the populace in debt as they print worthless fiat out of thing air. As the world is on the brink of a world war far greater than the world war we've seen for decades in the middle east. As small businesses are taxed and regulated into the ground. As the manipulated derivatives markets inflate massive bubbles ready to blow. As government creates Hegelian problems for the impoverished public to eat up alongside their slop in the gutter, the mainstream news simply wants to play up Russian collusion all day every day with absolutely no evidence other than hearsay and phony fabricated stories by unnamed sources.

If you question this news? You're either a Russian puppet, a neonazi, a fascist, a Trumpster, a bigot or as so many youtube commenters so eloquently put, "your are idiot."

The anti-war left has fallen. In reality they fell many years ago. Now that I think of it, the only anti-war left I can recall were those protesting under Bush Jr. and those protesting under Nixon despite a Democrat starting the war in Vietnam.

Both parties are completely controlled by the CFR, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, CIA and the global central banking system, and the proof is in the pudding.


Government isn't going to fix the problems of government, nor operation mockingbird style government propagated mainstream media, nor the indoctrination camps we call public schools.

YOU as an individual will fix this. With your voice. With the spread of information. With your passion for that which is most dear to you, even if you don't yet realize it. Your individual liberty.

There is only one person in the world you truly have control over and that is yourself and without that, what's the point? You ARE liberty. You BREATH liberty. Don't let them pillage that liberty. Don't let them extinguish that breath. Self responsibility is the most imperative part of individual liberty. It cannot exist without it.

Don't be herded. Paid off with the pittance of grass in the field before being marched off to the slaughter. For you won't be the only one. And the same goes for those over the great oceans over on that land mass we call Russia.

Cut out the collectives. Cut out the noise. Cut out the propaganda. Speak loudly. Don't be spoken for. You weren't born to die for what CNN pundits and producers say off the record themselves, is a big nothingburger.

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned for more and thanks for watching! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!


Wow! great post thanks for the hard work.

Thank you! Happy to do it! :)

following and waiting for more info.good work.

Thanks! Lots more going up in the next week! :)

holy crap can i share this?

thank you, its kind of refreshing to see an entire story instead of the agenda driven chopped up and re organized stories we read every day i quit believing just about any news outlet years ago , i usually cross reference stories between bbc and most of our news outlets and then check references before i even begin to believe them, i dont think that would be neccesary with your posts .

The globalists will never stop. If you are not a Trump fan,this should make you one. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Trump can't do anything as President. Individuals via voluntary collectives can. Waiting for a president to do something simply makes us more apathetic and powerless.

These democrats are so corrupt! Thankfully they have old leadership and will fail during the next election cycle.

What a post. Good job.

This is why I follow you, you tell the truth. Thank you for doing this video, I really do know how you feel. I too am trying to find a way to reach people through the noise of lies. It is a struggle to get them to care about everything that is happening, and I don't know if we will be able to reach people in time?
Anyway if you ever want to bounce an idea off me I would be more then happy to listen and put in my two cents.

Grateful thank you

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