Could Canadians See A "Sin Tax" On Meat In The Future?

in #news7 years ago

Could Canadians See A Sin Tax On Meat In The Future thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the ridiculous proposal recently featured on state-run CBC News regarding a "sin tax" on meat products.

According to a British lobby group, it would be "beneficial" to the environment and health for government to impose a tax on meat products. This group doesn't seem to see the irony in mankind's most notable killer and polluter stealing people's money in order to stop them from being unhealthy and save the environment at the same time.

The idea is to tax meat the way many countries tax tobacco, sugar and carbon, all terrible money grabs to begin with.
It has been beamed into our brains that we must not take care of ourselves and instead depend on the government to take care of us for us.

Major corporations benefit from such taxes and regulations as they are further monopolized by the state, driving small business competitors out of the market. The big corporations can afford to deal with the taxes on their products a few layoffs later. Small businesses cannot compete however. This is an attack on those in poverty and within the middle class. This drives up the price of already terrible foods like McDonald's and Burger King. As if the carbon tax wasn't enough to drive up prices everywhere due to exporting and importing.

It's sad to know people actually support such a ridiculous idea.

Interesting that the claim is that the government wishes to enforce rules to make people healthier all the while promoting the notion of depopulation. How's that for irony?

The arrogance of people thinking that others should eat healthier so therefor they should be extorted is another lesson in freedom. Do not bow down to the state. Do not bow down to the theft we call "taxation." Do not allow a collective mob rule every single part of your life.

The unhealthy meats that would be taxed are full of pharmaceuticals from pharmaceutical companies that the government monopolizes in the first place.

How about allowing free market demand to take over, bringing in true small business competition and innovation, bringing in more production therefor more jobs with higher wages to take care of these problems without government even entering the picture? Without government standing in the way of competition and propping up massive corporations? Individual demand will ensure the best products win. High quality. Lower price. That which is more environmentally friendly as that is the tide the market is following. How many times do we have to go over this? I thought the left didn't like major corporate monopolies. I suppose it depends. As long as the limosine liberals have their parents' money to live off of, they don't mind extorting everyone else who has a different opinion than them.

Demand of your dollar, not enforced coercion of the state. Make that your motto.

See the FULL video report here:

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WHAT!? End the Government and we can all have a huge BBQ, while playing poker. :)

I know right? lol

They don't even try to hide their arrogance and disdain for the people. Do you think that they know the contempt is mutual? There are more of us than them...

Indeed it is.


Vitamin B12 is not found in plants in sufficient amounts to keep a human being healthy. It is an essential nutrient.

Interestingly enough, it's essential for BRAIN FUNCTION, blood and nerves. There are 6 other ESSENTIAL, as in you MUST have them, that are lacking in vegan diets.

So, Canada is proposing to tax people for being humans. I guess they think that's a sin.

Yeah - imagine putting a tax on vegan products - there would have been an uprising :))

I heard about this on the radio yesterday. People thinking this is a good idea and pushing for the meat tax shows how rediculously brainwashed the population has become.

Firstly the government shouldn't be taxing any behaviors and they should butt out of our lives and personal decisions. However, even if you are socialist, this tax is absolutely rediculous because the premises it's based on are false.

The environmental issues with meat production only come from the big feedlot operations. Those employing natural methods can use cattle and other animals to help restore the land and water.

The negative health claims for meat are intellectually dishonest and largely based on epidemiological studies that are rigged. They will give people questionnaires about their meat consumption asking them how much "meat" they consume. If you actually read the whole study "meat" is defined as anything that contains meat and includes processed meats, pizza, hot dogs, burger and fries etc. These meat products, they aren't actually meat, contain all sorts of adulterants from nitrates to MSG to propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is antifreeze! Is it any wonder those who consume the most meat in these studies have health issues?

I could go on and on but naturally raised meat in and of itself is not bad but the advocates of these anti-meat laws don't differentiate. The whole idea is bogus.

Great points, following you.

You're welcome!

poutine and doughnuts from Tim Hortons will remain tax free.

We should charge the government a fat mouth Tax. Oh boy wouldn't we be rich!

we would all be zillionaires :)

I would like to see a "sin tax" on communism!

Those same elitists feel good about themselves eating vegetables grown with fertilizers made from animal waste and other byproducts.

The government always wants to add taxes to everything humanly possible. The way I see taxes, it's basically stealing money from people's wallets in the middle of the day. I hate the fact that you have to pay taxes for basically everything. When will this stop? Screw the system...

Let's face it, with governments going bankrupt they will continue to look for new sources of 'revenue'. Of course they will have to look for an excuse and there are so many to choose from..Hold onto your seats folks!

intersting post....upvote done...@resteem

A tax could potentially make some think twice about consuming meat and dairy, but it won't stop everyone. We need to keep educating people on the environmental impact of animal agriculture coupled with the health benefits of a whole foods plant based diet. Let's keep changing culture!

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