Coronavirus Covid-19: The Virus of Misinformation

in #news5 years ago


I was reading about SARS, the pandemic occurred in 2003. The virus was still a Coronavirus, still originated from China, still giving the same symptoms, still spreading in the same way, still stopped with the same precautions taken for this new virus. It still had the same mortality rate. So we already had such an emergency, but back then we didn't had social media, ready to amplify the hysteria propelled by the mass media. It seems to prove that humans are incapable of learning from past experiences. They even don't remember what happened a few years ago!
Machines instead are learning from past experience, they make treasure of it. They call this experience “data” and they know it's important. Not learning from the past makes the present and future useless. So the Coronavirus saga is shifting my favour from humans to machines. These days, I dream a planet with intelligent machines and free animals, without humans that are proving once for all to be stupid and useless...

This is what I wrote on my Facebook in a moment of anger, when I considered only the irresponsible machine of fear driven by the mass media industry. I was wrong, for three main reasons:

  1. The infection rate for SARS was much lower and this is making a big difference now;
  2. The estimated mortality rate for SARS was higher, about 11%!
  3. Mass media are not the only nefarious actors in this big movie...

I see many factions fighting their own battle against the wrong enemy. It seems that everyone is ready to fight everything but the virus. Everyone mistrusts the next one, every country tries not to be the plague spreader of the 21th century. Opposition politicians are seizing the moment cowardly to attack the ruling governments. And if classic mass media keep doing their job of selling fear, alternative media are spreading lies too. Nowadays on internet you can find the same level of bullshits you find on TV, if not even higher and more “viral” as it is more targeted and customizable for the users!
In a few days, everyone on internet has suddenly become a virologist or an expert in emergencies. Everyone wants to burp his/her opinion, obviously as fast as possible, without thinking, without checking, without comparing rival theories, because the people of the internet don't have to time for that!
But what is the #Coronavirus #Covid-19? Should we be afraid? Should we not give a shit about it? Will I survive? Will my boss finally die? Will my pet get infected? Will this or that country collapse? Is it the end of the world? Who's to blame for this?
We will try together to answer these and other questions throughout the following lines.
However, the most important question is another one...

Why Should We Stay Home?

Italians more than anyone else love negativity and mostly they love to make tragedies out of nothing. Italy is the ultimate drama queen. The public could not resist from going wild. Mass media used ridiculous headlines to spread unnecessary fear. People assaulted the supermarkets as if a zombie apocalypse was going to hit the country! And then, the very citizens avoided every common sense rule. They escaped from Milan as the authorities declared to lock the city down. Those people took every possible train to get out of Milan spreading so the virus across the whole peninsula! It was just like to see the whole human kind failing in a few minutes! Even the NY Times was shocked by such anarchic exodus!

As it usually happens, these events triggered an over-rational response into the skeptic ones that started to ignore the virus, even to deny it, with fancy conspiracy theories that cannot ever be left out in these situations:

  • There are cases only in Italy because it is the only EU state where they did checks:
    False, checks were being made already around the EU, with the ready response by the UK (back then still in the EU), with signals that I saw with my own eyes.
  • They talk only about Italy because the EU authorities (or whatever other organization according to the conspirator's creed) want to damage Italy or illegitimate the government.
    I don't even know how to comment such a bullshit, promptly busted by the latest developments. Typical theory of a provincial dude who has never left even his hometown and has 0 education in politics and economics.

Folks started to mix topics completely unrelated to each other! Social media were flooded with the most disgusting human stupidity!
People know how not to give a shit. They do this mostly because they are ignorant and hence they think to be smart and to know everything so it's time to explain to these sheep why it's important in this moment to stay at home or limit social interactions.

An anonymous nurse explains why you should feel ashamed of your twisted theories and your irresponsible behavior:

“... Are you afraid? Afraid of going to the supermarket? Of taking the train? Of going to the theater, to the cinema or to the restaurant? It is understandable.
We nurses instead, can we be afraid? But not of going to the aforementioned places. We're afraid of going to work, every day. Yes, because today whole Italy is terrorized by the coronavirus, but we are always here, with the meningitis, the TBC, HIV, HCV, HBV, H1N1, malaria, dengue... with blood, urine, vomit, suffering. We are always there, Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday. But also in the night, while you sleep softly. We are there even for Christmas, Easter, summer. We leave our wives, kids and relatives. Sometimes, we dry the tears of the children who ask us to stay home and we run to our duties. We are eager to celebrate too, to be at home on Sunday with our families. We are afraid too, but we can't. Because our duty is to be in the front line, as true professionals, always beside who needs us. I just would like to ask you one question: how many of you would do our job NOW? How many of you would accept the same wage of a clerk (with all respect for the clerks)?
Very few I think. So, try at least to have more respect and consideration for the role and the job every nurse carries out.
We would be really grateful for it....”

This is just to put you in the public healthcare workers' shoes before going to the technical explanation on why certain measures are being taken.
I just hope that from now on you will be more humble, that you will think twice before judging what is being done. Try at least to ask yourself “why are we doing this? Is there another way?”
And if you are starting your thought with “It's not rocket science...” then rewind and think again, because most of the times, once you collect enough information, consider all the parts in the game, you may realize that, yes it's rocket science! I don't wish to anybody to manage medicine, economics and politics all at the same time! That's why I'm totally sympathetic with all the governments in the world in this moment! Even if saying this burns your liver, I don't care. There is a reason if you and even I are not in charge. Deal with it and accept that you know nothing and you've got to learn everything!
By now two parties were formed. 90% of you belong to one of them. As usual they are two and as usual they are both wrong.

Party 1: The Panic Party

"The virus will kill us all! Sterilize everything, buy whatever you can at the supermarket, the apocalypse is coming!"
They are the very ones capable of infecting you... with fear! Oh and they are threatening your ass too. It will get infected or give you haemorrhoids if you run out of toilet paper...

Party 2: The Denial Party

More than a party it is a coalition. There are the ones who acknowledge the virus but don't take it so seriously, comforted by the fact that after all the symptoms are just like a normal influenza.
There are others that don't care so much, they demand to conduct the same life style because they are invincible, the virus will never take them!
Then, there are the conspiracies fans, who either think that the virus is just used as an excuse to change the political balances, to damage certain countries, to exterminate the weakest, who thinks that the virus was created in a lab for some dire purpose or even who thinks that the virus does not exist at all!

As usual, both parties polarize the attention of most of the people. In the middle, we have the poor scientists and the rational folks, always mistreated by both forces, but still the ones who work hard to find a solution to the problem, while all the others try hard to find a problem for every solution...
So let's learn and clarify together why this virus is so dangerous and why we are locking down entire nations.

An anesthesiologist explains the situation.

An anesthesiologist from Italy offers his professional explanation on why we must contain this virus for now. Yes OK, he doesn't have 20 internet master degrees got after hours of “hard study” on Facebook as you, but he still gives us an important insight and some easy but essential calculations....

Coronavirus: we explain why you must not be afraid but you still must stay at home.
I am a doctor and an anesthesiologist. This is why I allow myself to explain to you why the government is taking such drastic decisions.
The problem of the Coronavirus is not its severeness, since it is only 10, maybe 20 times more serious than influenza. Why is it more serious than influenza?
It is different, we are not used to it.
The elderly are not vaccinated. So who's more at risk? The elderly, as usual. Children way less, there are no serious pediatric cases for now.
So why are we getting so worried? Because this virus is MUCH MORE INFECTIVE than influenza, which means that it can be transmitted very easily.
At this point, let's try to work some calculations to better understand what the problem is.

Normally, influenza hits over one season, let's say in 5 months, about the 10% of the population. So, [in Italy population of 50-60 million] it hits about 5 million Italians over 30 X 5 = 150 days. Average mortality is 0.1%, hence we have 5000 deaths (almost each one elderly) every year in 150 days. For every death, we usually have 4-5 patients in reanimation, to play safe and that all of them will need Intensive Care. Let's say we have 25,000 people in intensive care in 150 days, with average recovery of 7 days. This means 1000-2000 patients a day in intensive care in Italy during winter.
Infectiousness: 10% potential (real data) = 50 million X 10% = 5 million of infected people, most of which unaware.
Mortality: 0.1% estimated = 5000 people in 150 days
Critical: 5 X 0.1% = 25,000 people in 150 days, so about 1000-2000 people in intensive care a day due to influenza.
The beds available in IC for the province of Venice, where I live, are about 60 per 1 million of inhabitants. This suggests that we have about 4000 IC beds in whole Italy. This means that in the worst scenario, the patients with influenza and its complications, so pneumonia, take between 25% and 50% of the intensive cares in Italy during the influenza peak.

The Coronavirus
Now let's see what it might happen with the Coronavirus. Remember that the great different is that the Coronavirus is extremely more infectious and could infect us, instead of 150 days, in just 30-60 days. Let's assume 60 days. Remember that it can hit up to 60% of the population, estimated data. So let's do the workings:
Infectiousness: 60% potential (estimated data) = 50 million X 60% = 30 million of infected people, of which the vast majority unaware.
Mortality: 1-2% estimated = between 300,000 and 600,000 people.
Critical: 5% = 1,500,000 people in 60 days, so about 300,000 people in intensive care. But... we only have 4000 beds! How can we host 300,000 people in intensive care when we have just 4000 beds?
If you stay at home, people will get infected slower. Most won't even notice. The others, especially the elderly, but even some youngster, will be taken by us, the doctors, in intensive care and we will give them back to you, healthy again; a few at a time.
If instead everybody goes out, there is the risk that everyone will get infected at the same time and so we will be unable to manage all, with a dramatic increase of mortality!

The Vaccine

You are scared and you look forward to a vaccine. But do you really deserve a vaccine? How can you deserve a vaccine if you don't have any respect for the researchers that are working on that? Remember that a vaccine is not made out of the blue. Unlike you think, it's not already stored in some secret facility, already designed years ago to make health companies profit from a pandemic created by themselves! It requires hard work, dedication and... sacrifice! Yes, because before we can test it on humans, virologists will have to test it on... animals! Those poor animals will get infected, will suffer, will get scared, will feel pain, will feel alone, only to save your dirty ass! Don't forget it, when you will try to avoid vaccination out of fear for a small prick.... You owe those creatures to be vaccinated and to forget your fucking conspiracy theories!
You owe the front line doctors died in Whuan, to follow the recommendations on how not to spread the virus further.
You owe all the government officials to play low, not to create and spread panic and to follow the instructions. They are working non-stop, day and night for someone very evil... YOU!
And by the way, back in 2003, scientists eventually failed to develop a vaccine for the SARS coronavirus, so there is a chance that even this time around we won't get any. In that case, those animals will have suffered the hell for... nothing! Think about it...
So, shut and up and cooperate!

Tragedies Happening in the Shade of the Virus

The Daily Mail (or Daily Fail?) Called the Corona Covid-19 a killer virus! You know what's a killer? Many other events are ongoing right now, those horrible clashes that the “civilized” world forgot about, while busy with the first serious (but not tragic let's be honest) crisis since probably War World II (eh! You had a long spoiled life and you even have the guts to complain!!!). Just to name a few:

  • Syria Civil War (yes it's still on, you retard!)
  • Hindu slaughtering Muslim communities in India
  • Yemen Civil War (with genocide included)
  • Libya Civil War (so close to Europe than you can't even imagine!)
  • Migration crisis (yes it's still on and corona won't stop them to seek refuge on our coasts)
  • Genocide in Myanmar

But the list is way longer and bloodier than ever. Oh and Covid-19 is not the only health emergency. Just because a disease doesn't touch you directly, doesn't mean it's not there...

For sure you forgot about Ebola, that virus originated again from bats, in the depths of Africa during the '70s. Yeah, that gruesome agent capable of melting you in a pond of blood. You got to know it only in 2013, just because it hit West countries for the first time. It's still there, lingering like an ugly ghost. However, right during the hysteria for the Coronavirus, amazing people kept on working hard and after decades of research found a vaccine for Ebola!!! This is awesome and it deserves a celebration!!!
Read here!
If humanity was composed only by people like YOU, I would have already jumped off a rooftop long ago, but luckily there are extraordinary folks that give me a reason to keep on living!
But still, there are many other diseases around the planet that kill more than Covid-19 could ever do. We are only lucky because these plagues don't spread like the star of the moment or are confined to specific climates.
These tragedies still happen today, you see? You see how lucky you are??? You are born in the richest, healthiest, freest and most developed part of the world, let alone that you are born in the best age possible in history, despite all the problems that we still have to face nowadays!
Just think that what I have mentioned above used to happen in Europe too for millennia!
Now that you're ranting again the boring chorus blaming the government, if I listened to you for all the times you blame authorities for everything, there would never has been a good government in history, right?
But still, few centuries ago, most of you had no rights, easily died of starvation, were killed and tortured in wars that used to happen almost every year, and there was nothing you could do to improve your life. No you could not go somewhere else if you were a common villager. There were no trains, no cars, no airplanes and after all you belonged to your lord...
Ah and you had no right to complain and burp your empty opinions on everything.
Now, you all have rights (even too many), none of you dies of starvation, none of you has experienced a war, none of you has ever been tortured, all of you have countless of opportunities to improve your life (but you're too lazy) and all of you can complain about everything and burp opinions about everything, even without any level of knowledge, decency and respect. You can blame everyone even without the slightest proof!
And all of this thanks to who?
If there was no good government or no good politicians then these are the possibilities:

  • It was possible only thanks to rebels and activists!
    Well, but those are still politicians or at least political leaders that at some point took power and changed the status quo, whether from a throne or an armchair.
  • It was thanks to the people!
    OK, but if people were responsible for the good changes, they must be responsible for the bad changes too! I mean it's unlikely that someone is so powerful and perfect that can change things always and only for good...

However you look at the issue, you contradict yourself...

The Misery of Conspiracy Theories

I know that you hate to be responsible for bad events. That's why you love conspiracy theories so much!

You always complain that you are not involved, that authorities leave you behind, but when you are called to do your part, you hide behind non-sense stories. So asking you to stay at home to slow the virus from spreading is like being imprisoned. In your sick mind you're not helping the others to fight this threat, no you're just deprived of your rights! Poor selfish kid... Do you understand the chance you're missing???
But why do you love this kind of stories? Let's have a quick look at how a conspiracy theory is structured:

  • Something exceptional happens: UFOs, political coupes or outbreaks like in this case;
  • The official media report their versions. The best ones usually report a disappointing, rational and also cautious analysis of the events. The worst media will build fear around the event to maximize their sales;
  • A hero or a group of heroes begins to investigate in search of “the truth”! Of course they will always hold the absolute truth, while everyone else is a liar serving “the system”;
  • The hero starts from a theory even before collecting evidence. The theory must include that the government is hiding something, is corrupted and at the end of the day is the main villain. It takes for granted that what mainstream media say is false. Mainstream media always lie, even when they have no apparent reason. Whoever takes a rational, cautious, humble approach or concedes the benefit of the doubt, is clearly trying to “bury the truth”!
  • With this “open” mindset, the hero will start collecting every piece of evidence that supports his theory, will dodge every other clue that invalidates the story and will adapt every other uncertain aspect to his “indisputable truth”!
  • When the truth is ready to be revealed, it will be shocking, unnerving, outrageous! You will feel scared and furious at the same time! But wait... you will even feel good! Why? Because you will see that the bad things happen because of someone else, be it politicians, free masons, Illuminati, aliens or whatever, but never YOU! You, the people are always the good guys in every single conspiracy theory...

Pause your mind on this last step because it's very important! I mean, there are 8 billion people on this planet, each of them producing tons of garbage and pollution every year, yet they always blame their governments for inaction on preventing environmental disasters.
People say that they love animals and nature, yet they keep on eating meat and drinking milk.
People always demand for more democracy, yet they offend and attack continually who doesn't think alike.
People state that all politicians are corrupted, but then they vote only for who cuts their taxes and offers them jobs...
People expect strong measures from their governments during a crisis, but when these measures take place, people try to bypass them!
So what the hell you want people???
You see? You see that??? You love these conspiracy theories because they provide you an alibi, they make you feel like the victims or like heroes, even during those events when the actual bad guys are... YOU!
You will find this scheme in every single conspiracy story!
Ah... Conspiracy theorists are as original as Hollywood authors...
This new truth behind “the truth” is hard to accept, but taking more responsibility for what happens in the world is the only way to make it a little bit less ugly. I don't mean better, just less shitty...
Anonymous is probably the only conspiracy theory group that I respect. At least they do some research before speaking.
However, they're still tainted with prejudice toward the authorities, taking for granted that they always hide the truth, as we discussed before analyzing the structure of conspiracies.
Watch this video please. It's really interesting.

Most of the info there is correct. What's not correct is the comparison of China and Italy on news control. In China doctors were silenced at the beginning as it works in a dictatorship. Just think that Li Wenliang, the doctor who isolated Covid-19, was admonished by the police for “false statements” regarding a possible outbreak...
In Italy nobody was silenced, but simply called to be responsible, meaning not to spread panic and the very virus too. Panic will not help, rather will put people in that "graver situation" that Anonymous talks about in the video.
The goal is to slow and if possible limit the spread of the virus and that's how China is indeed winning this battle. Thinking about mistakes done before is useless and as Anonymous said "too late" .
You Anonymous are asking the leaders to lead, well containing the spread while containing the panic too is exactly about leading! I suggest you to include in your team someone with leading experience too. You would understand that some dynamics are normal and not conspiracies. Thank you!
Another aspect that is incorrect and does not make sense is the comparison with the Spanish flu:

  • That disease appeared at the end of another catastrophic event like War World I. Every hospital was already busy with an apocalypse.
  • The Spanish flu acted differently. It used to attack mostly young healthy men, rather than targeting the old and the weak.
  • As reported also on Wikipedia, “a 2007 analysis of medical journals from the period of the pandemic found that the viral infection was no more aggressive than previous influenza strains. Instead, malnourishment, overcrowded medical camps and hospitals, and poor hygiene promoted bacterial superinfection. This superinfection killed most of the victims, typically after a somewhat prolonged death bed.”
  • Anonymous says that in 1918 Spain immediately reported about the disease, while the other European powers busy in the conflict hid the real nature and the real number so that Spain looked as more hit than other regions. Anonymous then tries to find a parallelism with today's Italy and the rest of Europe. From what we read and see during these days, this comparison is a bit far-fetched (again trying to adapt facts to theories). It's a fact that France and Germany were quite late in testing people and are still in shortage of test kits. They carried many less tests than Italy did to date. Nevertheless, if the cases number is impossible to establish, we can't deny that deaths by respiratory problems related to Covid-19 are much higher in Italy than the rest of Europe, for now... This means that Italy was actually hit stronger and the virus started spreading in this country before than the others.

You see? This is another useless conspiracy, even a vile one if I can say. I'm sorry that Anonymous took advantage of the virus to get easy clicks. Click-baits should not be the V style...
The theory does not help to solve the problem, it only creates mistrust and division, in a moment when all what we need is cohesion, empathy and mutual trust!
Don't trust the mainstream media of course, but don't trust the alternative media either. Keep a critical sense, try to cross check everything you see, hear and read, be it from the official sources, media outlets, bloggers and whoever, even me!
Theories and facts as Sherlock Holmes would say...

It's exactly what happened with the apparent prophecy theory. A book by Dean Koontz published in 1981 would have “predicted” the Covid-19! Indeed, the virus described in The Eyes of Darkness is called Wuhan-400! It still causes respiratory problems and it was created in a laboratory outside the city of Wuhan! How is that possible??? It's possible thanks to a magic trick. If you were in 1981 and tried to buy a copy of The Eyes of Darkness, you would not find any reference to Wuhan, but to Gorki. Indeed, in the first edition of the book, the virus was called Gorki-400 after the Soviet city when it was created... Only the 2008 reissue swapped the Soviet Union with China, to adapt the story to the modern times. This removes the only similarity between the Covid-19 and the Wuhan-400:

  • The virus spreading now has an estimated mortality rate of about 2%, while its fictional counterpart has a death rate of 100%.
  • Covid-19 is a natural strain of virus, probably originated from bats, while Wuhan-400 is artificial.
  • While Covid-19 incubation period is between 2 and 14 days, Wuhan-400 takes just 4 hours to show up.

Confess, you believed that the book predicted this virus! Hahah!

And talking about Wuhan-400, there are stories that say the virus was created in a laboratory. In the end they are an attempt to deny what modern humans can't accept: that we can still be at the mercy of nature! It's a scary thought for beings like us used to have everything and everyone under our control!
Just look at the slogan that everyone shares on social media: “Everything happens for a reason!”. The harsh reality is that “nothing happens for a reason...”
We are not at the center of the universe, buddy. The universe does not have a particular agenda and Chaos is what moves it...

People even struggle to accept that we don't know much about this virus, that it might mutate and the fact that there is a slight chance that it might become a mortal pandemic. And confess motherfucker: you'd love it!
Before sentencing leaders and judging how they are managing this pandemic, analyze your soul: you might find a lot of garbage in it...

Damage on Economy

You say that the lock-downs are ruining the economy. I even heard some saying that the economy is more important than health!!! This is also what transpires from the line adopted by the UK government. So let me ask you: why do you want to make money? What's the ultimate purpose of it? Maybe you forgot it, but probably you started to work because you needed money to do certain things: eating, drinking, having a shelter, being able to reproduce, having fun, traveling, educating yourself (though it doesn't apply to most of you I know) but... Could you really fulfill all of this without health? Not really, right? So can you tell me what will you do with your money if you won't have good health and if in the worst scenario you will die?

China is proving how the faster you act, the earlier you recover production.
While in the democratic Europe, the motherland of human rights, everyone is thinking about its own interests delaying the necessary measures to limit economic impact. In China everyone worked for the greater good and we could see the results. This is why most of the Chinese are happy with their dictatorship. Democracy is simply not for them and I respect that. Even because nowadays democracy rhymes with idiocracy, with individualism, with the mantra “I'm more important than anyone else”.
Anti-EU folks are even pointing out how the whole European structure lacks of any solidarity between states and they are right this time around. At least, the uncoordinated action (and mistrust) among member states shows that the EU does not have that much power, unlike what the far right always says in order to make the EU the scapegoat of every problem.
In Italy they point out how the only concrete help came from China, the very “evil” guys according to the West press.
More than damages on the economy, I see permanent damages on the democratic ideology. This time around, the Chinese regime is proving simply superior in handling a crisis of this proportion. The regime showed:

  • readiness,
  • merciless censorship of misinformation,
  • total cooperation by the population,
  • priority to public health over economy,
  • harmonic coordination among the authorities,
  • solidarity between the Chinese people.

On the contrary what we have seen in Europe was rather the opposite:

  • late response,
  • misinformation from everyone (official press and alternative press),
  • wild assault to supermarkets,
  • denial of the problem by some citizens and some political forces too,
  • lack of cooperation by a spoiled population that had never done the smallest sacrifice in their lives,
  • priority given to economy over public health (even football did not want to stop!!!),
  • insufficient coordination between authorities, with local governments that want to call the shots even in this delicate moment, especially in federal states like Germany and Spain, symptom of an almost feudal society,
  • lack of solidarity between European people, too busy in shaming each other to help each other instead,

In this moment, I feel ashamed to be European. China gave us a lesson under every perspective. Democracy intended as idiocracy showed all its limits. It proved to be an ideology too. The ideology that states that the rights of the individual come first than any collective right, even in the moments of emergency.
Ironically, Democracy is revealing unfitted to fight a very democratic virus. Covid-19 hits everyone, rich and poor. No surprise that democratic European people don't want the quarantine with some even stating that quarantine causes stress, depression, anxiety and whatever! Are you kidding me??? And what the Syrian children should say, you dirty spoiled motherfuckers???

“And if you get to Heaven, I'll be waiting for you babe. Did you get what you deserve? The end of [voting rights...]
Quarantine can be bad if you can't see all the great opportunities it has to offer!

Opportunities Offered by the Virus!

Talking about opportunities, look around and try hard to see what good things this pandemic can bring. If you want to be successful in life, you need to learn how to see the bright side in the darkest hour. I know, it's hard and you will even feel stupid at the beginning, but developing this skill will give you astonishing results. It's what took me out of the worst moments what led me to an ever-improving life!

Let's be creative and even mean. Let's go wild with imagination!

Hiding Your Dirty Business

If you are a politician, a manager or any person with responsibilities, this is a great opportunity for you to do things people don't like or don't want!
Whether you want to:

  • Genuinely help your country but you'll need unpopular measures;
  • Implement authoritarian laws and erode your citizens rights;
  • Or simply you plan to use your own position for your personal gains (#corruption), this is the moment!

Consider that you still have something like 2 months left, before people get bored with the virus and come back to watch you. Catch the moment now!
And indeed, the very Chinese government is giving us a great lesson of pragmatism too! They turned a problem into a massive opportunity!
In 2020 (yes 2020!!!), China is running concentration camps (yes! Thought government officials will call them “re-education camps”) in Xinjiang (north of the country) to brainwash the local Turkic minority of the Uryghus.
I invite you to check what Wikipedia says and in case to sign the Avaaz petition if you don't like what you will read.

Possible China's Collapse

Yeah it sounds tempting for many lovers of human (and animals!) rights. It's even the forbidden American dream...
Should the virus crisis last long enough, businesses could consider to relocate to other countries that by now are much cheaper than China itself. This could be a great occasion for other Asian countries like the Philippines or Indonesia, but even Africa! Africa is now ready to receive investments rather than charity, something that China itself understood long ago. Chinese entrepreneurs could be the authors of their own country demise if they start producing in Africa!
Let's see other reasons for which China's collapse would be a good present from the virus:

  • other developing countries would benefit from investments and new manufacturing businesses,
  • West countries could regain some specific manufacturing industries,
  • West countries should develop the new 5G infrastructures on their own for the happiness of Trump and security experts,
  • such a crisis would stop China's One Belt One Road initiative, which de facto aims to have global business (and then politics) under China's control by 2049 (yep, a dictatorship can plan well beyond the short-sighted democracies...),
  • China would no longer be taken as a model, especially on politics as too many thinkers even in the West deem the
    Chinese system "superior" due to lack of democracy, freedom and rights, seen as "obstacles". The "free world" would win once again over the totalitarian world!

However don't think that it is so simple...
A collapsing China could even have dire consequences.
First, China is not as homogeneous as you think. Like every huge country, it has many ethnic groups and cultures, resilient and resistant even to the harsh communist government. So resistant that the government is being forced to implement corrective camps, the ones we talked about before. So:

  • a collapsing China would be the right occasion to unleash separatist movements across the country, from Hong Kong to Xinjiang,
  • Mongolia could seize the moment to claim the lands of inner Mongolia,
  • these conflicts would inevitably attract the intervention of foreign superpowers, rising the risk of a new global conflict, i.e. WWIII!
  • to beat the competition of the new manufacturing countries, China might reverse on workers rights where the country improved dramatically in the last decades, reintroducing for example minors or forced labour,
  • the government could reverse on some freedoms and make China a giant North Korea very hostile to the outside world.
  • a China in crisis could be starving starting so to eat dogs again, ruining all the progresses done on animal rights.

Reshaping the European Union

This crisis showed how the European Union, but even the single European countries are unprepared to face such an emergency in a efficient way.

The virus highlighted the holes in the health systems. It showed that cutting public expenditure on the public healthcare was not a good idea. It showed that Europe is far from being united, not only at continental level, but even at local level. Local divisions within the EU states came out clearly during these chaotic days.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a pro-EU and even a federalist. I'm perfectly aware that 90% of the things said about the EU are bullshits. I prefer to build rather than to destroy. Destruction is for losers, indeed most anti-EU are losers in life. Nevertheless, I truly believe that something must change, not only in the EU institutions, but in the very relations between member states. Solidarity is something basic that must be ever present in the continent, with or without the European Union. There is no excuse for how every party involved pursued its own interests or worse, tried to profit from the situation at the expense of the weakest ones!
When we will learn to be one, then we will be able to work on common institutions. But if not even a common enemy will unite us, I doubt something else can do it...
In the meantime, the US keep on considering Europe as a colony, using it as a training camp for their insatiable armed forces. Only the US can act in a so illogical way... In the moment of a pandemic, the White House decided to go forward with the military exercise Defender Europe 2020, aimed at simulating the scenario of a Russian invasion of East Europe. As if Putin would start tomorrow to pursue his wildest dreams...
When you talk about priorities... I just wonder what will happen with those 20,000 American soldiers when they will go back to the US with the virus...

Cleaning the Air We Breath!

We all have seen the spectacular satellite photos of China that show how the country is much cleaner now, after the general halt of industry activities.

Covid-19 could be the very messiah that the greens were waiting for, even more effective and categorical than Greta Thunberg herself!
Covid-19 did in just 3 months what no other green policy has ever done in decades!
Covid-19 is solving the never ending climate crisis everyone complaints about. This little buddy is the very cure for the planet! Just stop all the industry activities et voila'! Problem solved!
Well, even here your superficial mind is tricked once again. The air pollution in the sole region of Beijing dropped, but not so sharply as you might think. It dropped by 25% compared to the same period of 2019.
All the newspapers mention this report by the independent agency CREAas the demonstration that Covid-19 is cleaning China from its oppressing pollution. It is, but only in part. To understand why, it's important to read some important passages from this report:

  • The two largest sources of air pollution in the Beijing region are steel industry and the heating of buildings. This contrasts with the regions that have seen the largest air quality improvements, where power plants, transport and smaller industries are more prominent. These two sectors are the least affected by the virus – buildings need to be heated even when cities and villages are locked down, and might even be heated more as people spend all of their time indoors. The steel industry is loath to shut furnaces as shutdown and startup incur a lot of costs. So the industry has kept on producing, resulting in record-high stockpiles.
  • Beijing’s geography makes its pollution levels very sensitive to wind directions – enormous industrial clusters and high population densities to the south and east mean high pollution when wind comes from those directions, while wind from grasslands to the north and west brings clean air. So bad luck in terms of wind direction and speed can have a major impact on week-to-week pollution levels.

Another great opportunity, but as you can see reality is never that simple.

Stock Market

Whenever a crisis hits, the stock market plummets. The stock market is that annoying barometer supposed to tell you how the world is going. It is the first one to get excited when something good happens and the first one to get depressed for even the simple collective feeling that something can go wrong! No wonder that the markets get unbearable when a new disaster begins.
People like you love to think that the stock market is a big theater operated by powerful puppet masters, who enjoy entertaining the world with their financial lies. It's true to some extent, but do you wanna bet that even this time you share responsibility?

OK, here is how it works. You like buying things, especially those you don't need. Let's say that you are buying an energy drink that we will call Blue Cat. This company performed really well in the last years and to raise more money decides to land in the stock exchange. How can Blue Cat make money out of the stock market? Simple, they divide the company in shares, they apply to be listed, they pass all the compliance and transparency requirements to get listed and finally the stock exchange approves their request. From then on, Blue Cat can sell their shares to a wide audience. Why Blue Cat does not sell their shares privately? Because in a private transaction usually you sell big portions of the company, in some cases even the majority stake which means to sell the company and for a price per share lower than what you can get on the stock exchange. There, Blue Cat can sell some shares for a higher price and without losing control over the company. Being listed also means more exposure and free publicity for the brand!
Blue Cat keeps on rising, so more and more people want to buy Blue Cat shares. Why? Because if our fluffy blue is increasing its profits it means that its shareholders will get more money, aka dividends. Who doesn't want shares that give you good dividends?!
Over the first year of listing, Blue Cat shares increased by a wonderful 80%! This means that if in January 2019 one Blue Cat share was 10,00 dollars in January 2020 it's worth 18,00 dollars! Without considering that the company paid 3,00 dollars per share in dividends! Not bad! If you bought those shares at the beginning, you have a ROI of 30,00%! You dirty speculator!
The cat is purring, but then the virus comes into the game! People are worried, they hear that everything must be shut down for the common good. Businesses must halt. A lot of people will be locked down in their homes, which means some of them will be unable to work, maybe even unpaid for a whole month during this crisis. They will focus in buying only the essential goods to live, to even survive and an energy drink is not essential at all. Blue Cat will have lower revenues in 2020, it might even lose money! You can forget that you will get any dividend from it. Your only hope is to sell your shares at a discount, hoping to find some big investor who has the liquidity to buy and sell only after the market recovers.
You may say, yes but those big investors are the elite who controls the world! Yes and no. There are a lot of people capable of living without working for a month and not all of them are super billionaires. It's natural that big investors like Warren Buffet earn a lot by these disruptions and it's no secret that speculators like George Soros can provoke a crisis on purpose to profit from it (see war in Ukraine). This doesn't mean that every crisis comes from these dudes or that it's wrong profiting from the virus now.
If you have the capital to invest, do it now. I'm doing the same, so don't feel guilty for it. More ethical to profit from the stock market rather than to make click-bait videos about silly conspiracies.
I'm not going to tell you what I'm buying because I'm not a financial advisor. If you don't know what to buy, I suggest you to hire a CFA, a certified financial advisor. You can even follow one on YouTube, just the way you follow the “alternative media”! My favorite one is Joseph Hogue of the channel Let's Talk About Money!
However, I agree with you that if an economic system cannot cope with one month stop, it must be restructured from scratch.

Improve the Healthcare System

All over the world we need to improve the healthcare system dramatically, so that every country can be prepared to detect and contain a possible outbreak. Because Covid-19 is not the first outbreak and it won't be the last one. According to Alanna Shaik, virus outbreaks are a phenomenon destined to occur more and more in the near future.
She makes clear that no national healthcare system in the world is ready to cope with an outbreak of this scale, not even the most developed countries. "Covid-19 showed all the holes in our healthcare systems..."

I invite you to check her TED Talk, which is an oasis of genuine information in the internet desert of lies!
And please, follow her boring, but effective advices:

  • Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!
  • Sanitize your phone, which is one of the dirties things you carry with you!
  • Don't take your phone to the bathroom man! It's simply disgusting...
  • Don't touch your face,
  • Don't rub your eyes,
  • Don't bite your nails for fuck sake!
  • Don't blow your nose on the back of your hand... Jeez! Are there people really doing that? We deserve extinction then!
  • And last but not least: don't wear face masks! Those are for sick people and health care providers. Since we saw during these days that these masks are limited, leave these precious tools to who really needs them.

The healthcare system must be improved in every country and this improvement, like any other, must start from you!
"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country!" - J F Kennedy used to say....

Make the World a Better Place

And for real! I said already that this and that needs to be reshaped. This pandemic is the right occasion to rethink the whole world and the whole society. This crisis for sure has been depicted much more serious than it is in reality, but that's still good! It gives us the excuse to make those changes we want! Because the only way to change the world, is to change ourselves! I hope you got the whole point through this whole article. You hate the world because it's unfair, violent, ugly, corrupted, selfish, greedy, complicated, hostile, twisted and maybe even dumb, but... these are traits that live in you and me as well!
Sigmund Freud said that if you hate something or someone, usually it's because it reminds you of something that you hate about yourself, unconsciously...
Try to work on yourself first.
Ah and before accusing every institution to be corrupted, try at least to learn how it works, why it was made and who runs it... One day you might be part of its staff...

It All Starts From Us...

Anyway, I'm sorry to say that during these days, I saw too much on social media. We showed the worst of ourselves. Everyone against each other. Nobody remembering that for once we are on the same side, humanity against the virus! No longer blacks or whites, Muslims or Jews, left or right, just humans vs virus! It could have been something historical, but humans decided to throw even this unique occasion into the bin.
Too many of you enjoyed seeing other countries coping with the emergency until it didn't hit your own. Too many made cheap fun of the others. Too many are wondering how to profit from this situation, with too many dickheads feeding the fire of misinformation. May you burn yourself with that fire!

Then you complain about your life, about the fact that you are poor, about the fact that you don't have rights... Well, if you read shit, you watch shit, you do shit and you eat shit, shit is just what can happen in your life. This means that you'll always stay where you are. It makes sense and it's even fair, with all the due respect!
It doesn't matter if it's a crisis or whatever. You are able to see the downside everywhere. So if you're in quarantine, I can't even ask you to look at the bright side. You have the chance to dedicate yourself to things that normally you can't do, spend this time with your family, your friends, your pet and your loved ones. Noooo, it's too much for you! You need to focus on what it didn't work, on the money you're losing, on how the government was incompetent (but if you were at the helm of the government the virus would be already gone of course!), on how the world is going to collapse...
I don't wish you to get infected, but I can't wish you success in life either. You belong to the sewers so you've already had enough of undeserved luck in your life....

What's Next?

This saga is far from ending. New lies will be told every day, both from the classic and alternative media outlets. Don't trust anyone, anyone at all! Always verify, otherwise you will believe that Boris Johnson really said that he will let Britons die of Covid-19. Please, watch what he really said.

As you can see, he didn't say anything of what mass media reported in a rush! How to distort a honest speech into a bone chilling statement.
You always complain that politicians are never honest, but when they are, you attack them anyway. Damn! You're never happy!
North Korea, President Trump, Joseph Muscat, Syria War, ISIS, Climate Change, Brexit... Like these topics, even this Coronavirus will fade out of interest soon... In a couple of months folks will have already forgot about it... What the next viral topic will be...? Any ideas...?

Useful Links

I invite you to check the following links to have a better idea on what's going on now:

And if you are still here, I want to cheer you up with some good news about another mortal pandemic not anymore covered on mainstream media: The Second Person Ever Cured from HIV!
It's not covered anymore on mainstream media not because of some dark conspiracy, but simply because we got used to it unfortunately. It no longer surprises...

And should the virus choose your life, you can still leave this world in
an eco-friendly way...

'Cause we all wanna party when the funeral ends. Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-baaaa!
And we all get together when we bury our friends.
It's been ten fucking years since I've been seeing your face 'round here.
And you're walking away, and I will drown in the fear.

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