Conspiracy Theory? Politicians Admit to Paying Actors to Show Fake Support

in #news6 years ago

 In an age where most politicians have very little support for their  campaigns and causes, they have been known to resort to desperate  measures to improve their public image. 

While this practice is  disregarded by some as a “conspiracy theory,” many politicians have been  caught hiring actors to fill the crowds of their campaign speeches. In fact, just this week in Ontario, Progressive Conservative Leader  Doug Ford’s campaign was forced to admit that they hired actors for at  least one of their events. 

Ford’s staff acted like this was not  authorized by them, but instead blamed a local candidate for arranging  their actors. Campaign officials for Toronto Centre Tory candidate  Meredith Cartwright reportedly hired the actors to support Ford at a  rally in Dundas Square. “We were very confused by this situation because we are getting  record numbers of supporters to every event across Ontario. This was  done by a local candidate and it won’t be continuing,” Ford’s spokeswoman, Melissa Lantsman, said in an email to the Toronto Star

A number of these actors reached out to the press about the event to  blow the whistle, including artist and performer Devanshu Narang. Narang told The Star that he was offered $75 to appear at the rally  between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. wearing the candidate’s t-shirt, but he turned  down the gig. 

“I was shocked to see this happen in Canada, in Toronto. I find  it offensive even to the Canadian democracy. The main thing was that you  know, the moment I saw that I kind of felt odd about it. You know,  politicians hiring actors to play supporters is like the way it works in  the Third World,” Narang said. 

Ford’s campaign is insisting that this is an accident and that it won’t happen again, and that they have “no need” for these types of services because their candidates are so popular. 

“We don’t need to pay anyone. When we have events, we’re packed, we don’t need that,” Ford said at a press conference. It is interesting to note that Doug Ford is the brother of late Rob Ford, the former Toronto mayor who was famous for smoking crack on video. Doug Ford promised in his brother’s eulogy that “Ford nation will continue.” 

When Rob Ford was alive, the brothers famously got into a screaming match with the public at a city council meeting.  The practice of hiring actors to astroturf campaigns is more common  than most people would expect. Even current US President Donald Trump  was found to be hiring actors to cheer him on at early campaign events.  

Although the Trump Administration initially denied these reports, FEC documents  released in 2017 revealed that a casting agency was paid to send  supporters to the event. During the same campaign, Hillary Clinton was  accused of paying a child actor to ask a scripted question during a town hall event. 

This trick is not limited to political campaigns either, last October it was reported that at least 50 actors were hired by an energy company to support the construction of a new power plant at a town hall meeting. 

“They paid us to sit through the meeting and clap every time  someone said something against wind and solar power. I’m not political, I  needed the money for a hotel room at that point,” said Keith Keough, who was one of the actors hired. 

The actors were even asked to sign non-disclosure agreements,  which prohibited them from speaking to the media or telling anyone that  they were paid to support the power plant. The company still denies any  accusations that it hired any actors to support them at the meeting. 

It is also common for war propaganda to be carried out with actors since it is now fairly easy to stage a war scene and get away with it. 


My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 


This is not an unusual thing in India. Here politician higher laborers to show a crowd of big supporters. Politicians even using and manipulating social media platform according to their supporters point of views. This is nothing but a mechanism to control and manipulate the behavior of the potential voters. In democracy head count matters. Politicians are not leaders, they are businessmen who invest in politics to earn profit. Everyone should understand this.

I hope this news gets spread far and wide.
As more people just assume that the people at events are paid actors, then they will start to see the people on f-c-book are paid actors, and then be less prone to follow "the herd".

Interesting that Trump's audience in that scene were hired, since that was (I think) the scene which was a complete recreation of the one that appeared in The Simpsons way before it happened in real life.

howdy from Texas @johnvibes! Yes, the Ford people claim this was an "accident"! lol, that's hilarious. Well we all knew or suspected this was going on but I don't recall seeing any proof until this article. Great job sir, very informative. God bless you!

Their duplicity knows no bounds. I don't know if you recall but after the Paris attack in 2015 the supposed world leaders claimed that they had joined the Paris Unity march (showing solidarity for the victims.) The media widely reported it and the TV media cut the footage to make it look like they were heading the march. However, in reality, they were no where near the marchers. It was all just smoke an mirrors. A bit like politics really.

Check it out

Hiring actors secretly to attend your events without informing the public that such people are part of the event is a deception to make someone look more popular than they are in reality.

Can't believe NPR actually reported on this. I hope this story goes viral.

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