
Not sure for him, I just switched to linux.

Apple and China are in a Tree.

yea in someways, a lot the same, as they discuss in the movie network some similarities, ultiamtely though apply does not have the overt use of force in its tool kit like the government of china

Apple cloud servers are going to China, the keys, the passwords, the control, the governmental legality, etc.

idk, China sounds like a police state--but so is America, but supposedly Merica is a little less retributive and supposedly has more protections of individual dignity

America was built on the 3 or 4 branches of governments, the separation of powers, the first 2 amendments, and that helps, and the Americans must continue to do as much as they can before liberals continue to destroy the world starting with the United States in more ways than we can fathom.

yea but with the CIA spying on the Senates torture investigation, and DNI James Clapper giving his least untruthful answers to Select Intelligence Committee, and CIA plants in the press, it seems like meaningful balance of power doesnt exist with the unitary executive and the legislative branches. And the state is essentially respecting a press creating its own propaganda with press plants via CIA. And then as for meaningless judicial is questionable when basic questions like war are non justiciable, and people are actively denied vindication of supposed Merican protected rights--and information that might affect their claims kept totally secret.

And a lot of the Bill of Rights completely eviscerated by a sprawling government not at all constrained by a constitution, that is only given meaning as a pretense?

We are all draining swamps, and that takes time, work, voting, pressure, action, and what else? The New World Order (NWO) is the swamp and they admit it too so many times.We expose corruption and crimes and we are taking down the Clinton networks and Obama networks and the Bush networks and even going after Soros. We are doing that and much more. I'm part of that. Many people are joining #QAnon and others in these global revolutions unlike anything else found in history. Join us if you have not or regret it later on.

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