
in #news4 years ago

Control freaks don't even want humans to have the ability to join Satan or even the ability to think at all when everything is said and done. Satan wants to kill all humans on the planet and everywhere.

Some Choices vs No Choices

Having some choices is better than having no choices or too many choices. Patrick Bet-David likes having 3 choices. Three is like the magic number.

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2020-09-04 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-04 - Friday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-04 12:37:00 Bad UK Cop.png
Bad Cop in UK

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


Information You Can Gobble

Google is Government

10:44 AM - YouTube

@NINJEDI FANS But the problem is that Google was started by the government meaning it is a public utility paid for by tax dollars and also meaning they have to follow the same rules that other governmental things do. For example, they were given liability protection for having safe harbor, for being a platform and not a publisher like a newspaper. Keep in mind that a newspaper does not have liability protection. But Google, Facebook, Twitter, Comcast, etc, act like publishers and platforms, illegally, simultaneously, and they're breaking all sorts of laws and all sorts of things. People must continue to expose it all.

Naomi Brockwell Telegram

12:27 PM - Telegram

I'm watching her right now. Good interview.

Oatmeal High Council

12:23 PM - Chat with us here on Telegram

Can garlic fight cancer?

I eat raw garlic.

Do we want to continue and continue and continue some more to really accelerate the momentum and elevate the ever growing ocean of centralization?

Should doctors be centralized?

How can you get a second opinion if doctors are centralized?

Can you really get a second opinion?

Can a doctor have an opinion if they're centralized?

When doctors offer second opinions in America in 2020, what has been happening to them as they talk about Covid natural remedies?

I am aware of cancer cures.

I want @excitingworldcryptos JR to talk to me about monopolies and pricing competition.

Do you like police monopolies?

In Australia, in September of 2020, police are going door to door arresting maskless patriots.

Police Monopolies

Mark adds

Oh you mean policing for profit scams.. aka contracts of adhesion to get you to volunteer away your rights

Yes and I'm also summarizing many different things all in one. I'm trying to simplify and clarify many different things simultaneously.

Medical Tyranny

Why has medical expenses for doctor checkups, hospital visits, procedures, drugs, medicines, treatment, therapy, etc, skyrocket in pricing in the 1900's while electronics have declined greatly?

What is the definition of a corporation when contrasted with the definition of a company?

I'm not asking for the textbook definition of what a corporation is. Instead, I'm asking about what certain corporations did in the 1900's as talked about in a book called The Killing of Uncle Sam.

The Killing of Uncle Sam

01:25 PM

The book, The Killing of Uncle Sam, is about Rothschild, Rockefeller, Jesuits, what happened with the Bank of England in 1695, JP Morgan, other dynasties, other groups, other royal families, the infiltration of the education, the media, the medical system, the banking system, corporations, fascism in America in the 1930's, the war on religion, many different things during the 1900's and a bit of history preceding that as well.

What is a bad corporation?

Some corporations colluded with government and other things.

It goes beyond that.

Buying off politicians is surface level of the tip of the iceberg.

Sure, mentioning the buying off politicians is a good ice breaker or 101 introduction course for newbies who have not been down rabbit trails to really dive deep like a deep diver.

Free Masons

Vatican, yeah. Also, it is said that the origin of the Free Mason or the original and real free masons, good or bad originally perhaps, goes back all the way to King Solomon which must of been around 1,000 BC or prior to that, give or take a few centuries. Perhaps, some of the masons have forked and changed over the centuries. I would need to study them more but it seems a lot of it was always kept pretty top secret.

What is SPC?

Does it mean Statistical process control? I just Google that. I mean Duck Duck Go. If so, then yes, I try my best to do that. What am I doing? Step one is education. It is valuable to let people know things they need know in order to spread the word, to raise awareness, to help people make choices, to help people learn how to better problem solve and how to make better choices by helping them reason through it through the art of asking questions like a Stefan Molyneux Plato Aristotle Socrates philosopher. Having some choices is better than no choices or too many choices. Having 3 choices is a good number for example. I don't have a lot of money, Bitcoin, Hive, cryptocurrencies, probably less than $1,00 USD total as of 2019, last time I checked, not much, and I only have like less than $5K in total debt as far as I know. So, I'm not really a big miner. If you're asking me if I'm lost at sea, then perhaps I am. Perhaps I have not reached the age of the majority, if you were asking me that.


No such thing.. sovereign citizen is an oxymoron...

You mean, CPS does not exist? I am simply using a synonym for what you already described above.


You Are What You Eat

Vaccine Advice

11:20 AM - Hive

Great advice. You must be like a doctor. My advice is to simply look at the list of ingredients inside a vaccine before taking it.

Microwave Ovens Suck Balls

11:28 AM - Hive

I agree that stars give out dangerous UV rays and other such things that do in fact give people skin diseases and other things. But is it true that mercury can help people with cancer? I didn't know that. I know that garlic is a natural remedy which provides many benefits. Likewise, it could be that mercury has an ability to help flush out cancer cells I would theorize or what does mercury do exactly? Maybe I should write an article about mercury.

Microwaves & WIFI

Instead of comparing the 2.45 GHZ microwave oven frequencies to light, why not compare it to the 2.4 GHZ WIFI frequency?


Why not compare microwave frequencies to sound frequencies in music as well? There are books that cover the different frequencies in music and how they affect and vibrate the structure and frequency of our human cells, our brains, our wiring. I should write an article about music (like the 528 Hz frequency for example) and how it affects us for better or for worse.

Fire vs Microwaves

I'm comparing and contrasting between fire and microwaves even if you are not.

We Love Our Overlord CDC

11:57 AM - Hive

Are you aware of what the CDC is saying right now as of early in September of 2020 on their website? Have you seen Facebook censor CDC?

The CDC Website

Do you like the CDC and do you like Fauci and Bill Gates? Have you been following what the United Nations (UN) has been saying about the 2019 Corona Virus (Covid) and how they want to continue lockdown of the whole entire world to destroy economies like a super great depression for many years to come as we move closer to the year of 2030, which is ten years from now?

Bill Gates is Evil

12:59 PM - Hive

Remember what Bill Gates said around 2015 in a TED Talk video.

Banned Video

01:20 PM - Hive

I get my news from https://banned.video and other websites too.


Learn English You Can Eat

Words with the letter Y

12:00 AM - Facebook - Actually From Thursday Night

Yacht, not Yatch, a nice boat.
I need yarn like I need skinny rope.
Yankee. Ding ding, Jorge, you're the winner.



12:11 AM - Hive Blog

Which Disney princess would you be or is your favorite? I like Frozen when it came out, I was in Vietnam and my students loved the cartoon.

How I Met Your Husband

12:19 AM - Hive

What a surprising story and a cute cat. I grew up with so many cats and I loved that show which I know you're not referencing haha like you said. Enjoyed reading this story here. But the best part is not just Frido but also that you joined hands with Cos.

South Korea is Better than No South Korea

12:02 AM - Hive

South Korea is not North Korea and that is a victory. Think one step at a time and be mindful of the bigger picture that carries you towards larger goals. Some things may be gradual, subtle, and not final or complete. South Korea has been better than North Korea and that is better than no South Korea at all.

Animal Love Destiny?

12:04 PM - Hive

Fish and birds can be cute too. That's amazing. Yeah, the plan worked out for everyone. Beautiful.


01:04 PM - Hive

I enjoy reading history about the Greeks as we can all see in these photos and the video, Greece is a beautiful place. I need to go there someday.

Broken Hive Link

01:09 PM - Hive

Looks yummy. Oh, the links on your home page of Hive @joha24 is broken because it can only do one link there on https://hive.blog and maybe also on other Hive websites and apps too maybe. When I go to your profile account on Hive, you had a link to your Facebook and your Instagram. You can find those links and change them if you want in your settings on Hive or on Peakd or other Hive apps. You could share just one link there, Facebook or Instagram or something else. But having both Facebook and Instagram or 2 or more links of anything breaks it.

Short Bus Joe

01:47 PM - YouTube

​@Mr. solid, Do I have to ride the short bus, mom? They always make fun of me, mommy.


The 100

2020-09-04 - Friday - 12:32 AM - 01:16 AM - The 100 301

Clark became a red-headed Xena Warrior Princess.

2020-09-04 - Friday - 01:17 AM - 02:00 AM - The 100 302

They find enemies, no, actually another part of the ark that fell.

The robot talks about moving people to the Google Smart City to save the human race.

When the farm group landed on earth on the snow of a mountain, grounders were shooting bows and arrows at the kids playing in the snow. The one father saved 4 of them before getting murdered by grounders while he was going after the 5th. So, they don't like the ice nation or any grounder. All grounders may not be the same but they are to that one guy he says.

2020-09-04 - Friday - 02:01 AM - 02:44 AM - The 100 303

Walker queen kicks this guy off a tower and to his death.

Red Guy

10:46 AM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour (part 1) - September 4, 2020

Caravan means a parade or a group of cars or a group of vehicles or a group of maybe wagons or what have you I guess.

Alex Jones: "I bet all the tea in China..."

Financial attack on the credit card system of the NRA.

Cities have been under state law for better or for worse.

Naomi Brockwell

12:11 PM - What is Tezos?

Beating inflation is key.

Baker is like a miner?

I like reputation systems like the one on Hive, Steemit.

Red Guy

12:35 PM - Alex Jones Show - Second Hour (part 2) - September 4, 2020

Bad UK cop abuses man on a bus or train. I took a photo of this.

Control freaks don't even want humans to have the ability to join Satan or even the ability to think at all when everything is said and done. Satan wants to kill all humans on the planet and everywhere.


01:35 PM - 10 Persuasive Words Millionaires Use to Get Things Done

Having some choices is better than having no choices or too many choices. Patrick Bet-David likes having 3 choices. Three is like the magic number.

Red Guy

01:49 PM - Alex Jones Show - Third Hour (part2) - September 4, 2020

Our overlords take freedoms from us. This has happened from time to time throughout history. They generally look at us like they would at themselves, meaning when we fight back for our freedom, they try their best to intimidate us thinking that we are cowards just like they are. No, we were not afraid of them, we were asleep. When they take too much from the general public, then people begin to wake up.


Too many judges are weak. Too many supreme court justices and judges in general are blackmailed. Many judges are shot by the globalists via hired hit men, thugs, gang members, pawns, etc.

That's right. There is only Seattle in the whole world as far as I know. Well, the most famous Seattle at least is in the USA.

Overlord DVD

08:39 PM - Friday Night Frolics | Trivia Quiz | Harvey's Clickbait News | George Lucas Song

Data should be stored onto rock forever as opposed to decaying tapes.

@Overlord DVD Harvey, but can you handle 5x the gravity?

Legally speaking, you can sing songs that are not in the public domain.

@Sandra Feliciano, what I'm trying to say has a bit to do with the Safe Harbor laws and a few other things. It's a long story and rather complex. Part of is connected to anti-trust laws, etc.

Royalties is overrated and outdated.

@Sandra Feliciano, the issue goes way beyond just that. The problems are multifaceted because we're not talking about just copyright issues but underlying factors on top of that.

King of the Hill might be more memeable than the Simpsons.

How was Bill & Ted 3 able to go into the future beyond the point time would be no more?

@Timbuktuan Thor, are you talking about Bill & Ted? I don't know what pitch meeting is.

@Snarky Wheezer, You got a cleaver name.

In Bill & Ted 3, time was going to self-destruct. But if it were to or will, then wouldn't it retrospective delete all of the time and space before George Carlin's wife could warn them?

Ron Gibson



Naomi Brockwell

12:11 PM - What is Tezos?

Ron Gibson


How-To Install

2020-08-03 - Monday - 12:21 AM - Installing a Driver


git clone https://github.com/zebulon2/rtl8814au.git
cd rtl8814au
sudo make install
sudo modprobe 8814au

Turned on my Ethernet

sudo modprobe r8169

How to do that?

First, I had to find out the name of the driver and then find the exact command. Had to make it was recognized and installed. I have this problem for like many months in 2020 if not longer. I was working on it on and off for months and especially since like at least July and many days and dozens of hours like in August. A few hours today. I think I have the drivers installed already. I guess I didn't have to install anything I think. I don't remember and I got to go back and make sure I know which drivers are required just in case. But the important thing is the command to turn it on: sudo modprobe r8169


10:39 AM - Apple. Coffee.
11:20 AM - Vacuum around couch, coffee table, moved shoes. Also, swept the bathroom. They've been making wine. Also, yesterday, tasted some delicious pickles fresh from the garden with a dash of salt instead of vinegar. Almost forgot what I ate today. Potato on spaghetti around like 3 PM after dishes, vacuuming, mopping the bathroom. From 08:00 PM to midnight abd towards 1 AM, was working on WIFI but also trying to get my ethernet port on my laptop to work. I ended up breaking my USB WIFI device. GOt it back up after following my own instructions on what to do. I left these notes back in the beginning of August 2020. It took me hours to find my own notes. This time around, I made sure to leave copies of these notes a few places in case I need them. I was able to do ethernet through telephone through the house into my room and the other room. Here we are near the black rooster or black chicken. Still working on these things into Saturday. Need to get another adapter thing to connect a 5.25 inch floppy drive to my drive reader device. I still want to copy audio tapes using my USB tape reader device.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 84416.57
ETH 2151.65
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.67