VEGAS: Mandalay Bay Surveillance Footage of Stephen Paddock Released, Raises More Questions Than it Answers
Recently Released Video Raises More Questions Than it Answers
On Thursday, the New York Times released exclusive video footage obtained from MGM, of the alleged 1 October shooter & 'lone wolf' gunman Stephen Paddock from inside the Mandalay Bay hotel. This footage was obtained exclusively by the New York Times, and the edited video released to the public raises more questions than it answers. It has been nearly 6 months since the Vegas massacre, in which time dozens of FOIA requests for video footage from inside the hotel have been ignored, activists' demands for release of the footage have fallen on deaf ears, and a judge's court order for the release of police body-cam footage also ignored equally relevant casino surveillance footage. So why is it now that MGM is finally releasing some of this footage, and why is it being released exclusively to the New York Times?
Inside this footage, as described by the Times:
“Over and over in the clips, Mr. Paddock is seen leaving the Mandalay Bay for his home in Mesquite, returning with a dark minivan loaded with suitcases. Over and over, valets take his keys; over and over, bellhops stack his luggage on gold carts, helping him transport at least 21 bags over the course of seven days. As they take the service elevator upstairs, Mr. Paddock chats with them. He cracks a joke. He tips.”
Though we are told that Paddock was transporting 23 rifles & hundreds of rounds of ammo in these 21 suitcases in preparation for a mass murder, the gambler's actions & behavior in the video don't reveal anything strange or out of the ordinary. Just like MGM reported in a statement released in conjunction with this surveillance footage, "As the security footage demonstrates, Stephen Paddock gave no indication of what he planned to do and his interactions with staff and overall behavior were all normal."
"In the interest of providing greater context around Stephen Paddock's actions in the days leading up to October 1, MGM Resorts has released these security videos and images," MGM said in a statement accompanying the release of the images, according to NPR. However, the fact that so little of the presumably available footage from within the casino is being made public here, raises more questions about the context of Stephen Paddock's actions than it answers.
Did the belhopps who helped Paddock load his luggage not notice the great weight difference between suitcases of clothing & those allegedly full of hundreds of rounds of ammunition? Where is the surveillance footage of the alleged security guard 'Jesus Campos' who is claimed to have engaged the shooter shortly before the attack? Why is there no footage of Paddock entering & exiting his hotel room(s), but only of him entering & exiting the elevator & casino? Why is there absolutely no footage of the hallway leading to Paddock's room(s), or of these room(s) themselves from either inside or outside? And what was going on up there in the ten hours leading up to the shooting, starting with the last time Paddock is seen on the newly released footage, and which includes Paddock's room(s) being locked & unlocked numerous times? Was Stephen Paddock already dead before the shooting even started?
Probably the most important question of all is, does this footage in any way erase the mountain of evidence already piled up that undeniably establishes a government/media cover up? Like the audio analysis demonstrating multiple shooters, the video of apparent rooftop shooters, the multiple witnesses at various casinos reporting shots fired at their locations, the mysterious helicopter fly-by, the EMTs who reported coming under fire elsewhere, the many absurdities of the staged photos of Stephen Paddock dead in his room (like the dried pool of blood under the fresh blood by Paddock's head), and the list of red flags goes on & on & on.
These are the types of questions & observations the mainstream media isn't asking or talking about, but even they can't hide the obvious weirdness of the fact that after all this time, authorities appear no closer to discovering or revealing any suspected motive.
“Rarely are investigators or the public able to track the preparations of a mass gunman in such molecular detail. Yet for all the material the footage offers about the who, the what, the where, the when and the how, we are no closer to the why,” the New York Times reports.
NPR concludes with this: “Police have been unable to develop a clear motive for the attack and the surveillance images released on Thursday appear only to deepen that mystery.”
A mystery it is, indeed. How authorities could be so certain that Stephen Paddock was the lone gunman solely responsible for the Vegas massacre so soon after the shooting, and yet 6 months later still do not have the slightest idea of a suspected motive, is a question all of America should be asking. The government/media is clearly lying. Question the official narrative.