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RE: Woman Detained After Labor And Told She Can't Keep New Baby Unless She Takes Psych Meds

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Give me death before giving me to the hospital! These posts need to have phone numbers so I know who to call up.. Seriously, I'm going to ask politely for a comment and their side of the story.. But they are going to catch a piece of my mind on how this comes across..


I found the place thru the letter head.
+1 319-356-1616
Hope the number helps brother

Excellent team work! Thank you!

Also ask for full birth certif paperwork. I heard something about people unwillingly giving up rights to the state because of this document. Why CPS can take kids without consent. State police too maybe i just heard this from someone i do trust. Good luck

Please let us know what you find out. This guy is not even an OBGYN. He's the Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry from what I see online. It's true what they say, "if you're good with a hammer you think everything is a nail." What was he doing in her room in the first place!

What information do you have of him?

I was planning on doing a followup article, so I will ask her for some info like that when I do.

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