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RE: Pizzagate people are gullible idiots

in #news8 years ago

I'm going to presume you're a real person - and mean what you say. (In some other internet dialogues - that is not the case)

I 100% do not fault you for your incredulity.

From where I'm sitting - I'm not at all confident in the guilt or innocence of the people inculpated in Jon Podesta's emails

a reasonable person could conclude that there IS a preponderance of evidence warranting a formal inquiry .

a reasonable person could conclude that there is not. (and I wouldn't lose my composure upon that person)

if you trust that I'm not being adversarial about it (because I'm really not) - I'd be completely open to a public or private debate on the objective facts of this situation

discussing things is underrated

relishing in adversarial enmity is overrated

I appreciate your candor and objectivity - and wish the very best for you while you run this gauntlet of data

in the broader picture - I don't know - forgive me for assuming you're unfamiliar with these things if you are familiar with them:

hang in there man


If, in your opinion, a reasonable person could come to either conclusion, then reason would not seem to hold much value.

Your posts here are proof of that—addressing none of the evidence presented, just... name-calling. Brilliant!

No "evidence" has been presented.

Or—#PizzaGate is another COVER-UP of #sexual #abuse BY PEOPLE LIKE THESE! See: #DutrouxAffair #fakenews

Trump's subtle #PizzaGate joke signals he KNOWS Hillary steals kids from #Haiti. SEE:

You expect people to trust, a 4 month old domain? You're shoveling horseshit and calling it candy.

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