Thoughts on Guns Violence in America

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Capture.JPGI know someone who was directly impacted by the shooting in Florida yesterday so I want to say this unpopular or not. I understand how some people will fall for anything that they are told. However in the past 6 months , you have now had a guy who managed to sneak the a Gun Shop up to a Vegas Hotel Room with nobody noticing. We now had a psycho kill 17 people in cold blood in a school.
I don't understand how it has somehow been made cool in this country for people to think or to be led to believe, that if they have a gun they can not only protect themselves and their families , but that the Constitution and our founding fathers promised them they could have guns in case they think the government is to get out of hand and try to ""infringe on their rights" that they will be able to defend themselves. Some people actually believe this .... for those of you reading internationally . They think that Billy Bob, and his group of guys up in Montana who meet at the Elks hall, thinks that if they have the arsenal of Hogans Heroes , in their back shed and the government gets too uppity , they foster the thought that you gotta protect yourself against the government. Well I got news for Billy Bob, and Gomer, If the US Govt wants to take your guns at any point in time (and they should for some of you) if they wanted to actually take them, your going to give them back with a smile on your face or an unmanned drone is going to smoke you outside the Jiffy Lube , Your a delusional lunatic if you think your guns are gonna protect you from the Government. So with that argument out of the way. If you make automatic assault weapons illegal crooks will always have guns because they don't obey laws. When you make a law against something, it does put up 1 road block , that may prevent some people. They banned lawn darts ffs. Now to the woo woo's who say , well cigarettes and Big Mac's kill people too , and we should ban Marlboro's and Big Mac's. I will be the first person to support the ban on both as soon as somebody lights a big mack on fire and lobs it into a school and kills 17 innocent people, or lights up a Camel and blows smoke that kills 50 people at a Vegas Music Festival. Lastly the argument that alcohol and drunk drivers kill people too so we should ban alcohol . Well drunk driving is illegal and there are strict laws against it. But once again until someone manages to turn the bottle of vodka upside down and light it on fire into a crowd of people its still not the same thing you delusional living in an unreal world people. We live in a country where if you went to a flea market and legally buy a weapon used for war and unlimited ammunition from a person you had never met, and had a problem leaving with it the police would come and help you walk it to your car so your not robbed. But the second you open your damn trunk to put it in if he sees a dime bag of weed on the spare tire you can go to jail for 5 years.
Its harder for a girl to get birth control in some small towns then it is for someone to buy an AR-15. I would love for people who want to take away women's rights to birth control to try to live type of environment when buying an automatic weapons. Your harassed on the way in and out, forced to overpay , and subjected to some archaic rules and regulations about how horrible you are before you get the the damn thing.
The Constitution is a great document with some great ideas. But was written in a time when musketry was the weapon of the day. We are working off a literal interpretation of a document 250 years old. How many unimproved 250 year old things do you still use? What if we ran NASA , Medicine or Transportation like that ? All these things have evolved because we have evolved. Yet we still have these people who have the frontier Daniel Boone mentality that said they are guaranteed a well regulated militia. The reason we needed a militia at the time was because we were not a country yet we had no army.. YES then we would need a militia it was a group of minutemen. Think , would the founding fathers would have written this now. "Every citizen of the United States of America, has the right to own and carry the most powerful hand held weapons of war ever created" I don't see Benjamin Franklin writing that. He would apply common sense regulations regarding weapons we have learned to make that can destroy other American Citizens in the hands of the goofballs.
But we don't do that because we have too many stupid F'n people these days. So when you people around the world ask what the F is wrong with us, well there is your answer. Too many stupid F'n people. Who keep the smart people away so basically they wont do anything and will never do anything. Because both EVERY lawmaker on both sides are afraid they will lose the support of the Hayseeds and Rubes who have the power to vote and that think they are in the remake of the Alamo with John Wayne. People think .. more of the good stuff, less of the bad stuff. I am going to leave on this note. Since our countries founding we have lost 1,396,733 people to all wars combined. Since 1968 we have lost 1,500,000 people to gun violence in America from other citizens. 130 thousand more people than all foreign enemies combined. I do pray for our country , but i am also afraid of my child growing up in a place that would rather have guns and mass shootings, than stricter laws and fewer mass shootings..
God Bless
Sierra ty65.JPG

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