Ular Piton Raksasa Penunggu Gunung Bentar Ditangkap Warga (Billingual)

in #news6 years ago


Diduga akibat musim kemarau, ular piton penunggu Gunung Bentar ditangkap di dekat permukiman warga di Desa Parsean, Probolinggo, Rabu (11/7/2018).

Allegedly due to the dry season, snake piton Mount Bentar troopers arrested near the settlement in the village Parsean, Probolinggo, Wednesday (11/07/2018).

Warga menduga ular raksasa keluar dari sarangnya akibat musim kemarau dan mencari mangsa ke permukiman warga. Ular seberat 1 kuintal dan memiliki panjang sekitar 6 meter ini berhasil di tangkap warga di kawasan Batu Tiban, area Gunung Bentar.

Residents suspect a giant snake out of its nest due to the dry season and looking for prey to the settlement residents. Serpong weighing 1 quintal and has a length of about 6 meters was successfully captured residents in the area of ​​Batu Tiban, Gunung Bentar area.

Warga berani menangkap karena kondisi ular tersebut kenyang, diduga belum lama memangsa kambing milik warga. Ular ini ditemukan ketika ada seorang warga yang melihat pembangunan renovasi rumah makan di kawasan Gunung Bentar, semak - semak terlihat bergerak- gerak.

Residents dare to catch because the condition of the snake is full, allegedly recently preyed on goats owned by residents. The snake was discovered when a resident saw the construction of a restaurant renovation in the area of ​​Mount Bentar, the bushes were seen moving.

Setelah didekati, di rerimbunan semak Gunung Bentar tenyata seekor ular dalam kondisi kenyang diduga habis memangsa kambing. Mengetahui ada ular kemudian warga ramai ramai menangkapnya.

Once approached, in the shrubs of Mount Bentar bush tenyata a snake in full condition allegedly exhausted goat prey. Knowing there is a snake then crowded crowded people catch it.

Untuk sementara ular tersebut dititipkan di pemilik Rumah Makan Ocean Garden, agar tidak mati.
Ini ular piton ditemukan di Watu Tiban, Gunung Bentar. Dugaan saya ular ini baru saja memangsa kambing. Tapi di Gunung Bentar banyak juga hewan babi hutan.Warga yang melihat pertama kali kemunculan ular piton itu.

For a while the snake is deposited in the owner of Ocean Garden Restaurant, so as not to die.
This python was found in Watu Tiban, Gunung Bentar. My guess is this snake has just preyed on a goat. But on Mount Bentar there are also many wild boars. The people who first saw the emergence of the python.

Penemuan ular raksasa di kawasan Bentar ini kerap terjadi.Selang 4 tahun silam, warga juga menemukan ular serupa yang hendak menyebrang ke jalan raya.

The discovery of a giant snake in the region of Bentar is often happened. Auction 4 years ago, residents also found a similar snake who want to cross the road.

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