Donald Trump wins again: Under-pressure North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, bulges, agrees to meet and negotiate!

in #news7 years ago

Nuclear Armageddon? What nuclear Armageddon when a President Trump is in charge!

President Trump succeeds in forcing North Korea's Kim Jong Un to the negotiating table

Major news outlets around the worlds were stunned by the incredible lightening rod out of North Korea:

After weeks of thawing relations between North and South Koreas, following the Winter Olympics, and warm receptions of delegates at both countries, North Korea Leader, Kim Jong Un suddenly agrees to meet with President Trump and also showed commitment to halting further nuclear tests and to readiness to embrace denuclearization, about giving up its nuclear ambitions (What? Rally? Wow!). In fact, the meeting could come as early as in May 2018.

Over a year into the Trump presidency, who would have thought that world would at this point not be engulfed in the flames of World War Three (WW III). Who would have thought that North Korea’s quest for nuclear weapons would be matched by a strong international response led by no one, but the United States?

Handshakes across the peninsula

That this problem lingered this is one the faults of the Obama administration. His “Leading from Behind” Policy seemed to have suggested a “No leader at all” Policy. Thus, many feel America laid back too much, too long, under him, emboldening just about anyone all around the world. This perception might or might not be correct.

However, Candidate Trump was very vocal in his opposition of that policy, and did say, from Day One, that he was going to do things differently. Awesome. But his own excessiveness was also a reason for concern for many.

Well, yea, Donald Trump might be America’s most unpredictable, egoistic and president in modern history, it must also be said that he walks the talk. His hard rhetoric appears to have played a critical role in forcing the hands of the North Korean dictator.

After Trump got into the White House, everyone sat up. A new Sheriff is in town.

Reunification? Denuclearization? Perhaps. But it's time for serious talks

Sensing America’s seriousness under Trump leadership, China and Russia were forced to tighten the nozzle on North Korea. They (China and Russia) saw the handwriting on the wall, that Trump was predictable and serious. One bad day, he could really rain fire and brimstone on North Korea to destroy its nuclear arsenal. And should that happen, they (Russia and China) knew they would not be able to come to its aid. And should they be drawn into the dirty nuclear-leaning war, then, noting is assured, not even their own regimes.

Game up? Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un to have a face-to-face meeting (Image credit: )

Perhaps, the world would be saved from nuclear war, and that, ironically, would be thanks to President Donald Trump.

Now that North Korea has agreed to talk, including about its nuclear ambitions, the world can hope to live in peace again, without the constant fear of nuclear war. We hope the talks goes on well, and bears positive outcomes.

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I am not into politics really but I hope the best for the world prevails.

Yes, definitely.

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