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RE: Tehran Condemns Washington’s “Maximum Pressure Campaign” as Economic Terrorism

in #news5 years ago

This conflict actually started over 40 years ago when Iran nationalized its oil industry. This action blocked US oil companies from accessing Iran's oil market. The US wants access to Iran's resources and control over its foreign policies, but Iran is not playing ball. Its an obstacle to US hegemonic ambitions. Since then, the US has been working to overthrow Iran's regime, and obviously it's still at it. Iran's leaders refer to America as "The Great Satan," but it's for good reason. The US propaganda machine (MSM) spins the narrative in its favor, painting Iran as a rogue state, spreading terrorism and chaos throughout the world. This is a standard ploy to misdirect attention away from the fact that the US is actually committing these crimes, not the other guy (Iran). Look at the recent US-backed coups in Venezuela, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Ukraine, and Afghanistan. Like Iran, these countries also owned resources the US coveted and also refused to play ball. The US orchestrated a regime change, although the attempt apparently has failed in Venezuela and Syria. Make no mistake. America's regime change wars have cost the lives of millions, yes millions, of innocents throughout the world. Well, I for one say, "STOP THIS MURDER!"


You Sir are awesome! Are we friends on Facebook? I would love to share your comments there and credit you of course but I don't know your name. Mine is Sarah Abed.

Hi Sarah,

My name is Brian Tanimoto. I have been following your channel for a while, and have found your posts very interesting. I do have a facebook account, but hardly know how to use it. I'm just not into social media very much, I guess. But go ahead and send a friend request. I would be happy for you to use any of my comments any way you would like. I'm just trying to make people aware of America's imperialistic agenda, and counter the massive propaganda operations it uses to "manufacture consent" from the American public. If you don't mind, I'm saving some of my comments here on your post, so I can use them in other YouTube videos. It's nice how Steemit saves the comments. Well, I'll be watching for more of your great articles.

It's great to meet you Brian! I'll send you a friend request on Facebook and try to tag you in the comments section of a post where I shared your thought provoking comments!

I def agree that you should use them on other posts, YouTube etc, you never know in whose mind you'll plant a seed!

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