La Inflación en nuestro país 29/08/2017 Venezuela Inflation in our country 29/08/2017 Venezuela

in #news8 years ago

La Inflación en nuestro país, Inflation in our country

Hola a todos bueno esta vez escribire un poco sobre la situacion actual que vivimos en nuestro pais actualmente, no es la mejor situacion pero como van las cosas creo que seguiran empeorando aun mas, por nuestro mal gobieno lamentablemente asi es, espero esta pesadilla acabe pronto y venga pronto nuevos caminos para nosotros!

Hello everyone, this time I will write a little bit about the current situation that we live in our country at the moment, it is not the best situation but as things go I think they will continue to worsen even more, for our bad government, unfortunately it is, I hope this nightmare is over soon And new paths will soon come for us!

sacando un poco de calculo en el año pasado mi sueldo semanal eran de 6.000bs semanales
de los cuales gastaba en compras unos 4.000bs en varios articulos no un mercado full pero se podia comer alguna que otra cosa de buena calidad, actualmente gano semanalmente 29.000bs los cuales solo alcanzan para comprar 1 kilo de queso blanco y una CocaCola 2 litros y ese es mi sueldo de una semana,
y cada dia que pasa todo va subiendo que cada dia es mas dificil, si comprabas 1 kilo de pollo ahora te alcanza para apenas unos 300 gramos de pollo, muchos quizas crean que estoy mintiendo o simplemente el gobierno se encargado de tapar todo tipo de muestra hacia las personas de otros paises para asi disfrazar una politica completamente fracasada la cual no esta llevando a los extremos de olvidarnos de cosas simples como pasear, convivir, divertirte, o simplemente venir y comprarte un nuevo telefonos eso es algo imposible para nosotros

Taking a little bit of calculus in the last year my weekly salary was of 6.000bs weekly
Of which spent in purchases about 4.000bs in various items not a full market but could eat some other good quality, I currently earn 29,000bs weekly, which only reach to buy 1 kilo of white cheese and a 2 liters CocaCola and that's my one-week salary,

And every day that passes everything goes up that every day is more difficult, if you bought 1 kilo of chicken now reaches for only about 300 grams of chicken, many may think that I am lying or simply the government is responsible for covering all kinds of samples To the people of other countries so as to disguise a completely failed policy which is not taking to the extremes of forgetting simple things like to walk, to live, to have fun, or simply to come and buy a new phone that is something impossible for us

mostrare algunas imagenes de articulos en venta para que identifiquen los precios actualmente a lo que nos toca comprar

will show some images of items for sale to identify the prices currently for what we have to buy

15.500.000bs tecnicamente para un empleado normal como yo con salario minimo se nos es imposible comprar algo como eso tendriamos que pasar mas de 10 años reuniendo sin comer ni comprar nada!

15.500.000bs technically for a normal employee like me with minimum wage we can not buy something like that we would have to spend more than 10 years gathering without eating or buying anything!

algunas fotos de los mercados y su situacion actual es deprimente:

Some photos of the markets and its current situation is depressing:

Your donation is very important help me to get ahead in Venezuela:


I heard the government is trying to make inflation illegal? Nice time to move everything into bitcoin?

I'll give you a whale vote when I get the sbd so keep on writing about it, people need to hear about it. Also can you show us a picture of how much bs you need to buy a can of coke so I got a mental picture?

Ok already for tomorrow because today I do not have any cash and I will take the photo and attach it to here ok thanks for the support if good BTC here you have to wag it with caution as the government attacks those who handle that type of currency!

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