Thailand authorities call for all Wi-Fi traffic to be tracked

in #news5 years ago

I have slowly seen Thailand become more and more authoritarian over the near 15 years that I have lived here. Some could probably argue that this is something that is happening on a global scale as it seems the government just has to know everything that is going on at all times.

Like most bullcrap, this law is purported to be related to "crime prevention" the same way that a plethora of other laws have that cost people money, stifled tourism (20% of this country's GDP,) and hurt small to medium businesses. I find this new one to be particularly absurd.


I'm not a fan of pretty much all government, but the one that I am subjected to the most is this one in Thailand because I live here. When i first moved here, this country was a Libertarian dream: Very low taxes, low barriers to entry on just about anything, and if you wanted to come into the country to visit, provided that Interpol and the FBI didn't have you on a list, you could stay for as long as you want. The government pretty much got the hell out of your way. Unfortunately those days are far behind us and the government becomes more and more obtrusive as the years pass on.


Despite the government getting more and more involved in your every move, the internet was still a place where you had relative freedom. That was until Digital Economy and Society Minister Buddhipongse Punnakanta unveiled the new regulations of the Computer Crime Act a few days ago.

This act would require that all internet traffic be logged (which is something that your ISP or mobile provider does anyway) but now it was going to extend to any place or business that provides WIFI. Do you know how many places have WIFI? All of them do.

Now every "mom and pop" shop in the entire country is going to be forced to purchase a relatively expensive "server" of sorts that is going to track the actions of every single user that logs on to their network. Showing a profound disconnect with normal people, part of the team actually suggested that smaller shops could simply copy the ID card or passport of every person who connects to the WIFI and also note the precise time that they were in the shop... because, you know, businesses have the time and resources for this sort of thing.


Obviously, this is not going over so well with the Thai population as well as the expat one. As usual, the government replies with something along the lines of "if you are not breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about" and again, this just shows the level of disconnect that exists with the powers that be.

I have lived in this country long enough to see a coup d'etat.... twice. During those times all news and media, especially from the outside world, were suppressed. Journalists were arrested and held without charges, news stations were stormed by the military. Although they later did in fact give people their rights back, the fact that they simply shut everyone up without due process was kind of frightening.

Some Thai activists have been jailed for posting anti-government messages on their Facebook profiles and at one point certain UK publications and even all of Youtube was blocked inside the country because of statements the government deemed "harmful to the stability of the Kingdom." Again, this access was later restored but that doesn't take away from the point that this should have never happened in the first place.

The Prime Minister (who himself came into power by taking it, rather than being elected) has stated "the data retention requirement is not a violation of privacy and what the authorities are asking for is the public's cooperation." It makes me wonder if this man has a very different idea of what privacy is than the "average Somchai" does.

It is because of this and a plethora of other changes to the administration of this country that is seeing a large portion of the expat community move elsewhere. I have plans to follow this course because it is just one thing after another. It makes me feel privileged though - because most of the citizens of this country don't have that option.

I used to think this place was fantastic but they seem to be sprinting towards a China-esque government-control of information. This might be the last straw for me and I now have been looking at other nearby countries to relocate to.

How's the internet freedom in your country?

This is not an attempt to paint Thailand as a bad place. I love this country and sincerely wish that stuff like this wouldn't happen. I can not, however, ignore government overreach


Is 5G over there yet and smart meters etc?

I don't think so but I'm not 100% sure on this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thailand is one country I have and will never plan to visit...has anyone visit Japan ,China or Korea? I need places to have fun in any of these 3 countries

I have been to Korea and Japan. Both are very modern but quite crowded and expensive.

Posted using Partiko Android

If this goes through this might be it for me. There are a lot of beautiful countires nearby

yeah, i've been looking pretty hard at Danang... i'm finding seaview condos for 300-400 dollars a month
easy visas too

I have never been to Vietnam but I want to check out some other countries around here to might have some options.

Seaview condos for 3-400 dollars sounds actually pretty inviting though

i'm gonna do some recon in november or december. I'll let you know. The ease of visas is a big plus for sure.

Davao City, Philippines 😊

The thing that gets me anytime government does this sort of stuff the answer is always "if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about."

Well, who get's to decide what "wrong" is? That's the problem.

Common tendency as far as I see... In Russia it has another script: there is definite punishment for critics or bad words about authorities. It has started recently. Officially it isn't proved but there are many cases of people caught in prison. And it touches propaganda of terrorism or other criminal activities too.

You can always move to Davao City, Philippines 😊

Well living in the US, I think we have far less freedom that people probably think we do. Okay, I take that back. We have quite a bit of Internet freedom, but I don't for a second pretend to think that all of our activity isn't being logged somewhere. The government is just to large and powerful to not being keeping an eye on everything we are doing. That is too bad that it has gotten to the point you feel you need to move. It is probably for the best if they are heading the way of China though.

I feel that it is more of the sign of the times we live in today. If it was only for security purposes then I am all for it, but I have a feeling it is not just that and that is what I have an issue with.

Technocrats are crazy about making up rules! But they rarely work in the long run! They police can’t even enforce the law about bikers wearing helmets on the road! It sounds as if they need to appear to be working very hard!
I think 5G will also be a flop! It isn’t worth the investment by private companies! But they may need some projects for some commission!

How will that affect steemit in that area.
Nice post

It hasn't yet. To be honest with you this just seems like another knee-jerk reaction that this country is so consistent with. It will likely not be fully implemented because doing so required a ton of money and a level of expertise that not very many people actually possess. China employs 10's of thousands of people and has completely control over their data networks. All of Thailand's data infrastructure is privately owned.

I doubt it ever will come to fruition like many oppressive government initiatives in this country. However, the fact that they keep proposing crap like this is frustrating and disappointing.

The more the government gets involved in things, the more they mess it up.

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