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RE: Cui Bono? Who Benefits from the Las Vegas Killings ? A certain "John" seemed to know, warning 4Chan Users 3 Weeks Before it Happened !?

in #news7 years ago

Thanks for the resteem @ura-soul , thats great to get this out as far as possible !! This to me looks really looks like the thing to me ! Should we be surprised as indeed almost imedeatetly we had Hillary using this to further her clear desire to take away the guns, putting Ameiricans still m ore at risk to this sort of event ! But to see a few choice " usual " suspects such as Chertoff and Soros pop up yet again certainly doubles down on the reasoning for this cold blooded murder of citezens out for a good time ! I think the " John " whistleblower on 4Chan is a legitatmate source and his warnings are seriously damning evidence in a court of law as they are prior to the event and indicate more than clearly the big players in this dastardly plan ! we must have and want justice ! Did you know they have already started to install these awful peoples scanners in the entrances of casinos, what a joke I mean if there are no images of the shooter from Mandalay why would these scanners change anything when its the owners of the hotels that seem to be at fault here not the technology !!


you are welcome. I will do some more research into this source of information soon.
do you have a link that shows new scanners being installed already?

wow your site looks awesome )) Yes let me look that up it was an information given out in a youtube video which did actually show some articles on this very subject ! Ill look and get back to you on a DM in our private place ok ? have you seen this ?

Thanks - ok - you can mail me ([email protected]) or PM me at ureka if you like.

you know this is a first for me ! I have more veiws than votes !? why is that ? why would people come and read my post but not vote ? Are they afraid to be put on a list or what ? crazy !!

It's pretty normal. Views also include traffic from outside of steemit and those visitors can't vote.

well in that case its good news I guess, I hope my stuff gets out there and is seen ! this should be information catalogued and useable by anyone at any level and forever eh ? lol

:p my friends who are not on steemit reads, i can cite for 10 eyes without upvotes :p

ok this is the article that i saw mentioned in the video i was telling you about ! Its not body scanners yet, just detector wands for random bag searches !!

I have not been able to confirm that Chertoff owns OSI Systems. This news story states indirectly that Chertoff's company deals with OSI but is not OSI.

OSI is a publicly traded company you can find out who the major shareholders are pretty easily, the article says Chertoff consults for OSI

Yeah nice @matthewpro7799 ) lets do this ! In these times its " we the people " that are the "order" Lets give these disgusting self serving demons a taste of "OUR" law )


Have you seen the heavy selling of stocks of MGM enacted by Mr Murren ? 18 million dollars of stocks sold in the months leading up to the attack !! With the latest and greatest sell worth 10 million being just three weeks before the attack ! Prior Knowledge of the coming event for sure , just like the heavy selling prior to 911 ! ? Its really just too tempting for these people, a sign of their total disease no ?

I did hear about that, yes. I just looked a bit more into it and I was going to say that in the interests of fairness I really don't know that him selling the stocks was directly connected to the events in Las Vegas.. However, I just read his biography and not only has he founded a cancer institute which provides the deadly chemotherapy and radiation therapies that kill so many needlessly, but he was previously CEO of Deutsche Bank - the same Deutsche bank through which the trading your pointed to before 911 were transacted!

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