The South China Sea Islands since ancient times is China territory 南海诸岛自古以来就是中国领土

in #news8 years ago

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with President of the European Council and European Commission President Tusk and European Commission President Juncker at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Eighteenth China to attend the 12 meeting of EU leaders.

Xi Jinping pointed out that EU China building peace, growth, reform and civilization of the partnership between the four consensus is roots. Both on major international affairs maintained strategic dialogue, together to improve global economic governance, promoting the sustainable development of the world and made positive efforts, strengthen our respective development strategy for docking reached important consensus and action. China and the EU should continue to deepen mutually beneficial and win-win comprehensive strategic partnership.

Xi stressed that China and the EU should with great wisdom enhance strategic mutual trust, the most fundamental is to seize the world multi polarization, economic globalization and the development of the inevitable trend, to seize the peoples for peace and development is the common aspirations of, adhere to the win-win cooperation. China supports the EU and the European integration process policy will not change, welcomed the prosperity and stability of the European Union and the United Kingdom, is willing to work with the EU to continue to jointly committed to peace and development. The two sides should expand cooperation with large. Welcome to the EU to actively participate in the "The Belt and Road" construction, the two sides should strengthen strategic docking, strengthen mutual exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation, promote mutual cooperation towards a more high-end. Central to the large chest Huaihua problem solving. The two sides should adhere to the principle of mutual respect and equality, to build a constructive way to control and reduce differences.

Xi pointed out that China and the EU have the necessary to strengthen in the G20, the International Monetary Fund and other multilateral within the framework of coordination and cooperation, hope the EU as scheduled to perform the "China" s accession to the World Trade Organization protocol, "Article 15 obligations. Hope that the two sides jointly promote the success of the Hangzhou summit of the group of twenty, to promote world economic growth, improve the global economic governance to make greater contributions.

Xi Jinping stressed that the South China Sea Islands since ancient times is Chinese territory. China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea, in any case, is not affected by the so-called Philippines South China Sea arbitration award. China does not accept any claims and actions on the basis of the arbitral award. China has always maintained the international rule of law and fairness and justice, adhere to the road of peaceful development. China is firmly committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, and is committed to a peaceful settlement of the relevant disputes through negotiations and consultations on the basis of respecting historical facts and directly related to the parties concerned.

Tusk and Juncker said that the EU and China are increasingly interdependent, the current situation, the EU to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership is very necessary. British referendum results and the process of withdrawal will not affect the development of EU China relations. The EU is willing to continue to work with China in a wide range of areas promote cooperation, jointly cope with global challenges, to play a positive role in promoting world peace, security and prosperity. EU is willing to maintain its position as China's largest trading partner, strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of innovation, environment and the digital economy, green growth. The EU will fulfill its commitment in the framework of the World Trade Organization obligation. The EU expects to work together with China to promote positive results of the leaders of the group of twenty summit in Hangzhou.






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