Late Night Rant

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Funny how the people that run this country always seem to use that magic phrase: “To protect the people…”

Annnnnnd what’s up on the list now ladies and gentlemen? Guns….

They like to sell you on the whole spiel of “Well, if people didn’t have guns, there would be no gun violence…” Yeah, because people don’t smoke crack and tweak out on meth and we all know that’s illegal. People are going to continue to kill each other no matter what.

What about all of those people that have already been killed by police? No, I realize that not all of those people were innocent. But anymore, 9 times out of 10, it’s shoot now and ask questions later. They have a badge and a gun, so, that makes them God in their eyes.

Do you not remember Nazi Germany?

Oh, but it’s ok to push all these big pharma meds, that usually do more harm than good. All the chemicals and whatnot that they put in food. You never used to hear about autism and now it’s a common thing. But, guns are the problem?

People need to remember why the forefathers laid down the framework of the government the way that they did. To keep the powers that be in their place. To let them know that THEY work for WE the people. And if they should venture out of the boundaries that are the Constitution, we need to remind them who runs this shit.

The way things are now, it’s all about money. Lining the pockets of big corporations. Run the debt up trillions of dollars and make all the other countries look like the big boogie man! BIG DUMB PUPPY!

Our infrastructure needs work, but let’s build a wall! Let’s outsource our jobs to China. I know what they “say” on the news about how all of these jobs have been created, but they have to blow rainbows up our asses and put on a good front.

You have a right to defend yourself.

If you are not infringing on anyone else’s right, do you. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…

Now it seems as if, most of the time, if you don’t agree with what someone else thinks well….they want to pummel you with it and force it down your throat. If people don’t have their boxes….just get in line and shut the fuck up.
Well, I am not being quiet anymore. I already stick out like a sore thumb and never really liked the attention, but I am sick and tired of being quiet.

Picking sides keeps everyone fighting. So, that the people in power can get away with whatever they want. They can shit all over the Constitution, but their decisions and laws that they put in place don’t affect them so, they don’t give two fucks. If our attention is constantly on someone or something else, then, they can get away with whatever abuse of power that they see fit.

If it was just one of us common folk that had done some of the shit these people have pulled we would have gotten tossed in jail. The rules don’t apply to them. They wipe their ass with the Constitution and laugh about it.
This is not the American dream…

More and more people are watching…and let us not forget….

: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

2 : the betrayal of a trust : treachery


Good post, Follow me and I follow you

You can't have s NWO when one country is heavily armed

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