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RE: Google: Beyond Good and "Don't Be Evil"

in #news6 years ago

Road pirates possess arbitrary power today, and that they haven't afflicted you with it is merely anecdotal evidence. We both know police are more deadly to US civilians than terrorists - or at least that's what the data shows.

We both know that anyone who would use that statistic is trying to mislead us, right? That's a BLM statistic to try to use peoples stupid outsized fear of terrorists to hype another fake ginned up fear. Their power is far from arbitrary, it is very very clearly defined. I note you didn't say the last time you were pulled over. Don't speed, use your turn signals don't swerve around and you won't be pulled over. If you are pulled over the police don't actually accept funds, they write tickets, if you didn't do whatever they say you did then go fight the ticket. Whoop de fucking do, worse case scenario you pay a ticket. In other countries you can be hijacked by real road pirates who rob and kill you. That's why it's hyperbole.

Do you grow all of your own food with aquaponics?

I would really like to know how I am supposed to make my home secure from mechanized infantry, just a hint? Its not very secure if disclosing it renders it ineffective.


"...another fake ginned up fear."

The number of Americans killed by police is not a BLM fiction.

"Their power is far from arbitrary, it is very very clearly defined"

Perhaps you have not been understanding what I have written about my experiences. I have seen illegal acts committed by such forces, know of others I did not personally witness, and have credible evidence of far more, and this since my beardless youth.

I note you didn't watch the @larkenrose video, as it would disprove your thesis that simply not violating the law precluded being pulled over, or that being pulled over was no threat to safety..

You also remain in denial that being hijacked by real road pirates in America happens daily. May it never happen to you as it has to me.

Regarding security technology emerging and recent, you can discover much with some searching and a bit of thought. I will mention some old and relatively unthreatening vectors that you can further research, like Henricus Loos, Jose Delgado, and the like.

Have fun!


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