in #news7 years ago (edited)

Precise it is To support the Faith and the Hopes without Apathies, depending on the Indispensable Union and Fight in favor of the Freedom and Progress that We Deserve... With Benedictions and God's Miracles.

I repeat that this publication does not try to have political "dye", because it derives from objective studies on the basis of diverse sources compiled from any official, unofficial means and from national and international experts, from party-liners, opponents, "nini", technocrats and existential; after arranging them, to combine them, to confirm them and triangularlas, to consolidate them coherent and to realize the due inferences with the major precision and possible veracity. Likewise, there is highlighted that everything here expressed has generated from my analyses for my consumption personal and shared without fear for his reading and reflection. Therefore, I clarify that I am giving either advisings nor recommendations of any type; and If someone lines up, he thinks, speaks and / or acts depending on here expressed, it will be under his ABSOLUTE RESPONSIBILITY.

Insolent General Analysis of why ...?

First, of insolent form "Is" "Admitted" clearly that in this mismanagement there prevail the mafia interests created about a grupete of wicked corrupt with a satanic vision of the politics and exercise of the power based on his forced "Capacity" clientelar and / or repressive to support the power to since of place, without importing anything for them; and in this context it knows them to miér ... cabbages the well-being of Venezuela and of the Venezuelans.

Also, "Is" "Admitted" that they are infernal animals, malefactors, savages, ignorant, destructive and spiteful unfortunate, little it is important for whom to dedicate something of his time to study and to look for the suitable formulae that allow to promote the growth of the country; of fact, them they do everything opposite, refusing to the indispensable dedication to the formal and informal analysis of the Sciences, the Humanities and the Economic Theories, for the good of the People.

So it is like that, that small they know or really they do not import for them for anything our laws, values, beginning and idiosyncrasy; and for it they stamp with brutality on the proven theories, practices and technologies of progress, as well as the positive, just, honest, equitable and rational legislation, together with the needs and the diminished pride of our humiliated submissive People. Glory to the Brave Village ...?

Though I am not sure, "Is" "Recognized" that the " monetary restructuring ", I base of this brave and insolent "Paquetazo Rojinegro", apparently from the middle, professional class, workers, up to the humblest and separated aroused fanaticism by the government; in almost all the Venezuelans it is managing to emerge the "Aptitude" to identify those who are the real enemies of the people and persons in charge for his misfortune, impoverishment and hunger; it is to say, even his own people already start "Recognizing" that the beasts rojitas and plugged in this government narcodictatorial are the clear enemies of All the Venezuelans.

To this respect, "I" "Admit" that each of us must invite all the Venezolan@s to think, to waking up, to leaving the fear, the egoismo and the meanness; to join and "To "recognize" ourselves that we have the "Capacity", the right and the duty to dissent, of expressing with valor, severity, haughtiness, disrespect, rigor and even vociferously to lift the voice, to protest, dictator goes and to demand the resignation of the puppet colombocubano and of his accomplices; before the erroneous plans, lies, unreal executions and the failure of this government replete with whippersnappers narcotíteres, destructive, hambreadores, slave holders and entreguistas.

Insolent "Recognition" of the "Victory" of " Dollar Today " or of The Truth?

As example evidencial of the vile ridiculous objects and lies empobrecedoras, manipulative and populist that they use to hide the poison of this brave "Paquetazo Rojinegro", "Recognizes" the supposed exchange "flexibilización" (repealed the " Law of Illicit Exchange "), that presúntamente will benefit us; but, really these mafiosoes rojitos did not eliminate the " exchange control ", only they removed the penalties for the possession and commercialization of currencies, to the ends of establishing "foreign exchange offices", where they will never sell theirs dollars.

In fact, the above mentioned "foreign exchange offices" just will have the "Aptitude" to bind to sell and this way they will buy very cheap our dollars and them of more than 3 millions of Venezolan@s that escape on the outside to flee of the hunger, the misery and the death that this narcogobierno imposes; because es@s Venezolan@s in solidarity they send him you send his relatives who for some reason remained to suffering in Venezuela. But, who if they will buy reduction sales these dollars are the corrupt rojitos plugged, then to sell them more expensive on the black market. Round business...

Therefore, "We" must "Admit" that it is an absurd naiveté, madness or stupidity to think that with this ill-disposed measure of swindle, the government is going to regulate the foreign exchange market for benefit of the People; and in addition, they think that with such manipulations they will be able to attract the foreign investment, before to establish an efficient, honest and "Capable" government; which is necessary to generate confidence depending on developing a solid economy, with minimal deficit fiscal and sustained in a national organic, reliable and robust currency; that works well to reach a real sustainable growth.

But, it is of "Admitting" that with these wretched and corrupt puppets usurpers of the power the things will never be able to be since they must be; and like test, in this context it emerges " Dollar Today " (" criminal dollar ", according to the persons appointed to a post through influence) which is referential unofficially, unreal, not reliablly, vague, harmfully and speculative; that arose as consequence of the " exchange control " and of the contradictory and negative economic and informative policies of this satanic government.

That is to say, " Dollar Today " neither is legal, nor provides the "royal" value of the dollar opposite to the bolivar; but, his approximate measure funge like marking only one that we have The Venezuelans and for route of the custom already it is "almost "official" (of fact, the bestias rojitas after stigmatizing it and satanizarlo, finally "They" "Recognized" it as the Official value of the par of exchange in this brave and insolent "Paquetazo Rojinegro").

Everything previous means that with this brave and insolent "Paquetazo Rojinegro" or with any other similar measure they will not finish with " Dollar Today " and / or with the parallel dollar, rather they have given him appearances of legality and credibility, and they opened the doors him to fix the future value that to good is convenient for them; which always will be in constant growth; obviously, quite due to the shortage and plunder of currencies, penalties, expropriation and destruction of the productive device, increase of the imports, decrease of the exports, denial of a "realist" monetary anchorage (not to the virtual petro-swindle), emission of inorganic money, smuggling and galloping corruption, between other factors.

Then, after thousands of times denying it, " Dollar Today " will continue being "Recognized" by these neglectful wretches in the power (and for us themselves), as referential scoreboard of "real" value of the dollar in Venezuela? Initially to 600 "sovereign ones" (maxidevaluación official without Vaseline, from 10 (Dicom) up to 6.000.000 of Bs); after several years lying and manipulating the story of the " criminal dollar " and with a control of change that does not control anything; except, that has served to fill the bank accounts of the persons appointed to a post through influence rojitos, those who buy the dollar to a low official price, then to sell them more expensive on the black market and to obtain large multimillionaire earnings.

Likewise, "Is" "Admitted" that this exchange differential is convenient for the malandros of the government between the official dollar and the parallel one, to support the great one defrauds with this mistaken and corrupt discretionary mechanism of assignment of currencies; which has turned into an inexhaustible source of easy earnings, doing what gives them the desire with the money of the People and destroying our economy. But, deceitful and fictitiously the virtual currency is placed petro-defrauds as anchorage - scoreboard (with his value in dollars / bolivars ¿?); and from there there is based the take-off of this absurd economic offer. So negative he has been that in less than fifteen days already devaluated the new sovereign bolivar in more than 50 %.

To this respect, it has could only in evidence that a real program for the economic sustainable growth, should fulfill several requirements, such as: control of the public expenditure, fiscal austerity, major value added to the raw materials, growth of the productive device, increase of the exports, decrease of the imports, royal monetary anchorage with regard to the dollar, not to issue inorganic money, assault to the corruption and repatriation of the stolen and / or escaped capitals. But, lamentably with this rabble narcorrojita in the power it sera possible and of continuing this way, we will never continue suffering with hyperinflation, shortage of supplies and famine, at the mercy of the miseries that they throw us: humiliating bonds and defeated food and of bad quality of the Clap.

Insolent Destructive "Capacity" of the " Economic War "

Similar to the raised in the previous point, also the gigantic lie and fraud "Admits" that for years these narcosatánicos have supported with the false story that the crisis owes to the " Economic War "; since, the announcements tied to this brave "Paquetazo Rojinegro" are the "Recognition" of which they themselves imposed this "war" in opposition to the people pendejo; and the narcotítere protocubano lost his own "war" with catastrophic consequences for Venezuela.

In fact, between the lies develadas one finds the relative thing to the fiscal indiscipline that they still support; because these diabolical animals try to be still deceiving ourselves on having said that they will take to zero the fiscal deficit and it is TOTALLY FALSE; because difficultly the fiscal discipline will be able to be reached without a royal growth of the production and the economy of the country and without diminishing the imports, the smuggling, the corruption and the gift of our oil to Cuba and Nicaragua.

Much less, the fiscal discipline will be achieved if it continues the emission of inorganic money; so much it is like that, that the own shameless one "Admits" that it has put in traffic " inorganic money " (for example to buy consciences and votes with the bonds that it grants) and with nonchalance it invokes that " the life is like that, we play this way " (damned irresponsible).

To this respect, the worm puppet lies descarademente and evades responsibilities on having blamed others and having spoken on the " criminal hyperinflation " caused by the " economic war "; while "Is" "Recognized" that the same government rojito has been direct person in charge of the hyperinflation and the desabastacimiento in the country; and as complement, these garbages in his " Economic War " in opposition to l@s Venezolan@s and as vile part of this brave "Paquetazo Rojinegro", increased the well versed VAT from 12 to 16 % that tod@s will pay on having bought any thing.

In addition, like tests of guilt of these wretches in the power, "Is" "Admitted" that they are those who make official the abrupt increases of the speculative prices (up to the triple one), they increase the petrol to international price (multiplying it by 1.000) and the price of the urban passages they multiplied it by 5 (from 0,2 to 1 B.S.). And to crying to the valley when they make the increase official in the prices of the services, such as: electricity, water, gas, bathroom, telephony and Internet.

On the other hand, the insolent destructive "Capacity" of the " Economic War " is observed better in PDVSA's destruction (with abysmal fall of the production from 3 up to almost 1.3 million barrels per day, losing Venezuela income in currencies for more than 40 billion annual dollars and for if it was small, the taxes free him to the petroleum transnational ones). Other tests of destruction are the CANTV, the electrical companies (for example CORPOELEC) and of the CVG, the companies and expropriated and / or nationalized household tasks and even the food producers.

In all this context of destructive " Economic War " created and supported by this irresponsible government in opposition to l@s Venezolan@s, the Internal Brute Product (GDP) has fallen down intensively in more than 10 year-on-year %; in a destructive environment, hambreador, entreguista, importing and without national output; in exchange for almost giving our oil, gas, gold, coltán, metals, precious stones, radioactive elements and to mortgage our future, between other aspects.

Insolent Contradictions and Conclusions: the Economic Recovery For When?

On the one hand, it turns out obvious "To "admit" that the economic recovery of Venezuela must go of the hand with the growth and the prosperity of all the sectors and specially of the public and private means of production, and of the workers; because a good balance between the offer and the demand will stimulate the economy, it will propitiate the increase of the wages, they will favor the benefits towards the population and will improve the income of the country so much in the internal thing for the route of the taxes, since of dollars for the strengthening of the international reservations, for the route of the exports of the produced surpluses; and increasing both the GDP and the level and Vida's quality of ALL THE VENEZUELANS.

That is to say, "Is" "Admitted" that it is necessary to to rest adequately and in every sense to the productive sectors and of the services, public and private, in order that they could work suitably and efficiently to his maxim "Capacity" of production, growth, diversification, competitiveness, technology and improvement it continues; in a such way, which could easily and totally to supply the domestic market, and even to export his products and qualit services. Obviously, because in the measure that the productive device frotalezca, there will be increased the purchasing power of the workers and the income of the country in national organic currency and in foreign currencies; relieving the fiscal balance and without propitiating the inflation.

Therefore, "Is" "Admitted" that Venezuela cannot progress if this satanic government discredits and destroys to the productive system; while, with impudence they excuse themselves from assuming transgressions, responsibilities, mistakes, faults and / or faults. In case of not amending the way that they take and continue raising, the companies will fail or allow producing and closing; generating massive dismissals, high shortage of supplies, speculation, famine, death and / or the flight of the majority of l@s Venezolan@s towards any other country. Because there is had clearly, that this mafia mismanagement will not be able to replace the offer with imports, because it does not have the sufficient dollars to do it.

Equivalently, "Is" "Recognized" the need to increase the prices of the fuels, though progressively and not to international price; and it is necessary to to subsidize directly to the sector of the public transport, besides a bond of transport / petrol for TOD@S the workers (without need to be by means of the " Season-ticket of the Mother land ", because it is an aberration; for example, if a person is multimillionaire, with limousina and has the piece of season-ticket this, it will be able to buy subsidized petrol; but, someone poor with a motorcycle or an untidy cart, at which it is employed or uses him as way of transport to go to his work and does not possess this garbage of season-ticket will pay the petrol to international price. It is Injustice and Social "Apartheid").

But, of everything logical and correct that should be done, it neither is demonstrated nor infers anything good at this brave and insolent "Paquetazo Rojinegro"; on the contrary, everything aims at that will increase the controls, the threats, the repressions, the penalties, the expropriations, the imports, the smuggling, the corruption, the emission of inorganic money, the bonds, the hyperinflation, the shortage of supplies and the famine, between others; to destroy furthermore the productive device, the economy and the Venezuelan company; also it will finish with the salary and the purchasing power of the worker and certainly the life of the Venezuelans.

Lamentably, this brave and insolent "Paquetazo Rojinegro" does not contain anything in concretly and everything has stayed in pure banal desires and promises that they will never fulfill (this wretch says: " in two years we will be better ", I say: almost tod@s if we will be better irony, died by hunger in the cemetery or after fleeing of the country, if we continue like pendejos, fearful, submissive and divided, thrilled in these deceived promises).

Already to conclude, "I" "Admit" that it is necessary and we have full "Aptitude" to save ourselves, to rectify, join, to wake up, correct and fight for a new and better government, before that is too much late. SPIRIT VENEZUELA! Only the Union and action is absent to give him the necessary push in order that it shakes off! THE VICTORY IS OURS!

What does think you, without fear, or fanaticism?

He has thought What will happen in the next weeks of continuing since we go?


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