SLEEPWALKING INTO GENOCIDE - A comment on the #ClimateCatastrophe Hoax by the UN IPCC

in #news6 years ago (edited)

(The Scream by Edward Munch)

The premise of the #ExtinctionRebellion is to believe in the IPCC's latest fearmongering Climate Catastrophe prediction of only 12 years until extinction.
What if I told you that it is a lie?

Change agents are primed and terrorised well in advance, progressively, in this case, over many years of mounting tension and fake climate computer models which erroneously conclude that CO2 is too high.
That lie is challenged, but those who see a correlation between temperature and CO2 have media & education establishment hysteria on their side.
So the voices of reason, such as Piers Corbyn are drowned out.

See Piers Corbyn's website:

The momentum of fear is like a runaway train and the young are encouraged to jump on board quickly.
The cult becomes almost a fashion.
Be there or be square.

If we consider the fact that #Climategate revealed that the figures used by the IPCC were proven to have been falsified and that there is no connection between the fluctuations of CO2 and global temperature (see graph) then we wonder why the United Nations persists with this deception.

CO2 & Temperature Chart over Millions of years.jpg

Eugenics were very fashionable during the early part of the 20th century and led to some extraordinary measures such as murder, chemical coshing or castration of those considered genetically inferior or subnormal. Many hundreds of thousands fell victim all over Europe and America.

James Corbyn has made a disturbing video which examines the evidence here:

Today we are seeing more and more young people coming out of our schools and universities convinced that the world is over-populated and "something" must be done.
Eugenics is back, but this time disguised as "saving the planet".

One of the young women arrested this week during an XR protest declared that she will never be having children - her contribution to saving the planet!
These kids are being trained to detest their own genes and to deny the future that their ancestors envisaged!
They are committing suicide in droves - unlike any previous generation!

The United Nations employs and encourages NGOs and grassroots movements to believe that the climate is on the verge of collapse.
It is BEING collapsed by technocracy and geo-engineering, by weather warfare and by a very few human beings who know exactly what they are doing and who is their enemy.


This insane belief, that the entire human race is responsible for wrecking the climate is fed to the young who have NEVER seen a day of natural weather!
How would they know any different?
They are terrorised into taking illegal actions which will destroy their lives before they even get started.
I wonder if any of them consider the fact that they will not be considered "heroes" by a prospective employer when he/she sees a conviction for criminal damage or obstruction of the highway on an application form!

The eugenics programme, endorsed by the Rockefeller Institute, the Rothschilds family, Maurice Strong and Al Gore came up with a way to unite the forces of rebellion and achieve population reduction.
They decided that they would gradually teach the world to be afraid of the CLIMATE whilst developing the technological advancements necessary to actively control the climate and use it as a weapon.

The Agendas 21 & 2030 insist that the world must have huge swathes re-wilded but how would they persuade people to move away from the areas that were selected?

Lockheed Martin proudly show, on their website, laser weapons mounted on trucks, helicopters and aircraft.
But we do not hear of these being deployed in war zones.
We do hear of beams from the sky setting fire to California, Portugal, Spain and Greece though.
Don't we?

Suddenly there are Doplar radar stations on decommissioned oil rigs moving stealthily around the planet. Followed by mysterious booming sounds in the atmosphere, tremors and sunamis.

Earthquakes from fracking and re-injection of radioactive fluids into wells are reported in clusters all over the oil patches of the USA.
Fugitive methane has been monitored all over the world.

Overcast days are more normal than they ever were because the skies are filled with water vapour attached to soot/aluminium/barium/strontium nano particulates from jet exhaust, ship tracks and the constant cloud producing nuclear energy plants of which we can expect 400 more to be built over the coming years!
Soot layers have been reported on the snow of Greenland.

These are just a few examples!

The climate is being changed by a few hands quite deliberately.
This is not "sleep walking into extinction", as the kids are saying.... no.....


ps This discussion runs through the history of Climate Change alarmism:


A clear example of Piers Corbyn being shut down by Nicky Fascist Campbell and the BBC indoctrine machine

This leaflet has been produced by Piers Corbyn to help you understand the argument against the Climate Change hoax. Please download, print and share!

Out of all the bollocks dreamed up by zionists, "global warming" really takes the cake!

A relevant conversation between Mark Windows, Piers Corbyn and Frances Leader:

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