in #news5 years ago


The UK government is rushing to pass legislation (as are many countries) with an urgent intent to change our laws.
They call it the Coronavirus Bill which you can read here:
Pay particular attention to pages 96 - 99 where you will see that the rules around placing people into Mental Hospitals are changing. Why? Are we going to go mad?
They want to dispense with time wasting they say. But they have taken away the safeguards against a false diagnosis!
They have also removed the time restrictions.
What does this mean?
It means you can be banged up without rights indefinitely.

All the changes, cashless society, net zero policy, universal income, censorship, surveillance, arrest without trial, forced medication, the whole NWO wet dream is delivered by this "pandemic" response.

Why is Q convincing people to trust "the plan" and encouraging us to wait patiently while the supposed "White Hats" (whoever they are supposed to be) dispense with the "Deep State" (whoever THEY are supposed to be!)??

I say that we are locked down in stress with money worries, empty shops and facing starvation soon.
The military or police will be arresting anyone who tries to travel or break out of the lock down and especially all known dissidents or objectors.

Meanwhile the actual deep state global rulers are lying low and invisible.

They are the Black Nobility, including our Royal families, and they are in self isolation - probably in their prepared Deep Underground Bunkers to wait out the inevitable chaos.

Meanwhile #QAnon addicts say that this lock down is to keep us safe while the #WhiteHats arrest the baddies!

How effin dumbed down are those people?


I guess fluoride, gm food, aluminium/barium/strontium nano particulates in the air & a ludicrous array of vaccines have done their work.

The revolution will not be televised because it will not exist if Q gets his way.
He must be on a hefty bonus..... from the Black Nobility via their latest gofer TRUMP.


I am inclined to share what I know about viruses here:
This is a brilliant book called VIRUS MANIA

and this is a video which explains it in 10 minutes:

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