SERGEI SKRIPAL | Britain Retaliates After Double Agent Is Poisoned

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Late on Sunday March 4th an ex-Russian spy turned MI6 informer was poisoned in his home town of Salisbury in the UK by what we now know to be Novichok, a military grade nerve gas. UK Prime Minister Theresa May claimed in the UK parliament on Wednesday that there are no alternative conclusions to the poisoning other than the Russian state was culpable for the attempted assassination of Skripal and his daughter. The same day an emergency meeting was held at the UN Security Council in New York. UN ambassadors from all member states in turn laid out their thoughts and concerns regarding this incident.

Although there's still little evidence to prove Russia was responsible for the poisoning a number of UN members have still come out in support of the UKs claim Russia was involved in the poisoning, even stating they're willing to take action against Russia in line with Britains response. One of the most vocal supporters of the UK was French president Emanuel Macron who seemingly jumped at the chance to attack Russia.

The most Britain has come up with so far is that it was highly likely Russia poisoned Skripal, based only on the fact Skripal was Russian and that the nerve agent used has Russian origins. This wording has been used before to great effect on January 6th 2017 when the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published a report claiming it was highly likely Russia interfered with the 2016 US elections.

During the UK governments weekly session at the Houses of Parliament Theresa Mays laid out the Uks retaliation to Russia in response to the poisoning.

  • New legislative powers will be given to the UK to heighten its defense.
  • Strengthening legal powers for sanctions following violations of human rights.
  • Monitoring and tracking certain high profile Russians traveling to and from the UK.
  • Targeting questionable Russian money that enters the UK.
  • No politicians, government officials, or Royalty will be going to the world cup.
  • All high level communications suspended between the two countries.
  • Under the Vienna convention 23 diplomats have been expelled from the UK for being deemed undeclared intelligence officers by UK intelligence services.

Many right wing politicians in Wednesdays session, lead by Prime Minister Theresa May, began booing and slating Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for asking a few simple questions regarding the evidence she had that Russia poisoned Skripal.

Jeremy Corbyn has taking a less aggressive stance on the matter saying that there needs to be more evidence before the UK can start to point fingers at Russia. Corbyn was concerned that as of yet no formal sample has been made available to Russia. Nor has any request for evidence from Russia been made by the UK. He also went on to ask if any high-resolution trace analysis has been run on a sample of the nerve agent, and has that revealed any evidence as to the location of its production or the identity of its perpetrators? Unsurprisingly, Prime Minister May did not directly respond to any of these quite simple question.

The hypocrisy is unbelievable among the Conservatives. According to an investigation by the Mirror, Conservative MP's have received more than £820,000 in party donations from various Russians since Prime Minister May became leader.


Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, maintains that Russia still hasn't received any formal request for evidence from the UK based on its own obligations in accordance with the Chemical Weapons Convention. He goes on to say that Russia have told Britain "we're ready to respond if they file the request. Instead of filing the official request the UK continues to pull political stunts" Even in a standard court room trial the defendant has the right to see any evidence against them.

The only evidence they have is that the nerve agent used was developed by the Russians back in the 70s at the height of the cold war. Although it was developed initially by the Russians there's evidence to suggest that Russia wasn't the only country that knew how to make Novichok. In a leaked email from Stratfor (page 28) there is mention of the agent being developed by Cuba in the 1990s.


One new theory on how the father and daughter were exposed to the poison is that it was placed in Yulia Skripals luggage by the unknown assassin before she left Russia to visit her father in Salisbury. As The Mirror states "It makes the job of pinpointing who was behind the attack even more difficult, as the hit squad would not even had had to enter the country." This gives the UK government a plausible excuse when it comes to attempting to identifying the source of the poison.

Another theory is that Skripal was one of the anonymous sources used by Christopher Steele for his now infamous Trump Dossier. According to the Times newspaper Skripal was friends with someone who worked for Orbis, Steeles private intelligence firm.

As we see from Wikileaks Vault 7 publication of the CIA's Marble Framework the CIA have the ability to run false flags and attribute hacks and viruses to any other country in the world. It wouldn't be to hard to imagine that they could run something similar using chemical weapons.


When there are millions of ways to kill someone it seems ridiculous Russia would use something that could potentially implicate them. If the UK concludes it was indeed the Russian nerve agent used then it stands to reason that the UK must have an existing sample of Novichok to analyze their latest sample against. Interestingly the most likely place the UK would keep such a sample is at Portland Down military base. Coincidentally this base is in the same city Skripal was poisoned in.

With only 2 weeks until the Russian general election, and with the world cup just around the corner, it's hard to believe that Russia would jeopardize such significant dates in their calendar by poisoning an ex spy with their own Russian developed nerve agent. All in all this feels like another WMDs in Iraq type of false flag scenario playing out in the hope of starting a war with Russia.



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A blatant masonic propaganda hoax (more evidence added in the replies):
many to benefit from a new Cold War. Especially the Military and Security industry, but also Governments wishing to pass more draconian laws.
Hoping it won't lead to WW3 down the road...but the fear of conflict is almost as useful as real conflict in bringing the NWO changes they desire.

Porton Down has a history with US mega contractor Dyncorp.
They created a joint venture together called DynPort which, along with producing vaccines, also develops nerve agents and counter nerve agents. I wonder if Novichok is one of them?

You make some excellent points in your post. I've been following this story but I couldn't write anything as I cannot make up my mind who's telling the truth. My first assumption is that it's a false flag operation and the information that Skripal had some connection with Steele makes it more likely. Also, the ability to quickly identify the poison - raises indeed a lot of questions... if Western powers have the formula and samples, I guess they could all make it (No doubts they have some stockpiles...regardless of international treaties)
On the other hand, there's the tantalizing possibility Russia might have done it, which would mean Putin has grown some incredibly big balls!

The rules don't apply if it's not in our self interest. Bullying and harassment are used as a pretext for pulling down videos from YouTube and banning accounts on social media to combat this behaviour In the UN buildings however, this is allowed and encouraged for grown adults, who are apparently leaders of the free world, that also set the example for the younger generations who watch this on the 'news'...Make sense?

Wow. This sounds like an episode from 24. Spies, government agents, conspiracy, chemical weapon and murder. I enjoyed this article.

How many ways will the central powers try and create ww3. It is a bit harder for them wirh independent media covering all sides. Great article

Seems like they'll stop at nothing to start a war with Russia. I think they see the Russia narrative failing in the US so they're now trying to push the same Russia fears in the UK.

Fortunately it looks like there's still a few level headed politicians left in England like Jeremy Corbyn and co that would prefer to wait for evidence before jumping to conclusions. Whether this will stop the rest of them starting WW3 anyway is another matter.


Why you use nuclear hazard?

I believe nuclear is this. :)

very nice amazing posts

Thank you so much for sharing! Since the obsession with Russians from the Clinton campaign started, I've been waiting to see how many other countries would find their own way to side with America on Russians being 'EVIL'.
Me - The Russians are smart people. In my opinion they wouldn't be stupid enough to kill someone with something that could be directly linked back to them. It would be far easier and more logical for them to pay someone to kill them off through an 'accident' if they were behind it.
It seems to me, like Governments are gearing towards a war, and blaming and forcing the Russians into one seems the route they are taking.
If you looked into imports and trade routes etc for one, you'd see there is no way that Russians would want to be at war with anyone, so this to me seems like an attack on the Russians with an ulterior motive in mind.

I'm so glad Corbyn is actually asking questions about it. Knowing politics is just sociopaths battling it out for who is the better liar, I'm actually shocked and delighted that someone is using their power to ask what us logically minded people are thinking. And knowing he is getting no response, just goes to show he's on the right track, and this is indeed, some kind of set-up.

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