Don't Grow Rice: Official Solution To Kashmir Rice Farmers' Water Crisis 不种稻米:克什米尔农民水危机的正式解决方案

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Don't Grow Rice: Official Solution To Kashmir Rice Farmers' Water Crisis
April 09, 2018


SRINAGAR: Rice farmers in Jammu and Kashmir are in a bind over what to plant this season, following a prolonged dry spell in January and February. The state irrigation department has found a 'solution' to the water shortage -- it has asked farmers not to plant paddy this season as this crop needs a lot of water to grow, news agency ANI reported.
SRINAGAR:在1月和2月持续干旱之后,查谟和克什米尔的稻农对本季种植的植物被限制了。根据新闻机构ANI报道,国家灌溉部门已经找到了解决缺水问题的“解决方案” - 它要求农民不要在本季种植稻谷,因为这种作物需要大量的水才能种植。

The department has suggested that farmers may go for other cash crop whose cultivation needs less water. The dry spell has pulled down water levels in streams that are vital for irrigation.

Farmers in Kashmir valley, however, say their land is suitable for cultivating rice and it is difficult to grow any other cash crop on them. A cash crop is produced for sale in the market, and not for the grower's own consumption.

"Water level is very low this year due to dry winter in Kashmir, but this is the initial stage of paddy farming in Kashmir valley... till full paddy season comes we have expected rains that will end the water shortage and suggested farmers not to panic," Kashmir agriculture department director Altaf Aijaz Andrabi said.
“由于克什米尔干燥的冬季,今年的水位非常低,但这恰恰在克什米尔山谷水稻种植的播种阶段......直到全季稻季来临,我们预计降雨将结束水资源短缺,并建议农民不要恐慌“,克什米尔农业部主任Altaf Aijaz Andrabi说。

The irrigation department issued the advisory in the last week of March, asking farmers in north Kashmir not to sow paddy this season due to water scarcity.

The farmers are also wary of a drought as hundreds of them depend on rainwater that collects in their paddy fields over a period of time before the planting process begins. Later, they take water from streams to irrigate the crop.

The state agriculture department is working on a contingency plan.

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