Policy Ed Among New Scientistic Brands to Keep the Plebians Ignorant and Controlled

in #news7 years ago

Not sure if anyone been seing these new less overtly political bias brands that are deployed to make people who watch their stuff feel like an intellectual for being spoon fed garbage. The Video is below and is absolute trash as rambled about here.

Perhaps the biggest myth the tyrants use upon the plebians, especially in election debates are myths of linked fate and person 1 has an identical utility function to person 330 million when it comes to different ways the bureaucrats propose to twist and turn the coercive state apparatus. Facts is unless we are talking about poision air that kills everyone in the nation at the same time, usually person 1 will ultimately be positioned differently than most other persons in how a single government alternative intervention whether, tax, subsidy, mass surveillance, drug war, drone war, or genocide will effect them.

Due to the myth of linked fate tyrants are able to stir nationalism and other identities that are easily manipulated into mass madness and led astray by things like false flags and media consolidation and cia control of the media via things like operation mockinbird.

The nonsense video that probably originated from some shill part of the military industrial complex deep state DC cartel asserts there are 5 ways all mericans have a linked fate and need government intervention in cyber space to the benefit of national security--and in some vague, never really explored way, you n me?First they claim state coercion is needed to protect against theft of intellectual property--which if anything inhibits technological advance and actual economic aggregate utility maximization.

Then they babel about cyber attacks that for some reason people engaged in using subways or banks need to be subsidized by the rest of us to protect their data against cyber attack. Then they essentially discuss fake news, which is rich for a black kettle to even discuss, saying that it can foment unrest. What foments unrest is keeping people dumb, and when anyone really discusses actual fake news the best silver bullet is making people smarter so they can evaluate facts themselves rather than be told how to think by places like CNN that are the fake news kings. Then they talk about enemies learning about classified things hurts us, which if ye seen Dr. Strangelove there is a counter to all they bullshit about whether or not secrets and information asymmetry helps or harms the real peace process. Lastly, they talk about deterrence. Gotta wonder whether Stuxnet and other deterrent action from the DC cartel helps or hurts the real economy and the real people when not aggregated in such a way that boost the value of Lockheed Martin, and Boeing.

In sum the video is a good sign of the times and could be shown to gets in a few generations when they asked why a nation that pretends to be about freedom and competition would have such incoherencies of a psycopath having nearly 1% of its people behind bars, many for vicitmless crimes, many for interventions that in aggregate increase social cost by any true measure not done by a bought out monster or the media--I guess same thing.


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Great Article. What I've been researching more specifically lately is the mind control component, as well as usage of the Hegalian Dialectic to their advantage for the purpose of causing a controlled Chaos. Some events such as 9-11 could have probably covered up better, but by leaving hints all over the place, but not enough to make it obvious, it creates a conflict between the believers and non. Add that to all of the other cognitive dissonance and you have a very confused and conflicted public , arguing over tons of little details and not realizing that the bigger picture is controlling us through that conflict.

yep, so much noise in the public sphere and they just keep people dumb so they can do the same uninformative analysis decade after decade.

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Great addition !
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