Is there still ground between abortion and religion? Why do women feel the need to blame???

in #news8 years ago

Two days ago I posted my storey of how i was told at 28 that because of my wife's health condition and how we, like others , may not have children.
Read it here.

I was following the twowomentravel tag on twitter and yes I pushed out a few low blows with pictures of aborted babies and such, but what I got back really astounded me. Now don't get me wrong, I will push people to see what the really mean and I have no problem putting in front of them the the things they haven't seen.

What I want to share is one girls response to my questions and arguments. I won't name any names.
Amanda Ocasio ‏@RealRakhmetov oops sorry..

Her arguments, I'd say, on face value, were valid. Ish..

One of my first tweets I made was.
" @RealRakhmetov Maybe live-tweet how they got pregnant. Because according to them it was a mistake. #education is missing"

Where I was told,
"It is a WOMAN'S body.Not yours, Why is my statement on female bodily autonomy "extreme"? #fail"

I asked about sex.. and..
"Now I will see your question and ask you the same one--do YOU know what #sex is? 😉"

That was fair enough but this next one threw me.
"I am familiar with what sex is.In addition know...human,I also gave conference talks on "porn" during 1st postgrad"

:0... am... what??? Porn? ... Sorry, now i get it..

I have said that I "do support women with health issues, "rape" issues and would also support anyone with life support issues for mother or their babies. Fully, whole heartaly and for ever.

In other reply's I got,
" It doesn't matter how they got pregnant. repealthe8th"
"How they got pregnant doesn't matter in the slightest.Who are we to play judge and jury ?
"I'll make it real easy for you, .It's ok for a woman to have an #abortion whenever she feels like she needs one"
"It annoys me when men try to tell me when it is/isn't ok for women to have an #abortion"
"And when I say "hurt" I'm referring to physical AND emotional

How passionate does this woman feel?

How do you feel?
I'm not here to judge.

And others were:
"When antichoicers run clean out of rational arguments and go for the not-even-germane shock photos
"Just so you know, the defence of the last statement was about this "stock photo " not the message. "

Through this I have learned that some women are heartbroken because they can't have children.
Some women are raped or through mistrust do not want to bare a child for this person.
Some women progress into health difficulties with the child or themselves.
And some women just don't give a shit.

People will push to amend the 8th amendment for a "casual sex, casual unwanted baby" nature.
The law on abortion in Ireland has to change. For reasons of justification. Can you justify what's right and wrong?

I'm just someone that one day was told "no children".
I'm not someone that would get rid of a baby just because I didn't want one.
I'm not bringing God or cats into the arguments.
I do agree with using abortion for health or social issues but not for casual sex mistakes.

Why do women not accept instead of blaming the law?


My position on this is that if the abortion is performed before t e phetus could live on its own outside the womb, it doesn't matter why the woman got pregnant. If she doesn't want the kid, she goes and gets an abortion. There is a difference between your own personal choices and restricting choices of others you wouldn't make for yourself.

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