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- Who gave him the award?
do we trust them or not? They ARE the media. - Who said it was Sarin?
could it have been any of several dozen other war gasses?
So many assumptions..
2.Sarin gas used in Syria chemical attack, Turkish health minister says
US government and military were kind of fast this time in catching the culprit, but somehow I doubt they had all the facts, probably acted brashly.
Is the source the article sites credible? That one I guess is unanswerable.
nope..not credible.
since you said that " US government and military were kind of fast this time in catching the culprit, but somehow I doubt they had all the facts, probably acted brashly."
No, that was my opinion, the rest I looked up, I can't guarantee the article is credible, So what do you think comes next?
It's mainstream media. I can pretty much (based on fifty years observations) guaranted it is NOT credible. They lie.
As to what comes next?
We're talking about crazy people. Who KNOWS what they will do.
I just read now China is the good guy, Russians are bad., this is becoming very difficult to follow. As for the media Everitt I have always known they lie, it depends on what is convenient to whomever or whatever the media's owner backs.
They are ALL liars. Good/Bad designations do not apply to large organizations such as corporations or governments.. All that matters is power. (note..they are ALL nukin-futz...from our perspective)
The website owner is Paul Joseph Watson ( a leading conservative blogger/opinionist well known to be a great fan and supporter of Trump.
No doubt, but the question is, is the information credible? I think at the moment nobody is really sure what happened, except of course the ones who did it (Assad just said it never happened, that it was staged, that's another possibility, marginal but still there), and I can bet you they aren't going to come out and say we did it, so anything written is just speculation. And the article just claims it got the information from a "source".