
Maybe you should suggest he sell it to the Pentagon; might be some money to be made, plus he would be being a Patriot as well; helping defend the flag and all : )

So if these are the best tactical weapons, what is an M1A4 Abraham's Main Battle Tank? So an Apache Attack Helicopter would be what, some sort of theater or strategic weapon ?

So I would guess an Ohio Neuclear Ballastic Missile Submarine; now that would not be tactical. Plus a Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier that would be tactical would it.

F15, A10, F18, F22, F35, B52, B2, B1B, F117; etc. etc. etc . . .

Thank Goodness we have brave heros with pistols and shotty's protecting us ! ! !

The terms tactic and strategy are often confused: tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign plan, which may involve complex operational patterns, activity, and decision-making that lead to tactical execution.
In common usage tactical means way, and other words such as Fascist(someone whom I don't like) , Fragal EcoSystem (cool wurds, no idea what they mean)...oh yeah...and sustainable(a word with no meaning anymore...)

Words have no specific meaning any many of them have been hi-jacked.

yes exactly, the power of words has been stolen. not a lot means much anymore. To my a hero is someone who delivers the mail while it is raining and a brave person is like a man who dares to try and be polite by opening a door for a lady, doing things like that can go badly if you understand; some females can become nasty . . .

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