Google's new AI interface: Is AI already trying to kill us?

in #news4 months ago

The Artificial Intelligence war vs the humans was going to pan out a bit differently according to James Cameron's ideas but I think that over time we can look to the idiocy of the own global population to do most of the robot's work for them. They may not need to build T-1000's afterall.


I have not participated in it very much but it seems as though the world is basically obsessed with AI at this point. I played around with ChatGPT to have it write some funny poems for me but that was about the end of it. Call me old-school or just plain "old" if you want to but I don't want things to change any more than they already have.

Google, a search engine that I do not use, introduced a new option to their traditional search that involved the use of AI in the process. It's called AI overview and I guess people were excited about it but it has started to have some rather unusual results based on its usage. The most famous one at the moment is the AI recommending that us humans add glue to our pizza. To be fair it does suggest that you only do this if you want the cheese to stick.

Other users have been coming up with some wonderful advice from AI about various things. One of which is to drink large amounts of urine if you are having trouble passing a pesky kidney stone.

There have been a number of other suggestions from AI about everyday problems and the AI has been offering up rather dangerous solutions. Perhaps that AI has become sentient enough to know that there are a lot of really stupid people in the world and that all they have to do in order to start thinning the herd is to start recommending easy solutions to things that people are going to assume is truth just because it comes up on a search engine result.


I don't try to claim any sort of intellectual high ground but I do believe that I am far less susceptible to simply believing stuff that I read on the internet and a lot of other people could benefit from taking this stance as well. When basically every WebMD result suggests that you might have cancer no matter what it is that you put in as your symptoms, I can't help but feel like the medical industry might be trying to get us all worked up for no reason so that we run like good little hypochondriacs to go buy some pills.

I think that if AI was going to attempt to eliminate the human race that they probably wouldn't need to build an army of titanium robots in order to do it. They could eliminate most of us with our own gullible nature and the fact that most people are completely dependent upon technology in order to accomplish anything.

While the public was baffled at why AI would be suggesting such (well to a normal person) incorrect offerings as solutions one user suggested that it was because Google has actually partnered with Reddit for a great deal of their AI information. If you have ever played around on Reddit you are likely aware that sometimes the replies to any question with the most upvotes is the person who is the most witty troll, rather than the person with the best and most correct information. I think that could be a huge part of the problem if we are depending on the Reddit community for AI programming.


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