Drink diving again? No problem! Just switch seats with your dog
While I haven't done it in many many years I will admit that every now and then in college I was guilty of driving under the influence. I am not proud of this and do not think it is a good idea it was just young decision made by someone who didn't know any better at the time and because I was a teenager, I thought I was invincible.
I never got smashed and drove but there are a lot of people that do and one of the most common moving violations in the United States is a DUI (Driving Under the Influence.) I know quite a few people that got DUI's in their lives and for the most part this was just a situation of spending a bunch of money in order to make the charges go away so that your insurance can return to normal levels. Briefly, I think that insurance companies making your premiums go through the roof because of a DUI is a sham but then again, insurance companies are evil in my mind. A necessary evil, but still evil.
In Springfield, Colorado, a man recently was pulled over by police for driving erratically, and then got out of the car and claimed that he was not driving it. So who was driving the car? His dog of course!

I wonder if the officers had some fun with the guy or just started laughing immediately because this is a truly ridiculous thing to say when getting pulled over.
It's not just that it is quite obvious that a dog was not driving the car but the ol' switcharoo of seats with the dog was in full view of the officers and they caught it all on camera as well. When the guy got out of the car and explained to officers that the dog was the one driving the cops obviously didn't believe him and then, in true escalating the already absurd fashion, he took off on foot. The dog only pursued him about 10 meters or so and then sat down on the ground.
The police then discovered 2 other people in the back seat of the car who were passengers. This makes the situation even more ridiculous. Not only were they witness to the entire thing but what kind of a person gives their friends a ride and then makes them, not the dog, sit in the back seat of the car?
To make this situation even crazier, the driver who fled on foot had 2 outstanding warrants for his arrest.
In the original article where I discovered this information They state that the "dog was not cited." Well that is good news. I sure would hate for an innocent pup to take the fall for his owner.
The passengers were released and took the dog, somewhere and drove the car, which the woman in the back seat owned. So you are going to let someone else drive YOUR car while intoxicated while you sit in the back seat not intoxicated and he puts his dog in the front seat.
This is a very unusual friendship indeed. We don't normally see crazy crime news out of Colorado of this variety but lately Florida has not been pulling their weight. There must be a shortage of meth down there right now.