CNN fact checks Joe Biden???: Am I living in opposite world?

in #news2 months ago

I have a lot of theories as to why CNN would break rank now and all of a sudden start fact-checking everyone and not just people with and R next to their names but one of them is that Biden will soon not be in office so it doesn't matter. They might be using this time to try to appear impartial but I believe that most people will not take the bait here. CNN has been too partisan for too long to really be able to go back on that. And trust me, I am not picking on CNN specifically here, there are plenty of other guilty parties in the MSM world, CNN is just the one that is most noticeable.


I was stunned to see this headline and that it came from CNN. There have been so many opportunities for them to do something like this in the past and perhaps they did, but if they did do it, it was on the "back pages" where nobody was going to see it. This is front-and-center, so to speak and while they used a lot kinder language than they would have if they were check Trump or Vance or any other conservative, it was still shocking to me that they did this at all.

In the article they talk about how Biden Sr. twisted the truth as far as his son's tax-evasion was concerned claiming something along the lines of that Hunter didn't mean to not pay $2 million in taxes and made right on it later, paying the entire balance. Which is kind of true but Joe tries to paint it as though Hunter discovered that he hadn't paid his taxes, was appalled at such a misstep and then immediately made things right which of course to use one of Joe's favorite terms, is a "bunch of malarkey."

Then Joe outright lied about a firearm charge stating that Hunter returned the illegally purchased handgun when in reality Hunter's sister in law threw the gun into a trash can, it was discovered by an elderly man who brought it home, and it was retrieved by authorities. This is not up for questioning, there is CCTV footage of almost the entire "chain of custody." So when Biden says "it was returned" well, I guess that is true but again, not in the real meaning of the statement. Something illegal being found and then turned into the police is not the same thing as you, turning it in on your own accord. We all know this.

What was really surprising about this article is that the pointed out in the article that Hunter and his sister-in-law were romantically involved at the time as well and that sort of scandalous exposure that really doesn't have anything to do with what the article is really talking about, is something that CNN would normally reserve only for conservative.

CNN went on to expose other lies about inflation statements Biden has made which were wildly off target and seem to be completely made up. I think that Joe is probably innocent here because he was likely given this information by his handlers and doesn't really know what he is talking about most of the time.

There was another minor point there about Hunter lying on an ATF form about his drug use claiming that Hunter thought that the question meant whether or not he was on drugs at the time of filling out the form, not in a general sense in his life. Ha! The question on the form doesn't ask if you are high right now it asks if you use drugs and lying on this form is a crime.

Personally I think these forms are stupid kind of like how they used to ask if you were a terrorist on a form when entering the United States from abroad. Who the hell is going to answer in the affirmative when they know that by doing so they are potentially going to get in trouble?

The article in question is a puff-piece, that much is for certain, but it is just surprising to me who the source is. CNN has had Biden's back for a long time, protecting him as much as they possibly could even to the demise of their own company. Now that he is on the way out, it appears as though they are trying to curry favor with the public and pretend as though they are balanced in their reporting.

I sincerely hope that most people out there are capable of seeing this as the BS that it is. They are only doing it now because there are no consequences for doing so. I wouldn't count on them being at all fair in the future - they don't really seem to know how to be and neither do any of the other legacy media outlets.



You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

They lost, so they try to rebuild credibility

I think they are too far gone to rebuild. I will celebrate their demise when it happens

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