Talking for 7 billion people is a bit much. Talking for all those who have existed and will exist is overstepping one's bounds.
I have no doubt that trouble will be made on Nov. 4th. I have no doubt that it will be more of an annoyance than a change of thought by the people who run into these protests.
For the people who would be at the other side of these protests, I hope they are wise and just ignore them and void them as they are nothing but a trap.
A handful of these thugs have been busted during past riots, and more are certain to be arrested on the 4th. The solution, however, is not simply arresting a few thugs - I think a RICO indictment covering all of these groups, including their Communist minders, is what it is going to take.
I find it so funny that these groups, so lacking in knowledge of history, have so firmly bought into the narrative that democrons are good, and republicrats are bad.
They also cannot see that an election is an election. Complaining about, and now protesting about, the election results is just bad. Or my vote is more important than your vote. (not that elections really do anything)
When you ignore the rhetoric, and follow the money/power/laws passed, you find that we have had 8 consecutive terms of Bush.
I don't know, I think the leaders of the groups do have a good knowledge of history.
What we are seeing is the fight between communists and socialists to grab the seat of power, because they see that enough people have been brainwashed into thinking that capitalism is bad that they see their chance to take over.
Basically, they are repeating 1930s Germany. The socialists won then the communists are trying really hard to win now.
"In the name of humanity"
Talking for 7 billion people is a bit much. Talking for all those who have existed and will exist is overstepping one's bounds.
I have no doubt that trouble will be made on Nov. 4th. I have no doubt that it will be more of an annoyance than a change of thought by the people who run into these protests.
For the people who would be at the other side of these protests, I hope they are wise and just ignore them and void them as they are nothing but a trap.
These people need to be arrested. I'm truly concerned about November 4.
A handful of these thugs have been busted during past riots, and more are certain to be arrested on the 4th. The solution, however, is not simply arresting a few thugs - I think a RICO indictment covering all of these groups, including their Communist minders, is what it is going to take.
Refuse Fascism is a real event and a real group. They have an office in NYC that links to another group and then a bunch of other groups.
The "riot" part is what Snopes is considering false.
Indeed...but Snopes is hardly a reliable source, given their leftist approach to "truth."
I find it so funny that these groups, so lacking in knowledge of history, have so firmly bought into the narrative that democrons are good, and republicrats are bad.
They also cannot see that an election is an election. Complaining about, and now protesting about, the election results is just bad. Or my vote is more important than your vote. (not that elections really do anything)
When you ignore the rhetoric, and follow the money/power/laws passed, you find that we have had 8 consecutive terms of Bush.
I don't know, I think the leaders of the groups do have a good knowledge of history.
What we are seeing is the fight between communists and socialists to grab the seat of power, because they see that enough people have been brainwashed into thinking that capitalism is bad that they see their chance to take over.
Basically, they are repeating 1930s Germany. The socialists won then the communists are trying really hard to win now.