Evil Will Win If You Sit Back and Watch [VIDEO]

I’ve just embarked on a spontaneous country-hopping adventure, but in many ways, people across the world will be feeling turbulence over the next few weeks.
Very soon, everyone is going to see what is behind the government mask. Some are ready, some are not… I know my family is.
Luke Rudkowski and I did a fun walk and talk vlog from the Caribbean island of Curacao, where we spoke about everything from mass awakening and the latest fake news antics from the likes of CNN and ABC, to the Lebron James / NBA controversy (hypocrisy).
Luke and I covered why alternative media is so important and how anyone can make a difference. Did you know Rudkowski and a few other real independent journalists helped expose the 9/11 lies?

Ever hear of Operation Paperclip?
By the way, is it a coincidence that an upside-down pentagram, which is commonly associated with Satanism, Freemasonry and magic, fits inside of The Pentagon?
You decide.
Freedom is not a spectator sport.
It’s been said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
If you want to learn more about true anarchy and explore the hottest issues of today from a philosophically sound perspective, download the free book, The Anarchist’s Guide to the Galaxy, and learn how to fight back!

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