New Report Details Worldwide Cost Of Living

A new report, courtesy of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), came out this week that details the cost of living around the world.
The report assessed the cost of living by looking at 400+ individual prices from at least 160 different products. They looked at everything from the cost of food and clothing, to drinks and household supplies, personal care items, and more.
They found that Singapore was the most expensive city to live in.
Unsurprisingly, New York made the top 10 list also. So did Tokyo and Osaka, along with Hong Kong. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro also showed a notable improvement. Both cities climbed a number of places and ended up placing 78th and 86th overall.
Interestingly, Manchester and London both dropped quite a bit, and their lowered standing is attributed to the decreased value of the British pound following the controversial Brexit move.

Here are the top 10 most expensive cities to live:
- Singapore
- Hong Kong
- Zurich, Switzerland
- Tokyo, Japan
- Osaka, Japan
- Seoul, South Korea
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Paris, France
- New York, United States
- Copenhagen, Denmark
Top 10 CHEAPEST cities to live:
- Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Lagos, Nigeria
- Bangalore, India
- Karachi, Pakistan
- Algiers, Algeria
- Chennai, India
- Mumbai, India
- Kiev, Ukraine
- Bucharest, Romania
- New Delhi, India

According to the regional director for Asia at the EIU, they expect the rupee, yen, and euro to have a good year. And along with that they expect to see an increase in the cost of living for those respective cities.
They expect in 2017 that commodity prices are going to show a rebound; including oil. They say that along with higher commodity prices will be a correlated increase in basic goods that most people will be buying off the shelves. This, they suggest, might lead to further austerity measures and controversial economic controls.
And when it comes to the standard cost of living, let's also not forget to thank the many central banks around the world for their corrupt monetary schemes which make it that much harder for billions of people to pay for their daily necessities and try to get by in life.

Nice post i see you have Romania on the list but you do not have Bulgaria , here is cheeper !
Singapore most expensive.
So sad.
How is that even posible? More expensive than expensive than NYC? I'm confused.
Things have become more expensive but stil.. oh, well.

You, me.. we are not alone
Is everyone wanting to live there all of a sudden?
No, the immigration policy is not totally closed though.
Our small island has high real estate price which result in high rentals mostly from residential to commercial to industrial properties.
Food wise, things can still be cheap.
Yes, we have Gordon Ramsy opened a restaurant here not too long ago but the local cheap eats fare is still very much alive.
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What the fuck do we have governments and stupid borders for? The cost of living should be 0 for everyone if governments did what they were "supposed to do", instead of robbing everyone.
the cost of living will never be zero.. as it shouldn't be because services and items don't fall for free from the sky.,.and all that the government has it has STOLEN from the people. Don't look to the government as a mother/father figure to provide everything for you in life.
Govs are doing what they are supposed to do, making life harder for the people. And they are succeeding.
Lol. I'm saying governments shouldn't exist. BUT. If they were to fill the promise what most people think government is for and what they claim to be, the cost of living should/would be near 0. If it truly existed to "serve and help the people". Why do you think it shouldn't be 0? Let's make basic living perfect for everyone and after that the ones that want can aspire for material goods and such. Without the possibility/inevitability of fucking someone else/yourself in the process.
you can't be extorted from and cared for at the same time. Again, anything the government has it has STOLEN from the people. We don't have any right to the labor or property of other human beings. Where do you think the basic income comes from? And if you are just going to print the funds into oblivion then you'll have hyper inflation and i'll need a wheelbarrow of cash just to buy a chocolate bar... best to just leave the centralization of force out of things. :)
Didn't I just state that I agree with you? That governments are bad? Why are you rambling on about this again? I know. You're quite obviously missing my points. It's good to play devil's advocate once in a while. Try to take some of this with humor, too.
no worries !:)