Landowners Helping Tiny Home Owners Find A Place To Call Their Own

in #news7 years ago

The tiny home trend has captured the interest of a lot of people and just in the United States alone it has exploded over the last several years. You can now find numerous tiny home communities located around the US.

The tiny homes offer an opportunity for those who are interested, to downsize and find something more economically friendly, to DE-clutter their life and live a more simple lifestyle, or to finally have the chance to embrace real home ownership, and more.

It's a growing trend that has attracted people from all different walks of life and might be safe to assume that it's an industry that isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

You will find consumers both young and old who are interested in the tiny home trend and a variety of reasons as to why people find this lifestyle so appealing compared to traditional living spaces.

Many areas have sought to utilize tiny homes in order to help them combat homelessness and it's helping many people be able to become a first time home-owner who otherwise would never have had the chance.

The average tiny home can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $75,000 or more; depending on what the individual is looking for. And for many, this is their cheapest home ownership option.

In a number of areas there has been quite a regulatory struggle when it comes to the tiny homes, because in many jurisdictions they don't meet specific regulations/zoning codes, and so there has been push back from city officials.

It might have been easy to build or acquire the tiny home, but finding a "legal" place to put it is a whole other story. However, despite the messy start, the trend has really taken off and some cities have been much more accommodating than others when it comes to making changes to allow this movement to grow.

One pilot program that was launched not long ago in Portland, Oregon, is looking to work with the homeless in the area and residents in the community, in order to build relationships between those who are willing to offer their backyard to those in need.

The plan is for those who are home-owners in the community, to offer their backyard property as a location for a tiny house unit that they will eventually become the owners of. The home-owners will be able to use the tiny home, given to them by the state, to generate a rental income.

And they aren't the only area to try and craft such an arrangement to help more people get into tiny homes who need them.

In New Zealand,...

tiny home owners there might also have an easier time finding land now that a new website, called Landshare, has been launched that is seeking to pair up land owners with tiny home owners in a similarly beneficial arrangement to the program launched in Portland.

With this deal, land owners are creating temporary and permanent arrangements with tiny home owners, so that those owners will have a place to put their home.

The website provides much more affordable solutions to consumers, so that those with limited funds can still acquire their own home, establish a land rental arrangement, and hopefully down the road be able to purchase their own land if that is what they want.

Not only is this going to help cost-conscious consumers who are looking to find a land solution for their tiny home needs, but it's also going to greatly benefit land-owners who have a lot of extra space that they aren't putting to good use at the moment. This option allows them to put that land to use by renting it out to those in need in a very convenient way. And we've seen this sort of land share arrangement coming to many urban areas, not only for the tiny homes, but so people can rent land to grow food and community gardens; who might otherwise not have had the chance to.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

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I'm as lazy as they come,
The less house I have, the less I can dirty.
swipes credit card sign me up

I guess laziness can have it's perks then. Lol

Haha I love these tiny homes !! Pretty close to what I will be building on my property ! And retire early !! I mean if im mostly spending all my time blogging on steemit or outside fishing and gardening , what do I need a big place for anyways !? Its just more to take care of !! Haha loved your post , well done my friend , upped and resteemed !

Quite the little office for blogging on steemit !!LOL!

The tiny house concept is very interesting and it's cool that there are people/organizations that are helping people find places for their little homes. If you house hunt hard enough and are patient though you can find really great big houses for the same price. My husband and I got a roomy 3 bedroom house with 2 acres of land for $20,000. I can understand wanting a perfect home and decluttered home but such tiny living conditions would make me claustrophobic. Add in a husband and some kids and I imagine a huge lack of privacy.

@doitvoluntarily - Tiny homes is an amazing concept for decluttering! My wife always keeps saying that some day, we will build a very small home and move there. When I see my room strewn with various things that I was doing upto 15 days back, I tend to agree with her :)
Thanks for highlighting this trend. I hope it catches on. Upvoted full


Howdy. We build from the ground up what many think is a tiny home, but it really a small home at 562 sq ft with a 100 foot porch. We love it🐓

I've seen some awesome lookin' tiny homes on the internet, someday I would love to get my hands on one that I can tow around and explore the countryside with.

I would like to have a tiny home like this on the outskirts of the city. I could relax there on weekends. The city is very noisy and makes me tired. I need my little space to hide from this noise. 🤗🤗

Moving into a tinyhouse on wheels was the best thing we ever did :) 4yrs later and we are happier, freer and much closer.
Great post @doitvoluntarily

Do you move around a lot? Sounds like fun. It makes total sense to me that you should be able to put your house on wheels. Even on water. And then you can maybe have an engine that powers it around. Or you can pedal it around like a bicycle.

@Doitvoluntarily Great article, great channel name! Upvoted. Followed. Expect some resteems in your near future! ;)

I love those tiny homes... since we are planning to buy some land in Cambodia we are looking at building either a container home or an Earthship. Great read. as always.

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