Doctors In Michigan Debate Over The Dangers of Fluoride At Recent Public Meeting

in #news7 years ago

Fluoride has been in the water supply in the Genesee County, Michigan, area for well over 50 years now. And there is apparently an upcoming switch of the water supply that is planned to take place. This has sparked a debate over whether or not fluoride poses any risk or benefit, and whether or not it should be removed from the water supply.

Two doctors, a physician by the name of Gerald Natzke, and a dentist by the name of David Regiani, have recently presented their arguments at a public hearing over the matter. They are both against the use of fluoride and want officials to make the changes to opt out of using it. At the recent public hearing they argued that it doesn't help strengthen the teeth and suggested that officials aren't following the science in the matter by continuing with its use.

“I wouldn't drink water in any municipality, because it has fluoride in it. – physician Gerald Natzke has said.

Natzke and Regiani argued that fluoride is a neurotoxin, that it ages people, and that they don't believe there is any evidence to support the notion that it helps to strengthen teeth.

However, there are still many who do advocate for the use of fluoride and shake off any warnings that it might be detrimental enough to our health that it should be removed from the water supply. Another participant at the recent public hearing was doctor Richard Shick, a Periodontist, and he credits fluoride with making people's teeth whither and helping to prevent tooth decay.

This area in Michigan isn't the only area in the US that is currently debating over this issue, there are many fluoride opponents who have sought to free their water supplies of what they believe can be a toxic substance.

The recent meeting that was held over the debate in Genesee County was only a hearing and it's unclear yet whether or not there will be any formal vote coming forward about getting rid of the fluoride. There is a growing list of cities in the US and elsewhere that seem to be making the move to reject the use of fluoride in their water supplies, despite many health organizations recommending its use.



Related Posts:

International Group of Dentists Highlight Risks Associated With Fluoride


I live in a city that has floridated water (almost all cities in the United States add it to the water). I avoid drinking the water.

It's important to make choices about what goes into your body and not just do what everybody else does.

Fluoride contributes to calcification of your pineal gland. That is where your brain produces its melatonin which helps with sleep induction.... It shouldn't be surprising that there is a increase in insomnia in modern day life.

Another source of fluoride that people don't realize is processed food that gets made with fluorinated water. The sooner we get it out of the water the better.

People can always choose to brush their teeth with flourinated toothpaste if they feel that it is beneficial for their dental hygiene

Sounds bad. I heard have fluoride in our water in Singapore

This is a good website about fluoride and its health effects
A reverse osmosis filter removes nearly all the fluoride in tap water.

Good to know. Thanks!

YES... Hopefully this recent meeting debating the inherent risks associated with Fluoride in Genesee County, Michigan will begin a nationwide movement/discussion AND begin the process of removing Fluoride from all municipal water systems across the entire USA.

Thank You Again DiV for creating/writing a Post to help awaken people on various issues.

Well Done Sir...

Cheers !!

One of our neighboring towns just voted to remove fluoride from the public drinking water. I know a lot of people here supported the move. I'm so glad I have a well. No water bill and with a little maintenance and filters my water is clean without the cities help or chemicals.

I don't use tap water in any way because of fluoride its bad for your brain and your health I hope one day they take it out everywhere

The city I live in recently voted to continue the practice of "poisoning the water hole."

I even decided to report this crime to the police, but chose not to after discussing it with various others.

It is a crime, though: either, it's "practicing medicine without a licence" if this substance is helpful; or, it's "poisoning the populace with neurotoxins" if it isn't.

Either way, there is one person (or a group of people) who are performing this action, and they can be stopped, one way or another. I don't like the idea of putting people in cages, but it seems like a proper solution to this particular crime: sequester them from others until they admit to wrongdoing, and agree to stop doing it.

Too bad there aren't any "good lawyers "to look into this....

Very informative. Great work!

Good post. I uploaded a video about fluoride to Dtube so it does not disappear from the internet. Here is the link:

Flint is like....Don't we have enough issues with lead in our water? We don't need flouride too!!! Flint is in Genesee county.