in #news7 years ago (edited)

and, I'll Explain Why...

I'll use the Example of a Chair to demonstrate Why We Live in the Illusion of a Holographic Universe...


Looking at the Chair, it appears to be a solid object. Sitting down in it, supporting your weight, it again reinforces the idea that it’s a material object with mass, just like the rest of the viewable Universe.

However, if you could put the Chair under a Super-Powerful Microscope, you’d discover it’s actually nothing more than a highly active, electrically charged mass of photonic particles. Yes, the Chair is made up of Light (photons), and when you sit in it, you’re really sitting on a Cloud of Light. And, in reality, the amount of actual Light Particles are so sparse that the majority of the chair is 99.999999999% empty space. Yup, nothing at all.

Weird, huh??? … But, totally true.

In fact, if it weren’t for the Highly Energized, Photonic Particles swirling around due to positive and negative magnetic polarity are Physical Universe wouldn’t exist at all.

To better illustrate my point, take a Ceiling Fan with its blades whirling around in a circle, overhead. Looking at it, you get the illusion that the blades are one solid circle. Turn up the speed on the fan, and it really looks a lot more like one solid circle. Also, if you were to stick your hand in the spinning blades.



Yup, you’d get your hand whacked, but the fan would temporarily stop & you'd realize the Fan Blades are not One Solid Circular Object. Same is true if you turn off the Electricity, and the blades stopped, you could then easily stick your hand up in the circular path, in-between the blades, and not worry about getting struck. In fact, most of the area within the circular path is empty space with the actual fan blades occupying a smaller area.

With this Ceiling Fan Concept in mind, this is exactly how our Illusionary Universe, that in reality hardly has any real matter in it at all, works.

So, to trace this Light Chair back to its True Origins, let’s look at it one level below what you can see with the Naked Eye. At this stage of composure, the Observer, can see the Chair is actually made up of near countless Bundles of Molecules, clinging together.


Now, let’s look a little deeper, and into one of the Chair’s Molecules, and amplify the Magnification, & what would you see?

That’s right, ATOMS!


Again, just like at the higher Molecular level, there’re are nearly countless numbers of Atoms clinging together to make up even one Molecule.

Going even further inside of a single Atom, you’ll see it’s comprised of Nucleus (Center) full of tiny bundles of Neutrons & Protons(+). And, orbiting around them are a score of Electrons(-).

And, when you examine this Atom even closer, you suddenly discover that most of it is EMPTY SPACE. That’s right, the only solid part of an ATOM is the nucleus, where the positively charged Protons are found, and this Nucleus is incredibly small in comparison to the orbits of the circling Electrons. In fact, if an Atom was the size of a basketball, its Nucleus would be too small to be seen with the naked eye.

Also, to put it into perspective, according to, if you were to take all of the True Solid Matter of the Human Race, it would neatly fit into a container the size of an ordinary Sugar Cube.


Yup, that’ right…. The Matter of the Entire Human Race could fit inside a Sugar Cube.

So, why do objects feel solid? …. If my hand is mostly empty space, along with everything else in the Universe, then why can’t I push it right through the Chair?

And the Answer is: Objects feel solid because of Electro Magnetic Force.

The Atoms in my hand have equal numbers of negatively charged Electrons and positively charged Protons. The Chair has the same. And, just like when you try to touch two magnets together, by their same poles (-) & (-), the Electrons in my hand are repelled by the Electrons (-) in the Chair. Hence, I cannot pass my hand through the table. This Electric Force makes the table feel like a solid object, even though in reality, it’s mostly empty space.

So, getting back to the main topic, Do We Live in a Holographic Universe?

To this, I’d have to say YES!!! B/c when you break down an Atom to its Sub-Atomic level, you’d see its made up of nothing more than Strings of Light Energy called Photons.

Therefore, the entire Universe is made up of almost completely Empty Space, and what little real matter there is in the Cosmos, it’s actually made up of highly Energized Light particles that cling together, giving us the Illusion that we’re living in a Solid Physical Universe.

Now, if that isn’t Strange Enough… At the Subatomic level, Scientists have proven, through the Double-Slit Experiment, that if a person observes a photon, it’ll change its movement. This is what Einstein called “Spooky Movement” & a concept that he knew was true but could never wrap his head around it…. Basically, it’s the condition where Human Consciousness itself can alter the movement of Matter at the Photonic Level. Check out Dr. Quantum’s video

In summary, Not only do we live in an Illusionary Holographic Universe, but in one that we can actually change by simply observing it.

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Hi jjyeshua - thank you for your post. I appreciate it! ... However, I am just not convinced with the Flat Earth Theory. I would like to be your friend, though. Please follow me @doctormegazilla... & I'll follow you back.

There Is no curvature and the motion of the Earth has never been proven once. The current model Is clearly a lie and If you look In to It properly you will come to that conclusion. I started to look In to this four months ago after two months I realized the Heliocentric model Is a Jesuit lie.

I'm not attached to Flat Earth but the current model Is only accepted through brainwashing It Is not backed by the scientific method.

I personally think the holographic nature, is the nature of the cosmix matrix. It is not the framework of the deeper reality.

You can break down the subatomic protons, neutrons, and electrons into even smaller pieces of quarks and whatnot. Then you can break those down into vibrating strings of energy that are sometimes in loops and sometimes stretched out straight. The energy field interactions are the only reason you couldn't compress all matter into a zero volume point in space. So there really isn't anything that is truly 'solid.'

All that said, what we do in this universe is still incredibly important to what is outside it. I can't explain why, but I just know it is. Call it a hunch if you will. There is an incredible purpose that all this happened and one day we will experience why.

Hi Patriot-Thoughts - Loved your post! ... Yes, you are Totally Correct about breaking down atoms to the Quantum Level of String Energy... I was afraid some readers would start to tune-out if I broke down matter to anything beyond Photons... I just wanted to keep it simple.... Also, I fully agree with you that beyond understanding the science & mechanics of the Universe that there is a Greater Purpose to It.... Not sure if your a Spiritual person, like me, but I believe that We Souls come into this Dimension to have Learning Experiences in order to expand our Consciousness............

Anyway, thanks for being my friend & I look forward to your Future Posts!

Think some of the better questions are what now? Does it change the way you live? More and more people are starting to believe in the fact that the world is are simulations and trying to break out without even realizing the bigger picture. Take the movie the matrix for example, it's a very good reflection of reality that we know today. Breaking out is easy but how many times will you break out before you break free. Just some thing to think about.

Hi Wandering Sage - Thank you for your Thoughtful Post! .... YES! I couldn't agree more... Regardless if we live in a Real Universe full of Solid Matter, or if we live in a Holographic Universe, the REAL QUESTIONS We should be looking at are:

Why are we here?

What can we do to better serve our Purpose?

Personally, I believe we are here to learn lessons, which can mean we have to face Adversities, Pain & Suffering to help us expand our Universal Consciousness...

For me, I like to think that Things Happen for Us... & ... Not to Us.

With this in Mind... I'm trying to Accept All Situations, whether Good or Bad, with an Open Heart & Mind, and to Look for the Deeper Meaning behind them. Also, during my Daily Silent Sitting, I like to meditate on how I could have better conducted myself and what the Universe was trying to teach me.

Anyway, I'd Love to be Friends with You. Please follow me @doctormegazilla... & I'd be delighted to Follow U back.....

Peace to All Beings....

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