Jeff Sessions and the feds are ramping up to steal your stuff. Private property rights be damned!!

in #news7 years ago

Once in America, we had a presumption of innocence. Now all it takes is the feds having a 'suspicion' for them to steal your stuff.


While the MSM is focusing on the Russian collusion non-issue, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is working to modify the civil forfeiture process, in a way that will effectively remove your presumption of innocence.  The fed's will get new tyrannical powers.  They will have the power to take your stuff, under the guise that "the money" was guilty. We don't need to live in a country where the feds have that power. Presumption of innocence and private property rights are critical differences between America and every socialist paradise you have ever known and loved, including Venezuela, Cuba, and China. Let's keep those important differences in place. 

But unfortunately, Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to steal from you. He calls it “civil forfeiture.” But what it is, is theft by the law enforcement agencies. Sessions should be ashamed. Under “civil forfeiture,” law enforcement can take property from people under the legal fiction that the property itself is guilty of a crime. It was originally sold as a tool for going after the assets of drug kingpins, but nowadays it seems to be used against a lot of ordinary Americans who just have things that law enforcement wants. It’s also a way for law enforcement agencies to maintain off-budget slush funds, thus escaping scrutiny.

Getting close to the point that I won't be able to convince myself to give Trump the benefit of the doubt much longer.  We need to drain the swamp in Washington. And we need a change agent like Trump to get that done. But this new push by Sessions is going in the wrong direction. How many more civil rights should we have to lose, just to give time for Trump to finish the swamp draining that is so badly needed?

Trump may end up as a one term president, based on the stupid stuff he lets his direct reports in his cabinet get away with.

Please upvote if you found the post interesting.  Please upvote if just found out about the feds push on Civil Forfeiture laws, under which you will no longer have the presumption of innocence, and private property laws will not apply to your stuff, if the feds decide they want to take your stuff.



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Civil Asset Forfeiture is one of the nastiest things to come out of the federal government in quite some time. It quite literally criminalizes cash.

All the more reason we need cryptocurrency.

Criminalizes much more than cash. Hmmm, I don't think you look like you could afford that RV you are driving, I'm grabbing your RV and claiming you must have got it through drug deals

True, good point. However, at least with the RV, they aren't really presuming your guilt on average. I mean, they can, but unlike cash which they pretty much just take now, at least an RV leaves you some "plausible deniability".

It's a very messed up legal situation.

I wish Trey Gowdy were Attorney General.

That would have been a better outcome in my opinion.

Sessions got a special concession as a favor returned for being first to support Trump publicly on the campaign trail.

Sigh , the government already takes from us without us knowing , and I wouldn't be shocked if they start taking it in front of us too. Honestly I'm tired of Trumps bullshit , he's not helping the nation , he's destroying it with his "business mentality"

Sessions is the one pushing civil forfeiture. For full context, Loretta Lynch was also pushing civil forfeiture as Attorney General. Neither party is clean on this topic. Neither party is in line with average American's best interest on this topic

Better attorney = better results

At least they de facto admitted they can't do a damn thing about the slow stateside reversal of cannabis prohibtition. We'd be living around alpha centauri if it weren't for that massive waste of resources. "Here's a paycheck and a pension if you chase people for associating with a plant" multiplied by 5 million.

damm this Gov. take everything

Damn even, double damn

Asset forfeiture has been around for a long time now. It keeps getting bigger as police stuff their pockets with free shit.

How to serve a warrant: 1972 versus today, by Lt. Harry Thomas

Canadian Government Warns Citizens to Watch Out for US Police Robbing Them

Wyoming Governor Vetoes Asset Forfeiture Bill, Because Asset Forfeiture ‘Is Right’

Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year

I have hundreds more links on the subject... Law enforcement in this country is all about money and suppression.

Not a positive situation

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Civil asset forfeiture is absurd. All they have to do is come up with a reason, valid or otherwise, and they can take your property. And even if you're not found guilty, or even charged with a crime, they don't have to give it back. Most people think this only happens to drug dealers, but it's been an issue for ordinary Americans for years. Sad to see we're going backwards on this issue.

Agreed. Very sad that this is going backwards

''Innocent until proven guilty,'' isn't that how it's supposed to be... As for Trump, he is nuts, that is for sure. But still seemed like a small chance for a push towards change. Which in all honesty he still might. Not due to his policies, but because his attitude and things he is doing help people wake up to what is going on in the world. I mean who else than trump is more obvious in its actions xD

You lose "innocent until proven guilty" with civil forfeiture.

Trump's potential value is as a change agent. He will lose ability to make many changes if he continues dribbling away his already declining support base

If only we could have another JFK...

JFK would be in the Republican party of today. He is far too logical and centrist to be in current Democrat party. His philandering would have been a serious challenge to Trump's accomplishments in that arena

Who knows, maybe Trump has a hooker every night behind the scenes :P

trump.. never had a good eye on that guy.. What did the people choose for?

Trump has many issues. Egotistical, blowhard, pussy grabbing, narcisisstic, etc.

But also many positives: not part of Washington good ole boys club, change agent, business experience, understands that business is NOT the enemy of American people, willing to listen to, understand and support the little guy; and lots of common sense.

Common sense - you have to enforce your borders - you can't have illegal drugs pouring over your border

Common sense - most of the business deals made under Obama were very very bad for the average American.

Common sense - Obamacare was/is going to collapse. It was designed from day one to collapse, and Hillary was supposed to win and give us universal health care.

Bottom line why Trump won - he didn't. HILLARY LOST. She lost by being the most corrupt politician to ever run for office. Lying, cheating, persumptious, haughty, out of touch, never saw a special interest she wasn't willing to pander to, willing to sell out America and Americans to line her own pockets, deceitful, disgusting.

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