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RE: Stealth, Ledger Nano S, BlockPay, graphenej, Smartcoins Wallet... Weekly Report

in #news7 years ago

@kencode An amazing post like your earlier ones. BitShares is going to be in a lot of controversy as takeovers and sudden chain shifts are controlling its primary asset valuation. However, it can become a stable one when it gains a critical price point decision with respect to the dominating market valuation coins.

Also, the mass acceptance of USB hardware/cold wallets like Ledger and also developments in the BlockPay chain are important just before the SegWit announcement on 1st August.
@kencode Sir, what's your opinion on the Segwit and dominant blockchain decisions (tentatively on 1st August, 2017)?


hmm, well i think if bitcoin incorporates both lightning network AND segwit, it still won't be as fast or scale anywhere near to where the Bitshares platform was over 2 years ago. and Bitshares lets you use any coins you want, so why people refuse to look at more than 1 chain is beyond me. never put all your eggs in one basket i always say.

In my research this morning I learned of the influence and backing of the btc core team, i.e. blockstream and MIT. Not good. I am highly distrustful of direction core team will go, regardless of any tech they may produce. Don't think a split will be good for btc, on the otherhand neither will the globalist / statist interests backing core. Time to find a safe haven. I know where that will be for me.

man i am hearing a lot of negative stuff about blockstream lately. even alleged ties to bilderbergers. blockstream produced confidential assets (ca) tech which is what we have shifted to for Stealth instead of using the slow ass libsnarks tech. if you want true zero-knowledge transactions though, there isn't much better out there than ca. open source reveals all too, so it's not like they could sneak a backdoor in there.

Hmmm... Didn't know that was origin of ca. Good it's open source, so it's in YOUR hands to vet the code and insure it's safe and doing what it should.

The other thing is there's more to blockstream than the tech as I mentioned. Tech is just a tool, can be used for good or evil. The intentions of the humans that wield the tool are what I'm suspect of. Look at what those major investors in blockstream have done in the past, and don't assume they care about personal liberty.

With all the rhetoric it's difficult to find the truth. "They" have had centuries of practice hiding their plans and agenda from the public. Here is one article with some facts about patents I found to be quite enlightening concerning Maxwell's position: Here is the core post of his on reddit concerning ct and ca:

The larger reddit thread is worth a read. Unfortunately the very tech you're hoping will be useful for bts stealth is where Maxwell admits they have 2 patents. The controversey is due to a red herring deflection by blockstream's Maxwell saying they don't have patents on segwit, diverting attention from ca & ct. Moreover, it shows blockstream's willingness to involve patents.

You are well versed in the implications of IP for disruptive crypto tech. It was the primary core of the hostile takeover attempt by "you know who". Don't allow it to get a foothold via blockstream patents either.

Bilderbergers do not care about us having any personal liberty.

Good or evil, that is a damn good point! Even though the NSA may have been behind Tor, I know a lot of guys who still use it for good, even though it may have originally been designed for evil.

oh, and the patent thing.. yeah that's all i frign need. we work on bringing stealth to the bitshares platform via Blockstream's CA technology and they look for someone to sue. Bitshares is a decentralized autonomous community (DAC) though, so if they do merge our code, then I guess that eliminates our liability, right?

the beauty of open source is that anyone can fork, tweak and compete though.. true agorism :)

Yeah. Just a friendly reminder if Blockstream intends to use the power of patent law to claim CA is their IP and is their basis for demanding a license fee (or worse, send you a cease & desist order to stop using any code that includes CA), it would render all your hard work worthless.

Another important point made in that article is that preparation for patents is all done in private and remain private until the patent is granted (if the author doesn't want it public). So the claim that BS is not interested in patents for this or that could be reversed down the road.

Just be cautious man. I know from reading your reports how great an improvement CA is over the libsnark approach, but not if it will compromise stealth down the line via some legal trickery of patent law.

I know this isn't news you want to hear as it makes your job harder, but consider the ramifications before you embed any code you didn't author.

Wel then...
Is there a Lawyer in da house?

I would be happy to pay 500 SBD (is that enough?) to get it in writing from BlockStream that we can use their CA technology in Stealth without having any of those problems (or future problems they might come up with for us).

500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD 500 SBD

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