in #news6 years ago

While the mainstream news media and the likes of Al Gore continue their assault on our senses with their claims of global warming, the real existential threat to humanity goes relatively ignored except for a few independent-minded individuals. Those agencies arguing for manmade global warming have been caught on several occasions rewriting climate history, inputting temperatures in place for regions without temperature data and putting a great deal of emphasis on the predictions of their models, even though the models have over and over again failed at all their predictions.

DATAGATE-an audit of temperature datasets

CMIP models versus observations.png

Then there was the misuse of radiative forcing which they suggested a cold object could radiate heat to a warm one thereby heating it up.

In this image of NASA's Climate Budget, they claim 350 watts/m^2 of heat radiating from the Earth and using the Stefan-Boltzmann equation, the amount of blackbody radiation is 342 watts/m^2. The problem with this is the Stefan-Boltzmann equation was derived to be used with solid bodies and not atmospheric gasses. It is not logical that thermal conductivity aka thermal radiation would not be influenced by molecular forces including bonding and molecular weight. The absurdity of the result at normal temperatures shows that the equation does not properly represent nature.

Furthermore, Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille who built the most powerful MRI machine was told by theoretical physicists that it was impossible due to Kirchoff's Law on Blackbody Radiation. He has written a refutation of said law which, as of this date, has received little attention. Why? Not only did he prove them wrong with the MRI machine he built, but he showed through experimentation that this foundational law of science upon which many more foundational equations of science are built upon, to be wrong.

Add to all this the lack of reproducibility for the Hockey Stick Chart that claimed to show historical temperatures based on proxies indicating that the 20th C was the warmest in the past thousand years. The foundations of science are reproducibility which is lacking in much of science these days, not just climate science and the success of a model's predictions. Failed predictions represent a failed model. In other words, this argument for manmade global warming is based on pseudoscience.

There is no denying that there was global warming. It was a cyclical event and when we look at ice core data we can easily see cyclic patterns of global warming and global cooling.
temp.co2 relation 420,000 years.gif
Not only does this graph show that the rise and fall of atmospheric Co2 is driven by temperature, but it also shows cyclicity on many scales. Cycles repeating approximately every 80,000-100,000 years. Actually, if we look closely, it shows the closer to present on the graph the longer the period of cooling in between the warm peaks which to me suggests that the next cooling phase may even be longer. The thing is, we cannot know for sure as climate is not linear and we have no idea what may happen in the future that will affect our climate. Something happened 12,500 years ago that dramatically affected our climate and to many theorists, it was extraterrestrial in origin.

In this image, we see that post a sudden warming after the end of the Glacial Period which is then followed by another warming around 8000 years ago, the planet has been cooling. What makes this time period circa 12,500 years ago an interesting one is that it is the time that Plato claimed, based on Solon that Atlantis sank, 10,000 years ago was when Gobleki Tepi was buried. The geological record shows this to be the time that megafauna in North America was wiped out as was the Clovis Culture. There is a layer of black ash in the soil of N.A. which suggests everything was burned to a crisp. Whatever happened 12,500 years ago it was a cataclysm that has not been seen since that most likely gave birth to all the flood myths around the world.

Here we see that though we reached warm temperatures in 2016 that eclipsed the Medieval Warming period, the temperature difference between the two was only 0.2* Celsius. This hardly seems like something to be considered a big deal especially as we have no standard of deviation to go by. In the big picture, such a difference may just be noise in the data and arguably, it is a mean temperature, in other words, it does not represent any single location and when we consider the degree of temperature variability at any one time on the planet, 0.2* C is nothing to be concerned with. Also, take note, the planet has been warming since the end of The Little Ice Age and it is this warming of the seas over the last 250 years that has caused the release of Co2 trapped in the oceans to populate the atmosphere increasing concentrations to the present level of 410ppm. The last temperature spike was 2016 and since then the temperature has been decreasing rapidly. The 0.8* Celsius warming that the corporate media has tried to blame on humanity has in last two years been offset by some 75% and presently sits at 0.28* Celsius above baseline, slightly up from two months ago where it was 0.18* C above baseline.

The world is not burning up. It will not be by fire that humanity will face its greatest climatic threat in centuries, but by ice.

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Compiled and written by Freddie Thornton


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